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My best experience with S1BBET SIBBET ( s1b.org ) - the best betting site in Europe
And now I'll tell you in order: on this site s1b.org I've been putting it up for several months now and the site has proven itself well. The conclusions are quite fast, the support responds quickly too, even giving a personal manager. In general, the coefficients, as elsewhere, are somewhere better, somewhere worse. But I would like to mention a really good situation, which shows that this platform is worthy of attention. When withdrawing using USDT, I made a mistake in the wallet address and requested a withdrawal...
1 год назад
Our meeting in Riga
Es nogalināju nedēļu, lai pareizi sarūsētu pārsegu, pa ceļam man izdevās sarūsēt Gāzes tvertnes lūku un pārtaisīt standarta eņģes, jo vecās plastmasas tika apsietas. Tā rezultātā līdz piektdienas vakaram automašīna bija ar sarūsējušu Gāzes tvertnes lūku un jaunu optiku, un sejas lifts kreisais spogulis, kas pēc negadījuma pazuda, Motora pārsegs palika garāžā, man nebija laika izgatavot spārnu...
1 год назад