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1 год назад
popular sumo game in Japan. Sumo is played by two wrestlers who have to push each other out of the circle. Participants of the competition should wear a loincloth belt - mavasi. Wear swimming trunks or tight black shorts under lavasi. The wrestler wins, who forces the enemy to touch the dohyo with any part of the body outside the sebu-dawar; * the wrestler wins, who forces the enemy to touch the dohyo with any part of the body outside the sebu-dawar; the wrestler wins, who...
1 год назад
Tsunamis are large waves that are formed as a result of the strongest impact on the water column in the ocean or sea. The average wave height is 10-40 metres. They spread the tsunami at speeds up to 900 km/h. The consequences of the tsunami are human death, destruction of buildings. The largest tsunami was in December 2004 in Indonesia. A huge wall of water fell on this country and claimed about 300,000 lives...
2 года назад