THE EXHIBITION THAT MAKES YOU THINK Kids are unable to imagine their life without sweets like photographers can't live without being inspired by various sort of things. They're capable of discovering attractiveness even there where it's not supposed to be. This fact makes their projects so unique. I've recently visited an adorable photography exhibition, which literally "cried out": "You're responsible for your the only life, so enjoy it with all enthusiasm you have!". And such slogan was shown in the pictures of the nature. They made such a powerful affect on visitors, especially the gigantic photo in the centre of the main wall. A black jaguar with eyes of emerald colour was gracefully standing on the cliff in front of the waterfall. The sense might be seem simple, but it's really deep, to be honest. The short paragraph under the picture stated: "Wildlife is the only reminder of freedom. Value things you have and don't complain if you haven't. Be free. Be yourself." I really appreciate the idea of the exhibition. I suppose it's relevant and necessary for everyone, especially those who have lost themselves. Judging it fairly, I haven't noticed any disadvantages. Everything, from the idea to the implementation is impressive. I'd thoroughly recommend people to visit the exhibition since they'd definitely be pleased with a visit and come home in completely another mood.
1 год назад