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THE EXHIBITION THAT MAKES YOU THINK Kids are unable to imagine their life without sweets like photographers can't live without being inspired by various sort of things. They're capable of discovering attractiveness even there where it's not supposed to be. This fact makes their projects so unique. I've recently visited an adorable photography exhibition, which literally "cried out": "You're responsible for your the only life, so enjoy it with all enthusiasm you have!". And such slogan was shown in the pictures of the nature. They made such a powerful affect on visitors, especially the gigantic photo in the centre of the main wall. A black jaguar with eyes of emerald colour was gracefully standing on the cliff in front of the waterfall. The sense might be seem simple, but it's really deep, to be honest. The short paragraph under the picture stated: "Wildlife is the only reminder of freedom. Value things you have and don't complain if you haven't. Be free. Be yourself." I really appreciate the idea of the exhibition. I suppose it's relevant and necessary for everyone, especially those who have lost themselves. Judging it fairly, I haven't noticed any disadvantages. Everything, from the idea to the implementation is impressive. I'd thoroughly recommend people to visit the exhibition since they'd definitely be pleased with a visit and come home in completely another mood.
1 год назад
THE OUTSTANDING TRAVEL Important to say that my narration is a part of my imagination and has never experienced in real life. Well, my story starts in London where I met a shy and not a well-known journalist. Everything happed in the local cafe called "wooded slopes". The journalist ( he's name is Мalone) looked so frustrated that I couldn't sit by. Introducing myself as a biology teacher, I asked him about the misery. The reason of his disappointment was the work: Malone was supposed to write a magnificent article and, to did this, he had to interview professor Challenger, who was famous for inhuman aggression and violence. Being really interested in this extraordinary story, I decided to help Malone, as I had heard of the professor and found him really intelligent. The post will be so long that you must be bored if I continue describing how we persuaded Challenger to cooperate with us. The point is that he finally agreed! It turned out that Challenger was convinced in the existence of unknown world. So Malone and I fit in the professor's expedition. We were heading towards Amazon, South America. To say that our adventure was simple would be a huge mistake due to unique creatures we met. I couldn't imagine that they really existed and still don't believe our luck to find " The Lost World"! Not only did we see dinosaurs, but also sketched iguanodons which were really cute, to be honest! The further we walk, the more dangerous our trip became. We hardly stayed alive, facing with man-apes — they were much more violent than Challenger as we found out. Wish I only read about them in the encyclopedia and nothing more. I also took a few plant species to show them my students. I guess, it's time to make a conclusion. To sum up, it was overall a great experience. My team and I explored a particularly new part of the Earth! We did an outstanding job. Hope you found my story absorbing. (Based on the book "The Lost World", Conan Doyle)
1 год назад
A gap year
I think each student wants to have a rest after passing all their exams. I know how it might be hard when you throw yourself into a particular complex thing and you must be satisfied, proud of yourself, however... All you want to do is lying in your bed watching some funny videos. Nothing more. That's why the gap year exists! Students have a great opportunity to investigate themselves, find what they would like to do. As I'm keen on travelling, I'm persuaded that it's the best way to spend your gap year! And in this post I'm going to tell you about a brilliant program "Semester in Central America"...
2 года назад