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Приключения голландца в России
Друзья, я приветствую вас на своем канале " Приключения голландца в России"! Меня зовут Питер и я из Роттердама. Я с радостью буду делиться с вами историями моих путешествий , интересными моментами жизни на две страны в Нидерландах и России. К сожалению мой русский язык недостаточно хорош, поэтому мой канал будет пока на английском языке! Буду рад новым друзьям и подписчикам! Моя страница на YouTube: www.youtube.com/...ukg
2 года назад
Best moment! Picture of the day.
2 года назад
A sunset tells us what we are and where we should head to. It's a spiritual guide powered by Mother Nature and one that we should never neglect.
2 года назад
Foxes from another world, mysterious and raw!
I went several days to the beaches of Kurshskaya Kosa national park in the North to Zelenogradsk. Every late afternoon there are wild foxes standing along the road of the only road in this this long and thin stretched peninsula. The foxes are asking for the food from people going home, that have leftovers. I stopped several times too to make photos and video. I compared the photos and every time it is another fox. So many foxes learned to do this. I tried to handfeed a fox like I saw somebody do before...
2 года назад
For many of us, sunset is almost like a religious moment - a sacred natural experience that repeats itself every day.
2 года назад
Amber hunt on the beaches of Zelenogradsk
Kaliningrad and in particular Zelenogradsk (Cranz) is about amber. A lot of amber is found near the beaches and sold in the many tourist shops. On the beaches you always see people bent over searching for amber. I tried to find some myself and it is not so easy as it looks! I found only small pieces, but the hunt is the fun of it. Sometimes not the destination is the nice part but the journey! The bigger pieces are found by professional in the sea. Amber is the result of dripping raison from the Pine trees...
2 года назад
Kaliningrad is a Russian city with a German past
Today I visited Kaliningrad. I have been many times to this city, which is near Zelenogradsk, where I live when I am in Russia. Kaliningrad was a German city before WW2. The name was Konigsberg, like Zelenogradsk was called Cranz. The region was called “Ost Pruisen”. That’s why a lot of German history, art, names and architecture are present in Kaliningrad. There are a lot of German wood skeleton houses which has this typical look. After the Germans were defeated in WW2, the city was renamed to Kaliningrad...
2 года назад
As a Dutchman I am trying to understand the culture(s) of Russia. I discovered that I can only reach it by the hearts and souls of the Russians. Although Russia got really beautiful architecture, art, ballet and rich history, the real Russian culture I will only discover by meeting and interacting with its people and as Russia is so big, with so many cultures, it will take a long journey, maybe a lifetime to discover this mighty and beautiful country!
2 года назад
Why do Russians not smile?
As a foreigner in Russia, I noticed that personal in shops are not smiling at clients. It surprised me, as in the west, personal are very politely smiling at costumers. Maybe this is fake smiling, in the west a lot is fake anyway, but getting a smile, makes you smile back and that makes you feel good and polite. Smiling is part of the service level that shops provide in the west. I tried to use humour and jokes to lighten things up, but whatever I did, it was not working. Personal react like they are tired and if they got a bad mood every time is encounter them...
2 года назад
Друзья, я приветствую вас на своем канале " Приключения голландца в России"! Меня зовут Питер и я из Роттердама. Я с радостью буду делиться с вами историями моих путешествий , интересными моментами жизни на две страны в Нидерландах и России. К сожалению мой русский язык недостаточно хорош, поэтому мой канал будет пока на английском языке! Буду рад новым друзьям и подписчикам! Моя страница на YouTube: www.youtube.com/...ukg
2 года назад
2 года назад