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Danielle Bernstein as a Fasion Influencer
Danielle Bernstein — she is an american fashion influencer and creator of fashion-blog with brand 'WeWoreWhat'. Danielle was born in 1992 in the town Great Neck, New York. She was grown in a family where father was a businessman. Her real parents got divorced. In 2010th she graduated from William A. Shine Great Neck South High School. After that she started studying in Fashion Institute of Technology in New York. She left her college for it. Just because she wanted to provide more time to her blog and make a carriere out of it...
2 недели назад
Charitable Habits
Hello! Today I'd like to talk about charitable habits, what organisations to donate people choose, and what's the difference between different generations? Charity is a serious matter that requires effort and money. If one person wants to spend money on charity, the amount of his money for it is from one thousand rubles to ten thousand. But if it's a group of people, the difference of amount changes in 7 times. What organisations does children and adults choose, and what's the difference? During...
3 месяца назад
Tsunami. Caused by an earthquake.
Hello. My name is Ilona and today I want to tell you about massive earthquake, that caused a whole tsunami. On 26 September 2004 a major earthquake started in Indonesia, Indian Ocean. People named it "Sumatra–Andaman earthquake". The magnitude reached 9 and caused a huge tsunmai from the Indian Ocean. The tsunami was 30m high. It's also called "the Boximg Day tsunami" because it happend after the day Boxing day was...
5 месяцев назад
Stressful situations
Hello! My name is Ilona. And today I'd like to tell you about my stressful situations which I hate. I have a lot of strange things and situations in life that I hate. But I somehow deal with them! Even if it's really hard and not good for my mental stability. And I hate fact that I can't concentrate on work I am doing if something bad about my grades or etc is being in my head. Eveything is hard! Also I have another problem! With managing my time. Everyone wants to go for a walk, or play computer...
9 месяцев назад
Social media habits
Hello! My name is Ilona and today I'd like to tell you about my social media habits and many more about my life in the internet. Nowdays we all use internet for some things. Maybe it's chatting with someone or posting, sharing. All of us doing this everyday! My maximum time in the phone is 4-5 hours a day and the most time is in social media! But mostly I like chatting in telegram and watching TikTok's! Sometimes I download games on my phone, if I'm getting bored fastly. But we are all changing, so we need to change our profiles! I change my profiles very often in telegram or tiktok...
10 месяцев назад
How I Met Your Mother.
How I met your mother — it's an american comedy & drama sitcom, that was created in 2005. The story is about, how main character — Ted Mosby tells his children in 2030, how he met their mother, and his story with best friends Marshall, Lily, Barney, Robin. You can also view more information on the wikipedia - https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Как_я_встретил_вашу_маму Or on Fandom wikipedia - https://how-i-met-your-mother.fandom.com/wiki/How_I_Met_Your_Mother_Wiki Ted Mosby tells his children all details between 2005 and 2014, what he did with his friends, and how it all was going...
10 месяцев назад
Samara Luka.
Samara Luka-State natural national Park on the territory of Samara Luki(river). Located in the Samara region. Samara Luka is located in the foothills of the Volga.I think, this is a very beautiful place to visit. Mountains , hills and view on the sky. The national park Samara Luka opened in 1984. By decision of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR on the basis of Zhigulevsky. It was one of the first parks in Russia. In Samara Luka there is hot summer. And cold winter...
10 месяцев назад
Jyväskylä is a big town in Finland. It's very beautiful and adorable. It's very interesting town , with a lot of events . And yummy food. So, there is an interesting museum called Air Force Museum. Finnish Air Force Museum shows Finnish aviation history from its beginning, 1918 to the present days. The Main exhibition consists of aircraft, engines and aircrew equipment which has been used by the Finnish Air Force. You can see оld planes , helicopters , and them in our 2021. This is a very beautiful and bright restaurant called Teeleidi...
10 месяцев назад
Delivery club🍟
Hi there! Today I'd like to invite you to work in Delivery club. We need to meet in McDonalds. ~We need people from 14 y.o. to 55y.o. ~Need to have bicycle or scooter. We will see, how many money you deserved. Because of fines (if you will get them) or you can earn more, if you work hard. (bonus award= 5000 rubles.) Delivery club works like this: You see in a special app address of customer and someone in McDonalds gives you their order...
10 месяцев назад
Yellowstone National Park.
Hello everyone! Today I'd like to tell you about Yellowstone National Park. The first thing,but one of the most important, is that Yellowstone National Park is the first world National Park. It was founded on March 1, 1872 and is located in the United States, in the states of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. And it's also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. I'd like to go there on Summer because Summer is the hottest season of the year and also I have a lot of time to travel only on Summer! In fact, weather in Yellowstone on Summer is warm and calm...
10 месяцев назад
Traditional clothes of South-Korea.
Hi !! Today, I'm going to tell you about South-Korea traditional clothes. South-Korea - it's a nice country, with it's own history, traditions, history. Traditional Korean clothing is called hanbok. Fan fact: various details of the wardrobe, such as chogori and paji, were often sewn from similar fabrics of different colors, which made it possible to collect original costume combinations. Meanings of all colors you...
2 года назад
Bungo Stray Dogs - Land of Lustros
Hello everyone. Today I'd like to tell you about my two favourite manga's and theirs blurb. First is Bungo Stray Dogs by - Kafka Asagiri Nakajima Atsushi was kicked out of his orphanage, and now he has no place to go and no food. Dazai Osamu - the man from the detective agency picked him up, and them both went to the special place.. Where Dazai need to catch up the guy with ability, which can make person stronger and turn into a white tiger. People with this ability can turn into a tiger very easily by standing under the moon...
2 года назад