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Can Astrology Mercury transit Predict Bitcoin Price Cycles?
Could figuring out Bitcoin price cycles be as simple yet complicated as astrology? When Mercury is in retrograde, it appears to be traveling backward through the night sky. This occurs just three times each year. During these phases, “coincidences can be extraordinary.” The planet is said to rule communication, travel, contracts, automobiles, and the like. Since Mercury first went into retrograde on February 16, Bitcoin has collapsed by 25%, the stock market saw the worst drop since the last recession, and coronavirus fears have spun completely out of control...
4 года назад
What happens when we meet someone and marry a person with the same zodiac sign as us?
What happens when we meet someone and marry a person with the same zodiac sign as us? On the other hand, you may become swoon by this person because they are exactly the same person you are! And I don't mean they do everything you do, but they might enjoy the same hobbies, movies, ideals about life, etc. Here's a summary of What you need to know about the same sign zodiac compatibility when you marry someone who has the same Zodiac sign What Aries Needs to Know about Aries Aries, your greatest weakness (and sometimes strength) is your inability to lay down your weapons and work for peace...
4 года назад
PISCES 2020 Love Horoscope and Monthly Horoscope base on planetary transit
The year ahead will be an active social year, but not an especially romantic one. It’s more about friendships and group activities than about romance. There are a few reasons for this. The Eastern sector of self is, overall, the most dominant sector in your chart this year. While the Western social sector will strengthen as the year progresses, it will never be stronger than the Eastern sector. In addition, your 7th house of love and romance is empty –only short-term planets move through there...
5 лет назад
How You Make Friends, According to Your Zodiac Sign
Making new friends as an adult can be difficult, to say the least. With no welcome weeks, field trips or parents forcing kids to invite everyone to their birthday party, it’s easy to find your social circle growing smaller by the day. Everyone faces their own unique challenges when it comes to making new friends, whether it be a painful shyness that keeps people at a distance or an overwhelming gregariousness that prevents more intimate connections. But don’t despair! Everyone is capable of overcoming the hurdles and making new friends; it’s just a matter of playing to your strengths and mitigating your weaknesses...
5 лет назад
Which Zodiac Signs That Love To Be On Top In Bed
There's a reason "what's your sign?" is a frequently asked question when it comes to flirting and dating. Your zodiac sign affects many aspects of your personality, behaviors, and instincts and can offer insight into what makes you tick and why. This, of course, translates to sexuality and sexual preferences, so it's no surprise that there are absolutely specific zodiac signs that love to be on top in bed. Different zodiac signs approach sex in different ways — some prefer sex to be emotional and connected, while others prefer sex to be purely physical...
5 лет назад
Ever wonder which type of partner might be most likely to cheat?
Ever wonder which type of partner might be most likely to cheat? Well, it turns out the stars might have a say in the matter, as pairings of certain zodiac signs might butt heads and be unfaithful more so than others, based on differing love compatibility, personality traits and values. Of course, don't ditch your significant other simply because the zodiac says so, but keep the warning in mind. You may not be so shocked if things start to go sour. 1. Aries and Taurus These two are instantly attracted,...
5 лет назад
What is the keyword to start a perfect conversation according to your Zodiac Sign
The conversation starters and ways that you can break the ice with each zodiac sign, per astrology. The art of communicating was never easy. It's not easy to strike up a conversation with a stranger. If you're a shy person with a zodiac sign that is more introverted than others, you understand. Perhaps it's as easy as understanding someone's astrological sign. If you want to know what topics to break the ice with, look further at the list below for each horoscope sign's favorite topic to talk about...
5 лет назад
How you might be able to cure your unhappiness according to your Zodiac Sign
Certain zodiac signs are more prone to unhappiness especially idealistic signs like Sagittarius and Pisces who are way too idealistic sometimes but forget that rainy days exist in reality. However, each zodiac sign will probably fall into the victim of gloominess at some point in their life whether it is severe or mild. It’s important to note that you can and will overcome your darkest moments. ARIES To cure her unhappiness, an Aries should try taking on hobbies that don’t include a lot of people (or any at all) like running...
5 лет назад
What hurts you the most according to your Moon zodiac sign
Astrology gives us some clues as to what hurts a person’s emotions. But the answer does not lie in the Sun sign, which pretty much everyone looks up to understand someone better. It’s actually a person’s Moon zodiac sign that has a greater effect on how a person feels and reacts emotionally to things. For instance, a typical Aquarius Sun horoscope sign might not be that emotional but if he or she has a Pisces moon, that would definitely make them very sentimental. So without further do, let’s find out what hurts him the most according to his Moon zodiac sign...
5 лет назад
What your magical trait base on your Zodiac Sign
Being pretty isn't just something physical. You can be pretty – and even beautiful – based on something that's not on the surface. In fact, some of the prettiest qualities are things that you can't see on someone's face. Think about what you admire most about a person. Is it the way they know how to strike up a conversation with just anyone? Is it the way they know how to stick up for themselves and how much confidence they have? Whatever it is that makes this person special to you, those qualities that you admire so much are what make that person pretty...
5 лет назад
The 5 signs tend to be more relationship-minded.
"Some zodiac signs carry more independent characteristics, and others are more prone to compromise and collaborations," "Likewise, certain signs rely on solitude and quiet contemplation to center their energy, while others prefer the company of another to bring them home."  according to astrology, the following five signs tend to be more relationship-minded. 1 Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Taurus is a practical and grounded sign who looks for a partner who makes sense. As a fixed sign, they can be resistant to change, which means they tend to seek out partners interested in something long-term...
5 лет назад
Good Luck, Optimism For the Month Ahead
Find out your personalized Good luck optimism, Click here ---->>> General trends affect any kind of mass behavior. For example, it is possible that certain kinds of business activities (perhaps stock market...
5 лет назад