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Family scenario.
The destiny of each of us is determined by our ability to think and treat everything that happens around us correctly. Everyone decides how to live as a child. This is his life scenario - a plan that is formed in early childhood under the influence of parents. We are influenced by family scenarios, beliefs, and prejudices, "family myths". The family scenario contains established traditions and expectations for each person, which are successfully passed on from generation to generation...
5 лет назад
Where happiness hides.
To find happiness, you have to understand first, but what makes us miserable? Hurt, guilt, loneliness, fears, rejection, addiction and so on can everyone continue this list. Maybe if we allow the reasons found, happiness will appear by itself?...
5 лет назад
"We are the architects of our family."
What could be more beautiful, more exciting, more intimate than a sincere declaration of love? Do you remember this magical trembling of butterflies in your stomach, contemplation of the mole on the loved one's share our deep gratitude for the support at a difficult moment for you? And you probably remember that when you say the three words you cherish, you also recognize that you are now vulnerable to this person. From now on, your heart is open to happiness and pain that you may experience...
5 лет назад
Waiting for the same man.
The psychologist's article about the most important feeling is reciprocity: I once read that love arises between a man and a woman at once and at the same time. And I agree with that. Everything that happens not synchronously is different, but it is unlikely that love will grow out of it. You can argue that you know a lot of couples, where at first she loved and married herself strongly, and then the man, after years, somehow got over it and started to love his wife. Or a man loved a woman...
5 лет назад
The Internet almost ruined Lydia Stepanovna's life.
It all began with the fact that the husband of our heroine began to pay less attention to her. The morning tingling for the ass stopped. Previously, there were from five to ten tweezes in the hour when Ivan Stepanovich was going to work, now there was always zero. And it was these tingling marks that were the measure of love and passion for many years. Then he grew a beard. The beard wasn't as good as it used to be - it was a rare red beard, for God's sake, like a goat's. When my husband ate...
5 лет назад
Three secrets for a good relationship.
The path to a man's heart is not difficult. Fulfill these 3 of his needs and he will be yours in the long run. Women often ask me what guys are looking for in their relationships with women in their lives. And although they can understand how simple guys are, they are still usually surprised by the simplicity of my answer. In general, men are looking for three things when they are involved in a romantic relationship with a woman: 1) Sex 2) Comfort 3) Friendship And that's pretty much true...
5 лет назад
Self-actualization and self-expression.
Self-actualization actually means self-expression of a person's creative abilities, his or her innings, and talents. In fact, this need is much more important to the individual than the need for food or safety. Although the concept of self-actualization articulated in his famous pyramid by psychologist Abraham Maslow has shaped many human views, the definition of self-actualization has been vague. With this in mind, psychologists Krems, Henrik and Neil began in 2017 to develop a series of...
5 лет назад
A happy marriage is better than any psychotherapy.
"In modern culture, marriage can be the most popular form of psychotherapy. We all seem to believe that marriage will change our lives and make us feel better about ourselves. Our loved one will make us strong when we feel weak, comfort when we feel alone. It's a magical union, the one that has the ability to transform reality" (Aguste Napier). Marriage based on love and trust can heal old emotional wounds more effectively than the most successful therapy. At best, psychotherapy creates the warm and mutual understanding that we face...
5 лет назад
Why are we so concerned about what others think of us?
Most of us are too concerned about what people around us think of us. We are afraid to look ridiculous, stupid, or too vulnerable in our eyes. Embarrassment and associated shame arise when we violate a society's moral code or expected standards of behavior. In this way, we feel embarrassed and ashamed when we are convicted of misconduct. These emotions arise when we wonder how badly others should think about us. Embarrassment and shame, of course, no one likes to experience. But they often serve a useful purpose...
5 лет назад
Ghostly beauty.
A movie. I like to talk about movies. But I like to live the movie, even more, to feel it every inch of my body, to feel my soul teleporting to other lives. Cinema is a great invention, and films with a soul are always a source of strength. Movies allow you to be a fantasist and an actor without looking back at your own conscience. In my collection of films about family and motherhood replenishment. The film "Ghostly Beauty" suddenly burst into my life, turned upside down all the emotions,...
5 лет назад
Dreams from childhood.
Somehow I was tired of all sorts of marathons and other creative races during the winter, that I approached with some skepticism to the beginning of Masha Olendar's text about the new project. After reading the text several times, I thought that once a month, you can dig inside yourself and support your friend. After all, it's a good thing, aimed at improving the quality of life of people. And it's cool. And Masha is also good. That's why I've been doing a lot of digging in my memories chest. If...
5 лет назад