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Gemstone formation Part 2
An important source of precious material is secondary sediments such as sand and gravel. They contain not only minerals deposited as a result of erosion of primary erupted rocks, but also minerals such as sapphire, ruby, spinel, brought from metamorphic rocks. The alluvium is used to mine a significant amount of diamonds, but in addition to this precious mineral, productive gravel probably accounts for about half of the total gemstone production. Sand and gravel are varieties of sedimentary rocks...
5 лет назад
Gemstone formation Part 1
Beauty is one of the three main advantages of perfect gemstone. It is the beauty that is noticed first, and, of course, it can be considered as the main of the three qualities, because beauty, due to the color or transparency of the stone or a combination of these properties, attracts the human eye to the stone. These qualities are closely related to the structure of the stone; therefore, gemstones (except for opal and turquoise, which are valued as ornamental stones) are the most beautiful examples of crystals that nature is capable of...
5 лет назад
Jewelry stones
Subtype 1-1. Transparent stones: Group I - 1 – 1. Hardness 10 — diamond; Group I -1-2. Hardness 7-10 — corundum, beryllium, tourmaline, Garnet, chrysoberyl, spinel, Quartz monocrystals, Topaz, Euclase, phenacite, zircon, cordierite, Andalusite, staurolite; Group I-1-З...
5 лет назад
Collection stones (minerals and nativw elements)
Collection stones are samples of minerals and mineral aggregates of scientific and educational interest, as well as of decorative and artistic value. Educational collection material is used as visual aids in teaching at schools, technical schools and universities. It includes representative samples of various minerals, rocks, and ores. These samples should be visual and typical, with well-defined diagnostic features. Another type of collector's stone is intended for scientific research, as well...
5 лет назад
Collection materials
All kinds of minerals and rocks can serve as a collection material, but few of them are decorative. The main decorative collection material can be divided into four groups with some conditionality: 1) separate crystals; 2) Druze, crystalline and hidden crystal aggregates; 3) minerals in the rock; 4) highly decorative rocks; 5) organic remains. Collection material represented by separate crystals includes: amethyst (Ural, Ukraine, Chukotka, Transbaikalia), ruby and almandine (Ural, Baltic Shield),...
5 лет назад
Collection History
The first information about the national collection is connected with the period of Peter the Great's transformative activity — the construction of the stone capital on the Neva, the discovery of ores and gems in the Urals and Siberia, the creation of the Kunzkammer, to which he was given a small personal collection of stone products. Later on, palace museums were established, where mineral collections were also located. Minerals collection, as well as mineralogical knowledge, was in fashion. One of the first mineralogical collections, as A...
5 лет назад
The names of the gems
The origins of the names of the main gemstones, which are still widely used today, date back to ancient times, and since they were used long before the mineralogical sciences were separated into a separate branch, mineralogy, the meanings of these names differed from time to time. If jewelers had used names taken from mineralogy, there would have been no confusion or uncertainty, but it should be borne in mind that many of these names are unknown or at least unusual to people who are not involved...
5 лет назад
Some properties of gemstones are gems.
Beauty, durability, rarity — these are the three main advantages of this gemstone. Representatives of the mineral kingdom that find application in jewelry can be divided into three groups, depending on whether they are transparent, translucent or opaque. The first of these groups is by far the largest and most important, divided into two sections: colorless stones and colored stones. In the first of them, diamond plays a dominant role, because only it has the ability to radiate a wonderful fire...
5 лет назад
Classification of gemstones Part 2
1 order Jade, lapis lazuli, glavocolite, sodalite, amazonite, Labrador, rhodonite, azurite, malachite, aventurine, quartzite, rock crystal, smoky quartz, agate and its varieties, jasper, vesuvian, pink quartz, written granite; 2 order Lepidolite, fuchsitic slate, serpentine, agalmatolite, steatite, selenite, obsidian, marble onyx, datolite, fluorite, halite, graphite, lapis lazuli, Smithsonian, zoisite; 3 orders of gypsum, porphyry and partially decorative material — breccias, drain quartzites, etc...
5 лет назад
Classification of gemstones Part 1
Gemstones are classified according to a number of specific characteristics. Minerals are classified by origin — genetic classifications, by their composition, by their most characteristic element (e.g., minerals containing iron, tin, copper, etc.), by crystallographic features. At present, the most common classification of minerals is by chemical composition (by types of chemical compounds and bonds) taking into account their structural types. Classifications of gemstones and ornamental stones...
5 лет назад