1 прочтение · 4 года назад
История британского кинематогрофа. Часть 2
Этот недавний документальный фильм на ITV был очень спорным. Проект режиссера Пола Уотсона снял жизненный спад Малкольма Пойнтона, у которого в пятьдесят лет диагностировали болезнь Альцгеймера. Проницательная картина о болезни, которую невозможно остановить и контролировать, о её ужасных воздействиях на память и способность функционировать. О последствиях и боли близких, в лице жены Барбары, которая упорно продолжала любить своего мужа и заботиться о нём до самой смерти. Когда болезнь терзала ее мужа, бывшего музыканта и композитора, Барбара говорила: “Он уже не тот человек...
9 прочтений · 4 года назад
История британского кинематогрофа
Великобритания всегда занимала мировые лидерские позиции в кинопроизводстве, уступая только США по количеству и объему производимых фильмов. Каждый более менее культурно образованный человек наслышан о Британских актёрах и режиссёрах, которыми их страна очень и по праву гордится. Например, Чарли Чаплин, Майкл Кейн, Юэн Макгрегор, Альфред Хичкок, Александр Маккендрик и др. Первые годы британского кино. Считается, что в 1892 изобретателями кино стали французские братья Люмьер. Которые и привезли в 1986 году своё гастрольное шоу в Лондон...
2 прочтения · 4 года назад
В нашем обществе брендом может стать что угодно, будь то название марки, имя артиста, название города и даже просто любой человек. «Бренд – это любая этикетка, наделённая смыслом и вызывающая ассоциации», - пишет в одной из своих книг маркетинговый специалист Филип Котлер. Хороший бренд наделяет продукт неповторимыми особенностями, становится первоочередной ценностью компании. Хороший бренд тот, которого узнают среди прочих и которому доверяют. Даже продажи обычного апельсина станут выше, будь он помечен этикеткой бренда, зарекомендовавшего себя на этом рынке...
1 прочтение · 4 года назад
marketing terms 2
Goods Human needs, needs and demands suggest the existence of goods to meet them. We define goods as follows: A commodity is anything that can satisfy a need or need and is offered to the market for the purpose of attracting attention, acquiring, using or consuming. Suppose a woman feels the need to look beautiful. All products that can meet this need, we call the product range of choice . This range includes cosmetics, new clothes, resort tan, cosmetologist services, plastic surgery, etc.Not all of these products are desirable to the same extent...
4 года назад
marketing terms
Needs The initial idea behind marketing is the idea of human needs. We define need as follows: Need is the feeling felt by a person of a lack of something. People's needs are diverse and complex. There are basic physiological needs for food, clothing, warmth, and security; social needs for spiritual closeness, influence, and affection; and personal needs for knowledge and expression. These needs are not created by the efforts of Madison Avenue, but are the original components of human nature. If the need is not satisfied, the person feels deprived and unhappy...
6 прочтений · 4 года назад
The essence and basic principles of marketing
Marketing affects the interests of each of us every day of our lives. We Wake up when the radio clock “cacio” turns on a Michael Jackson song. In the bathroom we brush our teeth with Colgate paste , shave with Gillette razor, freshen our mouths with Listerine antiseptic , spray our hair with Revlon varnish, and use a variety of other toiletries and appliances manufactured in different parts of the world. We put on Calvin Klein jeans and bass boots . In the kitchen we drink a glass of orange juice “Minit-maid” , pour into a plate of crispy rice “Kellogg” and fill it with milk “Bordens” ...
8 прочтений · 4 года назад
I-concept in the works of S. L. Rubinstein and I. S. Kohn
S. L. RUBINSTEIN Sergey Leonidovich Rubinstein is a well-known Soviet psychologist and philosopher, one of the founders of the activity approach in psychology, the author of the fundamental work "Fundamentals of General psychology". One of the important methodological foundations of this work is the consideration of consciousness and personality from the standpoint of the principle of development. In his opinion, defining for the person as a whole are social, but not biological laws of its development...
3 прочтения · 4 года назад
Narcissistic correlates of leadership abilities
In psychological science, there are four main theoretical approaches to the study of leadership: behavioral approach, situational approach, approach from the perspective of personal qualities (traits theory) and integrative approach (synthetic theory of leadership). Initially in psychological science recognition received "theory traits" (sometimes is called "charismatic theory", from words "charisma"), which represents approach with positions personality qualities and focuses attention on innate and unique qualities leader...
1 прочтение · 4 года назад
Libido and communication
Freud referred to the drive that causes human activity among people, " the libido Relies on the satisfaction of the basic needs of life and chooses their participants as their first objects. And as for the individual, and in the development of all mankind, only love, as a cultural factor, acted in the sense of turning from egoism to altruism.” The libido, to which Freud separated almost all the forces of psychic existence, in my opinion, just solves the basic communicative problem, which comes from the instinct of communication...
3 прочтения · 4 года назад
Theoretical developments in the field of psychology advertising and public relations
When we want to communicate something, we have an image: what it will be, why we need it, to whom it will be transmitted and how it will be transmitted. Immediately we form expectations: how should the person or target group of people who have accepted the information react. Our image is not visible, not available, not clear to anyone but us. Therefore, we then directly encode the "semi-finished product" in a form that can be perceived by others. Here comes the second problem: how adequately do we encode information? How we ourselves are able to Express their thoughts...
2 прочтения · 4 года назад
In the beginning was ... the word
A very common, though debatable, view is that our thinking can be both verbal and nonverbal. Ferdinand de Saussure argued that language is a system of arbitrary, but at the same time socially conditioned signs that are realized in external or internal speech. According to some concepts, it is inner speech that is identified with thinking. Many outstanding linguists have dealt with the question of the relationship between thinking and speech, but this question remains open today. L. S. Vygotsky in...
4 года назад
A hypnotic approach
In hypnotic approaches are widely used the results of research, a surge which took place in the United States, after the second world war, when clearly defined interest in the manipulation of consciousness, especially in the field of advertising. The first conclusions drawn in post-war studies of purchasing behavior were as follows: first, people tend to make impulsive purchases. secondly, advertising does not change the beliefs of a person about their preferred product, but if this product is...