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Historical types of society: the civilizational approach. Culture and civilization.
The civilizational approach to the typology of the state is probably promising, but at the moment it is in the process of formation and in the educational literature there is no clear division of states into types by this criterion. Only the principles of such an approach are named. Thus, Prof. Vengerov, who has paid much attention to this issue in the educational literature, believes that the main feature of the civilization approach is that "according to the civilization theory, the type of the...
5 лет назад
The essence of public consciousness. Dialectics of social being and public consciousness.
One of the categories characterizing the life of society is the category of public consciousness. At the same time, there is no unity among scientists about this category. The problem is connected with different understandings of the initial concept - consciousness. The majority of representatives of classical philosophy shared the idea of consciousness as an identical concept of "knowledge". All we know is consciousness, and all we realize is knowledge. At the same time, modern psychology has faced the fact that not everything that relates to knowledge is realized...
5 лет назад
The structure of public consciousness. Ordinary and theoretical levels of public consciousness.
Public consciousness should be understood as a set of ideas, theories, views, feelings, moods, habits, traditions, reflecting the public being of people, conditions of their life, existing in the society. The subject considered at different levels of the community - humanity, state, ethnos, family, individual - corresponds to his or her type of consciousness. An individual- subject, logically completing the hierarchy of the structural organization of society, is always "rooted" in these or those...
5 лет назад
Freedom as a value. The problem of freedom and responsibility.
Freedom is a state of self-determination of a subject who chooses, relying on his spirit, goals, and means of activity and thus acts as a conscious and responsible creator. The more powerful a person is, the wider his or her possibilities are, the greater the good or bad consequences of his or her choice, the greater his or her "authorship" in the world and, consequently, responsibility. The value of freedom lies in the fact that it contains the possibility of purposeful development of the good...
5 лет назад
Skepticism as a trend of ancient philosophy
Introduction In the history of ancient philosophy, the following stages stand out: 1) the formation of ancient Greek philosophy (VI-V centuries BC; philosophers - Thales, Heraclitus, Parmenides, Pythagoras, Empedocles, Anaxagoras, Socrates, etc...
5 лет назад
The problem of social progress and its criteria.
The problem of social progress and its criteria. Progress is a form of development characterized by such irreversible changes in a phenomenon or an integral system, which results in their transition from the inferior to the superior, from the less perfect to the more perfect state. Having defined progress, it is necessary first to find out whose progress - that of an individual, a social group, a society or the whole of humanity - is it? This is far from an idle question because an individual's...
5 лет назад
Abstract on the history of Russian literature on the topic: Philosophy of M.A.Bulgakov
Introduction Some books can never be read, deciphered, solved to the end. It seems to me that Mikhail Bulgakov's best prose, especially his latest works, is one of them. M.A.Bulgakov did not write philosophical works as such. This applies not only to him but also to all Russian writers who created Russian philosophy through their literary works. Let's imagine ourselves in front of a mirror, or better yet, surrounded by many mirrors. Everything is as if in the palm of our hand, but something is eternally slipping away, and we want to look beyond this endless wall...
5 лет назад