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“Два сапога пара” in English? Learn something new and read a new joke!
"Two shoes is a pair?" NO, NO, NO So the correct option is: Cut from the same cloth - сделаны из одной ткани Or  Two peas in a pod - Две горошины в стручке #Joke 7 Jean and Mark were twins. They were ten years old, and they were in the same class at their school. A few weeks ago, their English teacher said to the children, “I haven’t given you any homework for two weeks, children. Now this week, write a composition about “Our cat”, and give it to me next Monday...
1 год назад
#Joke 6 An old woman lived alone in her house, because her husband was dead. She fell down the stairs and hurt her left leg very badly. She telephoned her sister, and her sister came to her house and took her to the doctoring her car. The doctor cleaned the leg and then bandaged it. After that, he said to the old woman, “Now, Mrs. Grace, this leg’s going to be bad for a long time. Don’t run up and down the stairs in your house for a few weeks.” Mrs. Grace visited the doctor every week for about a month, and then he said, “You leg’s quite well again, Mrs. Grace.” “That’s very good,” said the old woman happily. “I hated climbing up and down that drainpipe to my bedroom every day.” to fall down the stairs - упасть с лестницы to hurt -  повредить to bandage - перевязывать to run up/down the stairs - подниматься вверх/впускаться вниз по лестнице to climb - карабкаться a drainpipe - водосточная труба
1 год назад
#Joke 5
One day a rabbit walked into the butcher's shop and asked the butcher, 'Do you have any carrots?' The butcher replied, 'No, I'm sorry, sir, but this is a butchers' shop. We don't sell vegetables in here. Go to the greengrocer at the other end of the street. I'm sure he's got some carrots.' The rabbit thanked the butcher and left the shop. The next day the rabbit went into the butcher's shop again. 'Good morning! I'd like a lettuce and some carrots, please.' 'Look, I'm sorry, sir! I told you yesterday - we don't sell any vegetables in here, only meat...
1 год назад
#Joke 4 Mr and Mrs Smith were going on holiday to Spain. As usual there was lots of traffic on the highway, and they only just got to the airport on time. They parked the car, got out their suitcases, and took the bus to the terminal. At last they reached the check-in desk.  As they got there, Mr. Smith turned to his wife and said. "I wish I'd brought the piano with us !"  "The piano ?!??" she replied. "Are you stupid? We can't take the piano on the plane."  "No, I know. But I've just remembered that I left the tickets on the piano...."
1 год назад
#Joke 3
Bill and Joe are two long-distance truck-drivers. One day they are driving their 44-tonne truck on a small road in Europe, when they come to a bridge. "Oh look! " says Bill. "Look at the sign ! It says Maximum weight 20 Tonnes...
1 год назад
Joke #2 POLAR BEAR CUB:  Mum, am I a real polar bear? POLAR BEAR MOTHER:  Yes, dear, of course you are. POLAR BEAR CUB:  Really? POLAR BEAR MOTHER:  Yes, son. I’m a polar bear. Your dad’s a polar bear. Your grandparents are polar bears. Your sisters are polar bears. Your brothers are polar bears. POLAR BEAR CUB:  I know that, mum. But am I a real polar bear? POLAR BEAR MOTHER:  Of course you are. Be quiet and eat your fish. POLAR BEAR CUB:  But I’m not a polar bear, I’m sure. POLAR BEAR MOTHER:  Listen to me. You are a real polar bear. Why do you ask the same question again and again? POLAR BEAR CUB:  Because I’m freezing!
1 год назад
Sam left school last June. “You don’t like work very much, Sam,” his friend Paul said. “What are you going to do now?” “I’m going to study music,” Sam answered. “I’m going to go to a music college.” Sam went to the music college. But he did not study much. He played games and went to dances and enjoyed everything. But he never had much money...
1 год назад