20 interesting facts about radio 1. The first radiogram in March 1896 was sent by one of the most famous people in Russia — the Russian physicist Alexander Popov. It contained only 2 words: "Heinrich Hertz". 2. In 2009, the hypothesis that bacteria are able to generate radio waves was expressed by French virologist Luc Montagnier. The results of his research confirm the fact that this is possible. 3. The first experiments that contributed to the invention of radio were put by the American dentist Mahlon Loomis. Wireless communication was carried out using kites, which lifted two wires into the air. Already in 1868, he was able to transmit a signal over a distance of more than 20 kilometers. 4. The Eiffel Tower owes its "life" to the radio. It was built specifically for the 1889 World's Fair, and after 20 years it was planned to be dismantled. However, when the radio was opened, it was decided to install antennas on it for longer range and signal strength. This saved the current symbol of Paris. 5. The 1938 radio play based on the book by H. G. Wells "The War of the Worlds" caused panic in some US cities. Many thought they were listening to real news, where it was said that Martians attacked the Earth and burned down the White House. 6. In August 1942, several dozen Navajo Indians were drafted into the U.S. Army. They had a special responsibility to conduct radio conversations in their native language. Japanese military intelligence regularly intercepted radio messages, but they could not decipher them. There were no specialists in the whole country who knew the Navajo language. 7. The famous Nikola Tesla also invested his efforts in the development of radio communications. By the way, he patented a radio transmitter. 8. On April 18, 1930, the BBC listeners did not hear any news on the air, music was playing instead. As the announcers explained later, nothing worthy of the attention of radio amateurs happened that day. 9. Radio Day in Russia is celebrated annually on May 7. 10. A curious incident occurred during a duel of football teams in England in 1940. An impenetrable fog hung over the stadium, and the commentator could not even see the corner of the football field. At the same time, he was informed that the Germans were listening to the broadcast, and if they found out about the fog, they would immediately begin bombing. As a result, he did not show any signs during the match and commented on the match, starting from the reaction of fans in the stands. 11. Thanks to the radio, the word "hacker" appeared – the so-called crackers of secret passwords on radio stations. 12. The radio broadcasts of the famous announcer Yuri Levitan, conducted during the Great Patriotic War, were not recorded at the time of their conduct. But since they were of great historical value, their recording was specially carried out in 1950. 13. In the USA, until 2013, all major state radio stations were not allowed to broadcast on the territory of their own country. The whole point is in the decree that the state radio is aimed at propaganda, and the government is obliged to protect its citizens from any propaganda, even its own (interesting facts about the United States). 14. In the USSR, radio was at the peak of popularity — radio clubs operated at clubs, schools and universities, enthusiasts assembled receivers in an artisanal way. 15. Radio did not die even with the advent of the Internet, because it became possible to listen to it online without any receivers. 16. Birdsongradio radio station continuously broadcasts bird songs recorded 20 years ago by ornithologist Quentin Howard in his garden in Wiltshire. 17. The first broadcasting of radio on the Internet was started by Karl Malamud in 1993. The name of the station was "Internet Talk Radio". 18. At the junction of the 19th and 20th centuries, the steamship "Masens" was wrecked. During the rescue operation, radio communication was successfully used for the first time, thanks to which people were rescued from the sinking ship. 19. The fi
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