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1 год назад
Take one's mind off sth - отвлечься от чего-либо Playing video games after work helps me to take my mind off my work for a while – and sometimes that's when I get my best ideas. #enf_idiom
1 год назад
"Monk by the Sea" by Caspar David Friedrich depicts a small monk standing on a beach facing the vast sea and sky, conveying the insignificance of humans in the face of nature's power. The painting's somber mood invites contemplation of life's transience and search for spiritual meaning. Monk - монах Face sth - находиться лицом к Vast - бескрайний, необозримый Convey - передавать Insignificance - ничтожность Somber - мрачный Invite sth - располагать к Contemplation - размышление Transience [ˈtrænzɪəns] - быстротечность Search for sth - поиск чего-л. #enf_art
1 год назад
For what it's worth - как бы то ни было I'm sorry to hear you lost your job. For what it's worth, I think you made the right choice confronting your boss. #enf_idiom
1 год назад
Completed - завершённый Feature - изображать Serene - безмятежный Evoke emotions - вызывать эмоции Be notable for - быть известным, примечательным чем-л. Vivid - яркий Swirling - закрученный Brushstroke - мазок Suggest - означать Stillness - спокойствие In the foreground - на переднем плане Take a stroll - прогуливаться Overall - в целом Contemplate - созерцать
1 год назад
"Starry Night Over the Rhone" is a famous oil painting by Vincent van Gogh, completed in September 1888. The painting features a serene nighttime scene, with stars shining over the Rhone River in Arles, France. Many art historians believe that it's a celebration of the beauty of nature and the power of the natural world to evoke emotions in human beings. The painting is notable for its vivid colors and swirling, energetic brushstrokes, which suggest movement and life even in the stillness of the night. The stars and reflections in the water create a dreamy atmosphere, and the figures in the foreground, a couple taking a stroll by the river, appear to be lost in their own thoughts and emotions. Overall, the painting's message is one of beauty, mystery, and wonder, inviting the viewer to contemplate the power of nature and the human spirit. #enf_art
1 год назад
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1 год назад
Cut to the chase - перейти к самому важному, ближе к сути Hi everyone, we all know why we are here today, so let's cut to the chase. #enf_idiom
1 год назад
This idyllic landscape “The Portico of a Country Mansion, near Florence” painted by Hubert Robert, commissioned by a financier, Jean-François Bergeret de Frouville, a wealthy official whose older brother was the better known art collector Bergeret de Grancourt, who was one of François Boucher’s most enthusiastic patrons and owner of the significant portrait of his wife “Madame Bergeret”. Hubert Robert, The Portico of a Country Mansion, near Florence, 1773, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Country mansion - деревенский особняк Idyllic landscape амер. |aɪˈdɪlɪk|, брит. |ɪˈdɪlɪk| - идиллический пейзаж Commissioned - заказанный Wealthy - богатый Official - государственный служащий Owner - владелец #enf_art
2 года назад
This idyllic landscape “The Portico of a Country Mansion, near Florence” painted by Hubert Robert, commissioned by a financier, Jean-François Bergeret de Frouville, a wealthy official whose older brother was the better known art collector Bergeret de Grancourt, who was one of François Boucher’s most enthusiastic patrons and owner of the significant portrait of his wife “Madame Bergeret”. Hubert Robert, The Portico of a Country Mansion, near Florence, 1773, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Idyllic landscape амер. |aɪˈdɪlɪk|, брит. |ɪˈdɪlɪk| - идиллический пейзаж Commissioned - заказанный Wealthy - богатый Official - государственный служащий Owner - владелец #enf_art
2 года назад
Лексика из The Alan Parsons Project - Eye in the sky The tables have turned - идиома используется, когда ситуация полностью поменялась, произошла смена ролей When I first started at my job, I reported to Jaclyn, who was the Team Lead at the time. Now, after years of hustling and working hard, the tables have turned and she actually reports to me! Из текста: don't try turning tables - не пытайся переводить стрелки. That's how it goes - так обстоят дела; такова ситуация. Be worth doing sth - стоит сделать что-л. The film is well worth seeing. Read sb's mind - читать чьи-то мысли He nodded, as though he could read her mind and approved of her attitude. Cheat sb blind - обмануть кого-то без особого труда, "с закрытыми глазами" He can cheat you blind. Change one's mind - передумать, изменить своё решение Bit by bit, they were starting to change their mind. Deceiving - обманчивый Looks are deceiving. #enf_music
2 года назад
Лексика из The Alan Parsons Project - Eye in the sky The tables have turned - идиома используется, когда ситуация полностью поменялась, произошла смена ролей When I first started at my job, I reported to Jaclyn, who was the Team Lead at the time. Now, after years of hustling and working hard, the tables have turned and she actually reports to me! Из текста: don't try turning tables - не пытайся переводить стрелки. That's how it goes - так обстоят дела; такова ситуация. Be worth doing sth - стоит что-то сделать The film is well worth seeing. Read sb's mind - читать чьи-то мысли He nodded, as though he could read her mind and approved of her attitude. Cheat sb blind - обмануть кого-то без особого труда, "с закрытыми глазами" He can cheat you blind. Change one's mind - передумать, изменить своё решение Bit by bit, they were starting to change their mind. Deceiving - обманчивый Looks are deceiving. #enf_music
2 года назад