Найти тему
1) Frank's last case Version 1 Version 2 https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/general-english/story-zone/a2-b1-stories/franks-last-case-a2/b1 https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/general-english/story-zone/b2-c1-stories/franks-last-case-b2/c1 2) The devil's in the details Version 1 Version 2 https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/general-english/story-zone/a2-b1-stories/devils-details-a2/b1 https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/general-english/story-zone/b2-c1-stories/devils-details-b2/c1 3) The green wars Version 1 Version 2 https://learnenglish...
1 неделю назад
Russian is not that hard
1 неделю назад
В английском языке артикли представлены тремя видами: 1) неопределённый (indefinite article - a/an), 2) определенный (definite article - the), 3) нулевой (zero article), то есть отсутствие артикля. Благодаря артиклям выражаются оттенки смыслов, передаются нюансы речи, а знание всего разнообразия значений их употребления позволяет увереннее выражать свои мысли и свободнее общаться с носителями языка. Некоторые...
1 неделю назад
Reported speech practice
1.1 1.2 https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/grammar/b1-b2-grammar/reported-speech-statements 1.3 https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/grammar/b1-b2-grammar/reported-speech Interactive exercises: 2...
1 неделю назад
Spring time
Plants Plants flashcards Flowers game 1 Flowers set 1 Flowers set 2 Flowers match 1 Plants quiz Spelling check
1 неделю назад
Flashcards (dictionary)
1) Aa words 2) Bb words 3) Cc words 4) Dd words 5) Ee words 6) Ff words 7) Gg words 8) Hh words 9) Ii words 10) Jj words 11) Kk words 12) Ll words 13) Mm words 14) Nn words 15) Oo words Pp words...
2 недели назад
Poems or chants
Short chants and poems set 1 Happy Women's Day
2 недели назад
Happy Hearts Starter
I. a) Flashcards 1.0 b) Question cards II. Hands and feet Actions a) What's the word? b) Match the pictures c) Game III. a) 1,2,3 ducks b) Hot, cold, sunny c) Label the picture
2 недели назад
Three types of writing tasks with sample answers 1) Email writing 1.1) Complete the gaps 1.2) Correct the following mistakes 1.3) Past Simple vs Past Continuous 1.4 Email sample answer 1.5 Email task 01 1.6 Email task 02 1.7 Email task 03 1.8 Email task 04 1.9 Email task 05 2) Story writing 2.1) Past Simple vs Past Perfect 2.2) Stories examples 2.3) Beginnings and endings a) b) c) d) 2...
2 недели назад
Speaking practice
Information on Speaking PET Strategies Part 2 Photo description 1) 2) 3) Part 3 1) 2) 3)
2 недели назад