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Alexander Dugin
The Global Conference on Multipolarity in Paideuma.TV https://paideuma.tv/en/video/global-conference-multipolarity#/ The goal-setting motive of our world online congress is the actualization of discussion about multipolarity on a global scale at a high intellectual level. By multipolarity, we mean not just loyalty to the Westphalian system based on the recognition of national sovereignty, but the balance of "great space", states-continents that unite various peoples and political entities on the basis of belonging to a particular civilization - Chinese, Russian, Islamic, Indian, Western European, Latin American, African, etc. United under the auspices of the thesis that the peoples of the world are essentially thoughts of God, the event will feature politicians, experts, scientists, philosophers, journalists, writers and public figures from around the globe, including the states of East, South and West Asia, Pacific Ocean, Eurasia, Europe, Africa, South and North America. The meeting is organized with the support of Nova Resistência (Brazil), the New International Order Initiative (Turkey), the International Eurasian Movement (Russia), the Thinkers Forum (China) and the International Movement of Russophiles. We invite you to become spectators of the conference, which brought together representatives of various civilisations and cultures, embodying the diversity of the world. Our common goal is to imagine this coming, new and better world order, to propose its outlines, to formulate ideological principles - beyond the obsessive Western ideologies of the New Age.
1 год назад
8 часов назад
10 часов назад
𝗢𝗗𝗜𝗔𝗧𝗘 Intervista esclusiva ad Aleksandr Dugin, l'ideologo di Putin: "Ecco il nuovo ordine mondiale delle grandi potenze". Pace in Ucraina? "La chiede Trump, ma la Russia vuole vincere la guerra". Le inchieste e gli approfondimenti: dopo il buonismo è arrivato il cattivismo. Perché oggi in politica per vincere bisogna fare la faccia dura. 🗓 Dal 15 marzo in edicola e dal 21 in libreria
11 часов назад
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15 часов назад
Globalists are happy that not Trump's war becomes Trump's war. He is done, they think. Caught in the trap. No MAGA-projects, no JFK documents, no Epstein list. Continue to "fight evil Russians" narrative. Give still more money to fraud midget Zelensky. Great result of American Conservative Revolution... — Alexander Dugin https://dzen.ru/id/641c62de8f2fb34cd94d5713
15 часов назад
Bad move https://t.me/megatron_ron/8173
15 часов назад
Bad move https://t.me/megatron_ron/8175
15 часов назад
There are many questions outside of Ukraine to discuss between Trump and Putin. Not Trump's war started by globalists should not be the obstacle. — Alexander Dugin https://dzen.ru/id/641c62de8f2fb34cd94d5713
15 часов назад
Дугин: Капанът не проработи: Русия и САЩ може да проведат съвместна стратегическа военна операция Това, което се случва сега в Сирия е истински геноцид. Но е важно да се разбере какви са причините за това. Сирия е страна с много разнообразно население, с няколко етно-религиозни групи в доста сложни взаимоотношения помежду си. Но силата, ръководена от ал Джулани (сега се именува ал Шараа), която Байдън, вече загубил изборите, доведе на власт през декември 2024 г., е съставена от представители на една от най-радикалните ислямистки групи, ориентирани към радикален салафизъм. Става дума за идеологията, споделяна от Ал-Кайда и Ислямска държава, които са забранени в Русия. @pogled https://pogled.info/svetoven/dugin-kapanat-ne-proraboti-rusiya-i-sasht-mozhe-da-provedat-savmestna-strategicheska-voenna-operatsiya.179395
17 часов назад
19 часов назад
1 день назад
🇫🇮 Duginin tulkinta: Trump ja syvävaltion kahtiajako Donald Trumpin nousu Yhdysvaltojen presidentiksi ja hänen aloittamansa ”MAGA-vallankumous” ovat herättäneet laajaa pohdintaa siitä, mitä todella on meneillään Yhdysvaltojen politiikan ja yhteiskunnan syövereissä. Trumpin retoriikka ja politiikka ovat ristiriidassa vuosikymmeniä jatkuneen amerikkalaisen liberaaliglobalismin kanssa, ja hänen kannattajansa ovat julistaneet sodan niin kutsutulle ”syvävaltiolle”. https://markkusiira.com/2025/03/11/duginin-tulkinta-trump-ja-syvavaltion-kahtiajako/
1 день назад