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My dream gap year
1. Trip to Serbia Drinking coffee and finding a house to move in 2. Trip to London Enjoying the atmosphere 3. Trip to Denmark Visiting Legoland 4. Trip to Ireland Enjoying the landscapes 5. Trip to UAE Taking a photo near Burj Khalifa 6...
3 недели назад
Project 360
Project 360 is an environmental volunteer project launched in Eastern Siberia in 2011. It is considered one of the most widespread environmental volunteer projects in Russia. Over the past eight years, about 144,000 people have become volunteers for Project 360. Their efforts have removed and disposed of about 4,500 tons of garbage in various regions of the Russian Federation. Traditionally, the main event of the 360 ​​project – volunteer cleanup on the shores of Lake Baikal – takes place in early September...
1 месяц назад
National colours of Japan
In its homeland it is called hinomaru - "solar circle", it is a white cloth with a large red circle in the middle, personifying the rising sun. White, or "shiro" (白), is considered the sacred color of the gods. It symbolizes spiritual and physical purity. Black, or "kuro" (黒), is a traditional male color in Japan. In the past, it was the color of the samurai class, and is now used for formal occasions, including wedding attire. The color red, or "aka" (赤), is very popular in Japan. Red temples can be seen all over the country, and this fact has ancient significance...
4 месяца назад
Gianni Versace
Gianni Versace is an Italian fashion designer and founder of the international fashion house Versace, which produces perfumes, cosmetics, accessories, clothing. Was born in Reggio Calabria, Calabria, Italy on the second of december, 1946 He began his career in his hometown, in the fashion studio "Francesca Versace", which was owned by his mother. The main clients of the studio were representatives of wealthy families of the Calabria region - the wives of businessmen and top managers. Gianni helped his mother sew clothes, select accessories, and also supply fabrics...
5 месяцев назад
Emergency services
Hello everyone. Today I will tell you about emergency. So in Russia emergency number is 112. It is used all in Russia region. In Dmitrov if you want to speak to police officer, you should visit the local police station. The most important hospitals in Dmitrov are two, for children and for adults. There aren't any special rescue services in my area...
10 месяцев назад
(non-existent) Charities
Hello. Today I'm going to tell you about how much money people donate to charity. So in 2022 the news said that people gave around 27 750 000 000 dollars to someone or something who needs help and support. It is a really huge number. In general the most money donate major philanthropists, but regular families also help. The most generous people live in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Ufa and Kazan...
11 месяцев назад
Gaming culture
Today I aksed 4 people what do they think about gaming. It was an anonymous questionnaire, so I hope everyone told the truth. Let's see what we have. So absolutely everyone told that they respect gaming culture in general. This is cool. Then I asked about gaming community. 50% of asked told that they do not consider themselves to it. After that I asked can video games destroy someone's life. And this was by far the most interesting part. All people gave different answers. One person told that it...
1 год назад
About social media
I don't use social media often but i do spend quite a lot of time online, especially on weekends. I have more free time these days. But during weekdays I spend about an hour or two in the internet a day. I use only one "social media" app online - telegram. It's really useful and it works really well. I don't need more apps or websites because I'm not really interested in watching or reading about other people's life or any other things. In telegram I have everything I need without random garbage like instagram has...
1 год назад
Hawaii and surfing
So when someone goes to Hawaii you might think that the only things that you can do here is just sunbathing and swimming. But it's not true. In Hawaii you can also do some sports. Today I'll tell you about surfing here. A long time ago, when surfing was only borning, only kings could do it. But now as we know everyone can try it. Surfing is also popular California, Philippines, France and some other places. People who likes being in the sea or who just enjous waves like it. Millions of people in the world surf every day...
1 год назад