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My journey to self-love : Building myself [Inspirations from Buddhism].
Ok I guess you got it, I am trying to get inspired by philosophies I know to go back to my normal self/state. So I am trying to write down here what I know and am still relearning. Tonight its Buddhism , I mean its 3am, my sleeping pattern got completely fucked up this last month, and I slept at 9am the whole day yesterday( yeh wtf). I am a teaching assistant in a course (of 6 F hours) and I need to be there at 9am so guess who is not sleeping tonight? Yeh lets go Buddha! [HELP] I am feeling so much better now. I had a very difficult first month of 2025, got trigerred to all of my traumas, I started doing my shadow work...
1 месяц назад
The undiscovered self (Jung).
My notes from Jung essay. The individual face to massification : une quête de soi C.G.Jung explored the question of individuality and consciousness in a world where the masse tend to outshine the uniqueness of each individual. It starts like this : People think they know themselves, but in reality they are only aware of their ego(Conscious part, part that faces society and others), ignoring like this their unconscious self ( which he calls the shadow). > Real knowledge of oneself isn't about some general theories sciences developed about humans ( as species or as a part of the animal kingdom) but on recognizing that each individual is unique...
1 месяц назад
The Shadow
I have been through a difficult time the last few years, the last few months have been a little bit more difficult. A serie of events ( Carreer, Health issues and a situationship) somehow made me finally accept the fact that I can not run away from my demons anymore. and that its time to face my shadow. Shadow work is usually advised to be done when you are in a more or less confortable/stable situation in your life. Its not the case right now [Thats why I was avoiding thinking ..at all]. But life decided otherwise. To begin with how it started : I started noticing some patterns in my behavior...
1 месяц назад
Stoïcisme. Part 4.2 Trouver la paix intérieure et le choix.
Le tourment de l'âme est un problème humain. Les humains ont une propriété : Le choix. Le choix de dire oui ou non. Le dire de suivre notre instinct ou pas. Quand il y a trop de choix : l'embarras de choisir ,plusieurs chemins à suivre, on peut s'écarter, choisir de dévier de la trajectoire naturelle. Donc le choix [peut etre?] est l'origine de l'erreur. Choisir c'est renoncer [ a qlq chose, naturellement] Et renoncer c'est souffrir. Et quand on désire au-delà de nécessaire (à la.survie) nous désirons des choses qui nous sont parfois inaccessible, des choses qui ne dépendent pas de nous,L'origine du tourment : la capacité à choisir = la capacité de s'écarter de la bonne voix...
2 месяца назад
Stoïcisme. Part 4 Trouver la paix intérieure.
Quand vous souffrez,il y a toujours une raison. Cette raison peut ne pas apparaître comme une raison évidente, (enfouie). La souffrance est une réponse a qlq.chose. Toute est une réaction à une cause. Quand nous souffrons, la première question qu on doit se poser est : Pourquoi souffrons nous? Quelle est la cause dont souffrance est la conséquence, Donc 1 : comprendre la cause de notre souffrance. Et pck le.monde est régis par la.loi de la causalité et que tout est rationnel, il y a forcément une cause. Il y a toujours une raison. Alors pour quelle raison qui fait que nous souffrons y compris...
2 месяца назад
Stoïcisme. part 3
Point 5 L'univers est totalement rationnel. Si il est rationnel, il obéit aux lois de la logique. Il est donc compréhensible dans sa totalité. Si le réel est rationnel/logique L'Homme doit,dans la mesure du possible se conformer à ce modèle de rationalité. L'Homme en tant que partie de l'univers, Plus il se comportera comme l'univers,I.e de maniere rationnelle et logique, Plus il se comportera comme l'univers, et moins il sera soumis à la souffrance, à la frustration, à la tristesse. Plus il se rapprochera de ce modèle de rationalité ,plus il sera libre et plus il se rapprochera du bonheur...
2 месяца назад
Stoïcisme. part 2
Point 3 : Nos émotions nous rendent esclave. Elles nous empêche de comprendre la réalité. Pourquoi ils utilisent le terme esclave? Car on ne fait pas l'effort qu'il faut pour les maîtriser. Pour les stoiciens Le but de l'existence humaine c'est d'atteindre le bonheur et la sagesse. La sagesse est la CONDITION du bonheur. La sagesse est liée aussi à la connaissance , à la compréhension. Je comprends le monde > je l'accepte et parce que je l'accepte > je peux être heureux. PS : Jai une autre definition ou vision du bonheur , mais la je parle du pov de cette philosophie et non pas de ma...
2 месяца назад
Stoïcisme. part 1
This is a part of my journey on the way of searching for myself. And learning how to love myself. I have decided to take 2025 to myself only,I will not entertain any romance of any kind with anyone. and work on my physical and mental health + growth. For the mental and spiritual side, I have tried to watch videos suggested by friends, made by women who teach other women how to self love, make men obsessed with you and other techniques which I consider as manipulation techniques. I couldn't resonate with what they were saying(This is personal, you are free to do whatever you want), and I refuse to be anything else except myself in my interactions with people...
2 месяца назад
We suffer more in imagination than in reality.
2 месяца назад
Errare humanum est, sed in errare perseverare diabolicum
Often attributed to Seneca; this phrase means "To err is human, but to persist [in error] is diabolical." To Err -Make mistakes- is human, right? But we as humans also possess a consciousness [I am using this term in a very large context, as a neuroscientist, its more complicated , but I will not debate this topic here]. This " consciousness " helps us to decerns the good from the bad and that's how we can judge that that specific action was an error/mistake. In science, its called trial and error. Same thing, you make an experiment, try to test a hypothesis, make a mistake, try again. In...
2 месяца назад
Just thought about this line from Marcus Aurelius : You have to assemble your life yourself—action by action. And be satisfied if each one achieves its goal, as far as it can. No one can keep that from happening. —But there are external obstacles.… Not to behaving with justice, self-control, and good sense. —Well, but perhaps to some more concrete action. But if you accept the obstacle and work with what you’re given, an alternative will present itself—another piece of what you’re trying to assemble. Action by action.
9 месяцев назад
Unraveling the Depths of Sartre's Huis Clos: A Philosophical Reflection
In Jean-Paul Sartre's Huis Clos (No Exit), an existentialist masterpiece, we are thrust into the claustrophobic confines of a shared room in hell, where three tormented souls, Garcin, Inès, and Estelle, are trapped in an eternity of mutual scrutiny and self-inflicted torment. Garcin, a womanizer who reveled in manipulating others, finds himself confronted by the consequences of his actions. He grapples with the realization that his self-perceived freedom was an illusion, a mirage constructed at the expense of others' suffering. Inès, a woman consumed by a deep-seated need for external validation, embodies the destructive power of self-loathing...
9 месяцев назад