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Safety Tips For Celebrating The New Year
The New Year is just around the corner, so do not forget that it is during the holidays that you can encounter dangerous situations. During this period, the number of calls made to "112" in the Moscow region usually increases significantly. Follow the safety rules to avoid turning a fun celebration into an emergency. 1. Place Christmas trees away from any heat source, and secure them in a stand. 2. Buy fireworks only in specialised stores, carefully read the instructions before use and follow the safety rules...
2 года назад
Poll-112 on safety rules
As the New Year holidays are approaching, we remind you that it is crucial that you handle fireworks safely. There is always a risk of accidents, leading to fires or injuries. - Children must not be allowed to light fireworks and can only watch from afar. - Choose an appropriate area — it should be spacious and free from buildings, trees, and vehicles. - Spectators must stand at least 30 steps away from the lighting area. - Do not use fireworks during rain, strong wind, or snowstorm. - One should keep a fire extinguisher or a bucket of water in case of stray sparks or a fire...
2 года назад
69 million calls!
The total number of calls made to "112" since June 1, 2015 (the start of operation of System-112 in the Moscow region) has exceeded 69 million. Today the single emergency number "112" in the Moscow region receives more than 90% of all emergency calls...
2 года назад
Reasons to install the «112 MO» app
- You can call the necessary emergency services at the touch of a button. - If a call is made via the app, the operator of System-112 sees your location, which reduces the response time. - Conveniently search for the nearest units of emergency and governmental services on an interactive map. - Track the location of your loved ones. - If you call "112" to request an ambulance or an emergency gas service, you will see the route of the dispatched brigade on the map in the application and the estimated response time...
2 года назад
The main work principles of System-112 operators
Providing prompt assistance to each caller is the main goal of System-112 of the Moscow Region. If you need help, call "112"! The operator, if necessary, can call several emergency services to the scene at once — the police, ambulance, rescuers, fire brigade, emergency gas service, etc...
2 года назад
Fire safety in winter
In winter, the number of home electrical fires increases. This is a reminder of the safety measures to consider when using room heaters. - Check the serviceability of electrical wiring, sockets, plugs of the heater. - Do not turn on several energy-consuming devices at once. - Insert the plug firmly into the socket, otherwise the device may overheat and cause a fire...
2 года назад
Want to report an incident? Call "112"!
Use the most convenient way to reach System-112. 1. Dial "112" — the call is free from landline and mobile phones; 2. Send a text message to "112"; 3. Use the mobile application of System-112 of the Moscow region - "112 MO"; 4...
2 года назад
Safety rules for sledding
One of our favorite winter activities is sledding. However, it may also be dangerous. For your vacation to be not only pleasant but also safe, follow the rules listed below. • Children under the age of 3 should not go on a busy slide that is used by children aged 10 and over. • If the slide causes you concern, first go down the hill on your own, without a child. • Adults should stick around while their children sled, and help them land safely...
2 года назад
Ice fishing safety
With cold weather already here, winter fishing enthusiasts go on the ice. There are several safety rules to be followed by ice fishing enthusiasts take to prevent accidents. 1. Tell family and friends where you are going and when you plan to return. 2. Do not drill holes close to each other...
2 года назад
Call "112" if you witness an accident on ice
The number "112" has already received more than 10 reports about incidents on ice. Anyone can fall through ice — a fisherman, a resident shortening their path, or children playing on ice. Often this happens when the temperatures are fluctuating daily. Rescuers recommend not to panic, shed any heavy items you may be wearing, keep your head above water, and call for help...
2 года назад
It is important that clothing has reflective elements
Pedestrians, especially children, should wear reflective clothing to ensure they are always visible. At what distance will the driver be able to notice a pedestrian? 1. A pedestrian is almost invisible if they wear all black. 2. Wearing blue or red clothes, a pedestrian becomes visible at a distance of up to 24 meters. 3. Yellow or white clothing of a pedestrian will allow the driver to see them at a distance of up to 55 m...
2 года назад
More than 68,5 million calls were made to "112"!
Call the single emergency number "112" when you need help from the police, the traffic police, ambulance, fire department, emergency gas service, Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc. In addition, operators...
2 года назад