The apple never falls far from the tree?
There are plenty of examples: children are completely different from their parents. Parents are workaholics and children are lazy. The mother is head over heels in debt, and the son is thrifty. Casanova's father, and his son is monogamous.
Psychologists say: do not try to educate with notations, children will still unconsciously imitate you. But not everyone imitates, do they? Some, on the contrary, swear: "I will never live like my parents."
Whether you like it or not, you will believe in fate, in karma, in some kind of internal energy that either pushes a person to actions and activities, or makes him lie prone on the sofa. And the parental example is only 10% of the general factors of personality formation.
Two varieties of apples from one tree
My mother studied in the same class with a girl who became one of the largest businessmen in the city, owned several organizations. The daughter and son of this woman studied with me in the class. And what did I see? The son is excellent pupils and clever, and the daughter spent her days behind garages with high school students. 20 years later - he has a career, an apartment in Moscow, and his daughter still lives in the provinces, in complete disarray.
How can this be explained? What makes some people take their will into a fist and reach for the light, while others give up on everything, spend their parental savings and sink to the very bottom?
The veil of secrecy was opened by the wif
1 минута
8 декабря 2021