Knappast hade Sergei Ivanovich och Katavasov lyckats köra upp till Kursk järnvägsstation, som var särskilt upptagen med människor idag, och kom ut ur vagnen och inspekterade fotmannen som körde upp bakom med sina tillhörigheter, när volontärerna anlände i fyra hytter. Damerna med buketter mötte dem och, tillsammans med publiken som svallade efter dem, gick in på stationen.
En av damerna som träffade volontärerna, lämnade hallen, vände sig till Sergei Ivanovich.
- Kom du och hälsade på mig också? "Vad är det?"frågade hon på franska.
- Nej, Jag går själv, prinsessan. Att vila med min bror. Ser du mig alltid av? - Sergey Ivanovich sa med ett knappt märkbart leende...
Un appel retentit, des jeunes hommes passèrent, laids, arrogants et pressés, et attentifs à l'impression qu'ils avaient faite; pierre traversa la salle avec sa livrée et ses stiblets, le visage d'un animal émoussé, et s'approcha d'elle pour la conduire jusqu'au wagon. Les hommes bruyants se taisaient alors qu'elle passait devant eux sur l'estrade, et l'un murmurait quelque chose à son sujet à l'autre, bien sûr quelque chose de méchant. Elle monta une haute marche et s'assit seule dans un compartiment sur un canapé taché de printemps, autrefois blanc. Le sac, frissonnant sur les ressorts, se coucha,...
Ecology is the study of the relationships between living organisms and their environment. It is a field that encompasses everything from the smallest microorganisms to entire ecosystems, and it has become increasingly important in recent years as the world grapples with issues such as climate change and biodiversity loss. In this article, we will explore the basics of ecology and its relevance to our world today. What is Ecology? Ecology is the study of the interactions between living organisms and their environment. This includes not just animals and plants, but also fungi, bacteria, and other microorganisms...
The beauty industry is one of the fastest-growing and most lucrative industries in the world. With a global value of over $500 billion, it includes a wide range of products and services designed to enhance or alter a person's appearance. From skincare and makeup to hair care and cosmetic surgery, the beauty industry plays a significant role in shaping our society's standards of beauty and self-care. Skincare and makeup are perhaps the most well-known sectors of the beauty industry. Skincare products, including cleansers, moisturizers, and serums, are designed to improve the appearance and health of the skin...