Топонимы Цыбикова на английском из Brill
Перевод главного труда Г.Ц. Цыбикова на английский «Буддийский паломник у святынь Тибета» был выпущен Brill's Tibetan Studies Library. A Buddhist Pilgrim at the Shrines of Tibet. Brill's Tibetan Studies Library, Volume: 42. Advisor: John W. Emerich, Translator: Paul Williams https://brill.com/display/title/33921?rskey=wtBjNE&result=1 Аннотация Tsybikov was the first scholar with a European education to visit Tibet and describe its monasteries and temples as an eyewitness traveler and an objective researcher. Tsybikov had two distinct advantages: an ethnic Buryat he could travel as a Buddhist...