Discussion Assignment After viewing “the video "Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) - Preparing for the Future", provide one or two paragraphs in response to the following prompt. Once you have posted your response, be sure to respond to the postings of three other students.
For this assignment write at least 300 words answering the following prompts:
The video presents ESD through the global lens of several counties, including India, Finland, Canada and Ireland. Describe the current state of ESD in your local, state or national educational system and how developed it is in terms of the “Four Thrusts” of:
1. Access and retention through education.
2. Reorientation of education from development to sustainable development.
3. Awareness systems to build public knowledge for democratic change.
4. Training programs to share and build on best practices.
Discussion Requirements
Your Discussion should be at least 300 words in length. Use APA citations and references for the textbook and any other sources used; you should use at least 1 APA citation and reference, but you can use more if needed. Refer to the UoPeople APA Tutorials in the LRC for help with APA citations.
Discussion Responses
It is your responsibility to respond to three classmates by providing comments, asking questions, or having a conversation about their main post. Feedback should be appropriate, meaningful, and helpful. For instance refer to how your own experience supports/contradicts the opinions developed by your peers. If you think they are too general or not rooted enough in personal experience, you may also ask for more detailed examples supporting these opinions. In particular make sure that the examples provided are properly referenced and that you are able to access them. Overall, your comments should contribute positively to the conversation by broadening or clarifying it. Feedback should be at least 3-4 complete sentences. Discussion Rating
After posting an appropriate, meaningful, and helpful response to your three classmates, you must rate their posts on a scale of 0 (unsatisfactory) to 10 (Excellent). The rating scores are anonymous; therefore, do NOT mention in your remarks the separate rating score you will give the peer. The instructor is the only person who knows which score matches the comment given to a peer. Some classmates may worry that some peers will not provide a fair rating, or be unable to provide accurate corrections for grammar or other errors. It is the instructor’s responsibility to ensure fairness and accuracy. Please review and follow the guidelines on the discussion forum rubric for assessing your peer's responses to the Discussion Assignment.
Here are some questions to consider as we think about the feedback and rating to give our classmates:
1. Did the peer respond to everything asked by the assignment prompt?
2. Was the peer’s overall response organized and logical? Was it easy to follow and smooth?
3. Was it easy to understand the ideas the student was trying to communicate, or did you have to make assumptions to make sense out of what the peer wrote?
4. Did the peer use their own words, or if they borrowed from somewhere else, did they give credit to the source they used?
5. Were there consistent errors in grammar and punctuation that made it hard to understand or make sense out of the writing?
If at any time you suspect that a post in this Discussion Forum violates UoPeople's rules regarding plagiarism and/or any aspect of UoPeople’s Academic Code of Conduct, please notify your instructor immediately. Remember that your instructor will be reviewing responses, ratings, and comments. Your instructor will adjust ratings if he/she believes that they do not seem warranted or supportable.