Для решения задач учебно-тренировочных занятий используются следующие методы:
- методы регламентированных упражнений;
- игровой метод;
- соревновательный метод;
- словесно-сенсорные методы.
Методы регламентированных упражнений. Это самая многочисленная группа методов физического воспитания. Она включает методы обучения движениям и методы развития физических качеств. Эти методы предполагают наличие строго предписанной программы движений. Это точное дозирование нагрузки и контроль ее динамики, продолжительности и характера пауз отдыха между упражнениями, заранее определенный состав движений, порядок повторений. Методы регламентированных упражнений обеспечивают оптимальные условия для формирования двигательных навыков, умений и развития физических качеств, уровня физической подготовленности. Среди методов строго регламентированных упражнений можно выделить повторный метод. Повторный метод является наиболее универсальным методом физического воспитания, поскольку обучение движению и развитие физических качеств возможно только в результате многократной систематической работы.
Игровой метод. Характерными чертами игрового метода являются высокая эмоциональность, самостоятельность в выборе решений двигательных задач, многообразные взаимодействия между участниками в ходе игры. Эти особенности игровых ситуаций способствуют развитию как физических, так и морально-психических качеств участников игры. Игровой метод способствует снижению монотонности занятия. При этом игровой метод не ограничивается только общеизвестными играми в футбол, волейбол, теннис или самыми разнообразными подвижными играми. В принципе игровой метод может быть использован на основе любых физических упражнений, если из них можно организовать хотя бы элементарную идею или сюжет. Например, бег по пересеченной местности можно организовать в виде игрового соревнования на определенных участках трассы. К недостаткам игрового метода следует отнести его ограниченные возможности при обучении новым движениям, а также сложность дозирования нагрузки. Игровой метод следует применять при достаточном уровне физической подготовленности участников.
Соревновательный метод. Суть метода заключается в использовании соревнований как средства повышения уровня подготовленности участников. Главной особенностью данного метода является фактор соперничества, благодаря которому максимально проявляются функциональные возможности занимающихся. Обязательным условием соревновательного метода является готовность обучаемых к выполнению упражнений, в которых им предстоит соревноваться. Соревновательный метод позволяет:
- стимулировать максимальное проявление физических качеств и выявлять уровень их развития;
- выявлять и оценивать качество освоения двигательных действий;
- обеспечивать максимальную физическую активность;
- способствовать развитию волевых качеств.
Вербально-сенсорные методы предполагают широкое использование слова и сенсорной (чувственной) информации. Необходимые знания сообщаются в словесной форме, даются задания, анализируются и оцениваются результаты. Благодаря слову удается активизировать и углубить восприятие, мотивацию, скорректировать действия обучаемых.
Самопроизношение и самоприказы на основе внутренней речи способствуют более полной мобилизации обучаемого на выполнение учебного задания (например, «держи», «плавнее», «быстрее»).
Сенсорные методы обеспечивают наглядность. Но двигательное действие может восприниматься не только глазами, но и другими органами чувств. В некоторых спортивных движениях ритм играет важную роль. В этом случае используются звуковые сигналы или музыкальное сопровождение — благодаря слуховому анализатору они дают представление о частоте и ритме движения. В этом случае понятие «зрительность» включает слуховые ощущения, дополняющие зрительные.
Концентрация внимания на мышечных ощущениях, возникающих при различных вариантах выполнения двигательного задания, также помогает создать правильный образ движения. При использовании этого сенсорного метода важно объяснить, какие субъективные ощущения должны возникать при правильном выполнении движения.
The following methods are used to solve the problems of educational and training sessions:
- methods of regulated exercise;
- game method;
- competitive method;
- verbal and sensory methods.
Methods of regulated exercise. This is the largest group of physical education methods. It includes methods of teaching movements and methods of developing physical qualities. These methods assume the presence of a strictly prescribed program of movements. This is a precise dosing of the load and control of its dynamics, standardization of the duration and nature of rest pauses between exercises, a predetermined composition of movements, and the order of repetitions. Methods of regulated exercise provide optimal conditions for the formation of motor skills, abilities and the development of physical qualities in classes with people of different ages and levels of physical fitness. Among the methods of strictly regulated exercise, the repeated method can be distinguished. The repeated method is the most universal method of physical education, since teaching movement and developing physical qualities is possible only as a result of repeated systematic work.
Game method. The characteristic features of the game method are high emotionality, independence in choosing solutions to motor problems, and diverse interactions between participants during the game. These features of game situations contribute to the development of both physical and moral and mental qualities of the game participants. The game method helps to reduce the monotony of the lesson. At the same time, the game method is not limited to only the well-known games of football, volleyball, tennis, or a wide variety of outdoor games. In principle, the game method can be used on the basis of any physical exercises, if at least an elementary idea or plot can be organized from them. For example, cross-country running can be organized in the form of game competition on certain sections of the track. The disadvantages of the game method include its limited capabilities when learning new movements, as well as the difficulty of dosing the load. The game method should be used with a sufficient level of physical fitness of the participants.
Competitive method. The essence of the method lies in the use of competitions as a means of increasing the level of fitness of the participants. The main feature of this method is the rivalry factor, due to which the functional capabilities of the participants are maximally manifested. A mandatory condition of the competitive method is the preparedness of the trainees to perform the exercises in which they must compete. The competitive method allows:
- to stimulate the maximum manifestation of physical qualities and identify the level of their development;
- to identify and evaluate the quality of mastery of motor actions;
- to provide maximum physical activity;
- to promote the development of volitional qualities.
The verbal and sensory methods involve the wide use of words and sensory (sensory) information. The necessary knowledge is communicated in verbal form, tasks are given, results are analyzed and evaluated. Thanks to the word, it is possible to activate and deepen perception, correct the actions of trainees. Self-pronunciation and self-orders based on internal speech contribute to a more complete mobilization of the trainee to perform the training task (for example, "hold", "smoothly", "faster").
Sensory methods provide clarity. But the motor action can be perceived not only by the eyes, but also by other senses. In some sports movements, rhythm plays an important role. In this case, sound signals or musical accompaniment are used - thanks to the auditory analyzer, they give an idea of the frequency and rhythm of the movement. In this case, the concept of "visuality" includes auditory sensations, complementing visual ones.
Concentration of attention on muscle sensations that arise during various options for performing a motor task also helps to create a correct image of the movement. When using this sensory method, it is important to explain what subjective sensations should arise when the movement is performed correctly.
Sensory methods are varied and are not limited to the examples given.
Basics of teaching movements. The teacher gives students the definitions of "motor skill", "motor skill" to write down, reveals their essence and features.
A significant part of motor actions is learned by a person throughout life in a natural way (walking, running, jumping, etc.). In the process of physical education, they are improved and new ones are acquired.
Any motor action can be mastered by a person either at the level of ability or at the level of skill. When learning any motor action (physical exercise), the ability to perform it first arises, then, as it deepens and improves, the ability gradually turns into a skill. For example, a person tries to get on a bicycle for the first time and ride some distance. It doesn’t work right away, since he doesn’t know how to do it yet. After several lessons, he is already able to ride without falling, go around simple obstacles, brake, slow down or speed up movement, etc. - this will be called the ability to ride a bicycle. And when, in the process of multiple repetitions, a person perfectly masters the ability to ride a bicycle and it becomes habitual for him, the motor ability will develop into a motor skill.
Let's define the concepts of "motor ability" and "motor skill" in order to avoid confusion when these terms are mistakenly used as synonyms.
Motor ability is the degree of mastery of a motor action, characterized by concentration of attention on the movement itself.
Main features of motor ability:
- motor action is performed under mandatory control of consciousness. In this regard, the central nervous system gets tired faster than when performing habitual movements;
- the movement is performed with excessive muscular expenditure, individual elements of the actions are not yet sufficiently coordinated with each other. Therefore, the motor task is not distinguished by its effectiveness;
- the movement is unstable and unreliable;
- the negative role of confusing factors is increased (noise, fatigue, other environment, etc.).
The role of motor abilitys in physical education can be different. In some cases, skills are brought to abilities if it is necessary to achieve perfect mastery of a motor action. In other cases, motor skills are developed without their subsequent translation into skills. For example, some sections of the physical education program must be learned at the skill level. Improving a motor action with repeated practice leads to the development of fusion and stability of movement, to the automated nature of its execution, i.e. the ability turns into a skill.
A motor skill is such a degree of execution of a motor action, at which the control of the movement (movements) occurs automatically (i.e. with minimal control from the side of consciousness) and the actions are distinguished by the strength and reliability of execution.
Typical signs of a motor skill:
- automatism. In this case, a person, exercising minimal control over the movement, can concentrate his attention on other objects (in sports - on victory, in work - on productivity, etc.);
- the skill is characterized by perfect coordination of the work of the entire motor apparatus, the absence of stiffness, ease and coherence of all elements of movement, high efficiency of actions subject to mastery of rational methods of their execution;
- the skill is highly reliable, i.e. various confounding factors have a lesser negative impact compared to the ability;
- the skill is retained for many years. A classic example: having learned to ride a bicycle or swim, and these are complex motor skills, it is impossible to unlearn;
- mastery of a motor action at the skill level is caused by so-called complex sensations. For a swimmer, this is the feeling of water, a weightlifter - the feeling of weight, a boxer - the feeling of distance, impact, for a tennis player - the feeling of the ball, for a high jumper - the feeling of the bar, etc.
At the same time, the skill has one drawback under certain conditions. A motor skill formed with technical errors is very difficult to relearn. The common expression in life that it is easier to teach something new than to relearn something old is quite true for this case.
Exercises and training are of great importance in the formation of motor skills and abilities. The process of learning a motor action includes three stages.
The first stage is familiarization, the initial unlearning of the movement. At the first stage, the trainees become familiar with the basics of constructing a motor action and get a general idea of it. At this stage, it is necessary to eliminate gross errors and avoid long breaks in learning.
The second stage is in-depth, detailed learning, forming a motor skill. At the second stage, as a result of multiple repetitions, the movement is clarified. As it is mastered, the number of movements performed automatically increases, i.e., a partial transition of the skill into a habit occurs, initially fragile, requiring consolidation. The second stage ends when the integral movement is performed correctly under the control of consciousness.
The third stage is the formation and further improvement of the motor skill, the achievement of motor mastery. This stage can last a very long time, especially in the process of training highly qualified athletes.