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At the doctor's - У доктора на английском

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At the doctor's

Patient:  Good morning, doctor.

Doctor:  Good morning. What brings you here today?

Patient:  I've been feeling unwell for the past few days. I have a sore throat and a high fever.

Doctor:  I see. Do you have any other symptoms, such as a cough or difficulty breathing?

Patient:  Yes, I have a persistent cough and sometimes I feel short of breath.

Alright, let's check your temperature and listen to your chest. Please sit on the examination table.

Patient:  Sure.

Doctor:  (After examination) Your temperature is 38.5°C, which is quite high. Your throat looks inflamed, and I can hear some congestion in your lungs. It looks like you have a respiratory infection.

Patient:  What should I do, doctor?

Doctor: I'll prescribe some antibiotics and a cough syrup. Make sure to rest, drink plenty of fluids, and take the medication as directed. If your symptoms don't improve in a few days or if they get worse, come back to see me.

Patient:  Thank you, doctor. How long will it take to recover?

 With proper rest and medication, you should start feeling better in a few days, but it might take about a week to fully recover.

 Thank you. I'll follow your advice.

Doctor:  You're welcome. Take care and get well soon.


1. What brings you here today?
    Что привело вас сюда сегодня?

2. I've been feeling unwell for the past few days.
    Я чувствую себя плохо последние несколько дней.

3. Do you have any other symptoms, such as a cough or difficulty breathing?
    У вас есть другие симптомы, такие как кашель или затрудненное дыхание?

4. Let's check your temperature and listen to your chest.
    Давайте измерим вашу температуру и послушаем грудную клетку.

5. I'll prescribe some antibiotics and a cough syrup.
    Я выпишу антибиотики и сироп от кашля.

6. Make sure to rest, drink plenty of fluids, and take the medication as directed.
    Обязательно отдыхайте, пейте много жидкости и принимайте лекарства по инструкции.

7. If your symptoms don't improve in a few days or if they get worse, come back to see me.
    Если симптомы не улучшатся через несколько дней или ухудшатся, приходите ко мне снова.


1. Translate the following phrases into English:
   1. Что привело вас сюда сегодня?
   2. Я чувствую себя плохо последние несколько дней.
   3. У вас есть другие симптомы, такие как кашель или затрудненное дыхание?
   4. Давайте измерим вашу температуру и послушаем грудную клетку.

2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:
   1. I've been feeling _____ for the past few days.
   2. Let's check your _____ and listen to your chest.
   3. Make sure to rest, drink plenty of ___
, and take the medication as ___.
   4. If your symptoms don't _____ in a few days or if they get worse, come back to see me.

3. Match the phrases with their meanings:
   1. What brings you here today?
   2. I'll prescribe some antibiotics.
   3. Make sure to rest.
   4. If your symptoms get worse, come back to see me.

   a. Я выпишу антибиотики.
   b. Обязательно отдыхайте.
   c. Если симптомы ухудшатся, приходите ко мне снова.
   d. Что привело вас сюда сегодня?

4. Create sentences using the following words:
   1. unwell
   2. symptoms
   3. medication
   4. recover


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