This chapter is devoted to the simplest models of the interaction of a mathematical point with another point (a living being with the environment). For simplicity and convenience, we will assume, that a mathematical point exists only in one one-dimensional mathematical space, since they all work according to the same patterns. This is a general view of the interaction itself and the principles of interaction.
Interaction is irritation and excitation of a point, where irritation and excitation are two operations (phases), that are separated by the quantity of time, not equal to zero or infinity. Since they are separated by the quantity of time, have a sequence, and irritation is the beginning of interaction, then irritation is the cause, and excitation is the consequence. Interaction is always directed (from the past to the future) and is irreversible.
Irritation is the magnitude of the impact on a living being. The magnitude of the reaction corresponds to the magnitude of the irritation, the excitation is the velocity of onset of the reaction (i.e., the value, by which the internal value will increase or decrease, until such a value becomes equal to the magnitude of the reaction, which is set by the magnitude of irritation). The impact can be mechanical, energetic (thermal, electrical, etc.), psychological (visual, noise, etc.), etc. In psychology, an impact is the difference of the values of two points, one of which is mathematical (one of the two ends of a straight line segment is the internal value of a living being, that defines subjectivity as a position relative to itself, taken as the origin of coordinates), and the second is an irritant (the second of the two ends of a straight line segment is the value of an irritant, whose position is on a straight line, it is defined through measurement by a control and measuring device or a sensory organ). This is not fully energy interaction, this is an imitation of energy interaction. The response is a reaction to irritation in the form of a change in the difference of values (the length of a straight line segment) in the associated space, a mathematical point moves and changes its position (value).
The excitation of a point is an organized (and always directed) movement of a point in one-dimensional space from a negative irritant to a positive one. In reality, we see only one, because the second is superfluous. Since it is always directed, we are can direct it from left to right, this is convenient and customary for us. But remember, that in physical reality, the position of the irritant can be on the left, or the work being done can be directed to the left.
If the velocity of movement of the point is set by the length of the segment BB, then the velocity of movement of the point will be constant, until it crawls out of the cage, in which it is locked by two points. Therefore, the velocity is set by the segment AB in some direction. The velocity of movement (quantity of excitation) is the difference in values per call, which is a part of the irritation (the distance between points). If the velocity is set by negative irritation AB– in direct proportion, or positive AB+ in inverse proportion, then with each iteration the magnitude of velocity gain will increase, this is a variant of acceleration of movement, until the point flies out of the cage at the velocity of a bullet (or another, to which it accelerates). In psychology the opposite is necessary, therefore, to stop the velocity of movement is set by positive irritation in direct proportion, or negative in inverse proportion. In this case, with each iteration, the magnitude of velocity gains decreases, this is a variant of braking movement.
Since movement is artificial, positive and negative irritants have nothing to do with physical reality by themselves, they are just beacons, through which the behavior of a living being is programmed at the stage of its design (i.e. they are set artificially). Next will be the adjustment of the parameters of a living being (its mass, velocity, calorie consumption, etc.) under the already constructed behavior. In our culture, these are called stages — the design stage, the prototype design stage, the mass production stage (population). Therefore, a combination of mathematical and physical realities is required through correspondence to one another — which segment of a straight line in physical reality corresponds to a straight line segment in mathematical reality.
And a small example, if it's not so easy to understand. Suppose, that we have some living being, that has some set temperature (the value of A on the upper line). While there is no other point (temperature), point A does not change its position (value) on the lower line. When some other point appears, the distance between them on the upper straight sets the distance on the lower straight (not necessarily one to one), as well as the distance in mathematical reality. Need to run such a distance, and do it in some time (i.e. at some velocity). If the temperature difference is reflected on the upper line, and the difference in the whistle of some whistle is reflected on the lower line, then the difference in values sets a new sound level, how much louder need to whistle, than now. But there is a velocity, the lower it is, the more smoothly the volume will increase. And that's the whole meaning of interaction. The segment AB on the upper straight line is the magnitude of definition (incoming definition), and the segment AB on the lower straight line is the magnitude of reaction (outgoing definition). Accordingly, the segment AB on the straight line in the middle is the quantity of irritation, and the segments AA is the quantity of excitation. This is the quantity of irritation, that is conducted in to the lower line as a command to change position, and which new coordinate need to assign yourself. If the reaction to the irritant occurs immediately and completely, then the buffer mathematical reality becomes unnecessary. But if the reaction to irritation does not occur immediately, then a buffer mathematical reality is needed, where calculations are made of the rate of onset of the reaction, its duration, etc. The irritant on the upper line can be on the left or on the right, but here the mathematical point is always stationary. The position of the irritant is transferred (projected, reflected) to the lower line (not necessarily one to one, and these positions will not necessarily coincide with the positions on the upper line, for example, on the upper line irritant can be on the left, and on the lower left is the command to reduce the value (less whistling), and to what value need decrease the value). It seems to be simple.
Geometrically, interaction is a change in the coordinate of the defining point relative to the one being defined, whose position is taken as the origin of coordinates. The quantity of irritation is the difference in the positions of the two points, through which the line is drawn, this is the phase of irritation. In the most general form, the defined point exerts irritation by the very fact of the mismatch of positions, the difference from the defining one. In response to irritation, the defining point becomes excited, which is the movement of a point in one-dimensional space relative to another point, and itself in the past through a change in its coordinate, this is the phase of excitation. The new position of the defining point is derived from the position of the defined point. If we assume, that the magnitude of the impact is set through a definition (measurement by a control and measuring device), then the magnitude of the action is set through computing power as a derivative of the magnitude of the impact. This is not a prerequisite (the definition can be called from memory, for example), but about that. At the end of the excitation phase, the point switches back to the irritation mode and through consciousness causes a definition in mathematical space as the distance between. Since the movement occurs in one direction, it is a desire to become like the position of a positive irritant (assimilation), i.e. imitation of energy interaction.
A straight line is drawn through two points, they are also the ends of a straight line segment, one of the two points is the origin of coordinates. This reflects the difference in their positions relative to each other. This difference is equally the same from either end of the segment, taken as the origin, so we can't say, which point this difference belongs to, but in psychology it's not necessary. A certain presence of different positions is already a sufficient reason to annoy one of the points. In general terms, the quantity of irritation will correspond to the value of defining the position of the defined point relative to the defining one (the length of a straight line segment). Thus, the definition (measurement) of the position of another point is the definition (measurement) of the quantity of irritation. In practice, everything is more complicated, but we simplify it extremely. In the phase of irritation, a point A is the origin of coordinates, in the phase of excitation, the inversion of the origin occurs. A point cannot change its coordinate without inversion, because in this case its position is always zero. Geometrically, a straight line segment is equal to itself at both ends, here this rule is violated, if the irritant is at a distance (x) from me, then I am at a distance (x') from it. Then the cycle repeats, if he is at a distance (x') from me, then I am at a distance (x") from him. Etc. As a result, there is a continuous decrease in the quantity of irritation as the initial length of the segment (x) by a certain quantity, which is the quantity of excitation conducted into the associated space. To make it more clear and visual, how the coordinates in the associated spaces change, we will do the same with them. The irritation phase begins with defining the position of the irritant.
Although a living being takes a definition with each act of consciousness, but the magnitude of the irritation decreases in excitation, the point moves to the irritant, just the movement is transferred to another space through a buffer mathematical reality. Next, the point will take the definition of the position of point B exclusively for calculating the remainder of the irritation, and only in mathematical reality. In other words, the control and measuring device (sensory organ) will introduce the definition of AB into mathematical reality simply as the length of the entire segment. In mathematical reality, the point will define the position of the irritant already based on its changing position. The coordinates are presented in two versions. The upper variant corresponds to human culture, when the difference of values is defined through arithmetic (difference). The lower variant corresponds to analytical geometry, when the difference of values is defined directly as a deviation (disequilibrium, asymmetry) from zero, the mathematical point is an incoming point (origin). The point cannot move (change the coordinate), because it is always the origin of coordinates, and cannot form a segment with itself, so then the excitation phase occurs, the origin is inverted, the point conducts part of the irritation (excitation) into the associated space.
Excitation is the definition of one's own position relative to another point, the position of which is taken as the origin of coordinates. It can be symmetrical (it is at the same distance from me, as I am from it), or asymmetrical (I am at another distance from it, than it is from me). In the latter case, the excitation will be a compulsion to assign a new coordinate relative to another point, followed by zeroing its coordinate (in distilled psychology, the point is at the origin of the coordinates) for the subsequent definition of the coordinate of another point, in order to assign a new coordinate to itself again, etc., until the point calms down in a new position. Thus, if the coordinate of the defined point is defined through a control and measuring device relative to the defining point, then the coordinate of the defining point is calculated and assigned through a function relative to the defined point. But already in another space, where the movement is transferred (conducting excitation). Assignment of a new coordinate is performed through a function, where the outgoing argument (outgoing definition) will be the new position of the point, and the incoming argument (incoming definition) will be position of another point (the coordinate of the irritant), and the previous position of the defining point (parameter of a living being). Since the new coordinate does not coincide with the old one, the point forms two positions relative to itself — the past and the current one, this is an asymmetry of the mathematical point, the past and the future have a difference. Through two points (past and current) can draw a straight line, take both points as ends, and assign some one origin, to define the magnitude of asymmetry, which will be equal to the excitation of the point. The new coordinate corresponds to the new value (parameter, magnitude) of the work being done (more or less, quieter or louder, brighter or dimmer, etc., depending on, what kind of work) relative to the old coordinate iteration ago. The coordinates are presented in two versions. The upper variant corresponds to human culture, when the quantity of work being done is measured from zero. The value (h) reflects the final position, where the point should be. The value (s') is the current position, the difference of positions (s + s') is the work being done, which corresponds to the quantity of excitation (conducted excitation). The lower variant corresponds to analytical geometry, the position of the irritant is reflected in the space of values, it is an incoming point (origin), the mathematical point is the outgoing point (and can change its coordinate relative to zero). If earlier a mathematical point could not change its coordinate, because it could not form a segment with itself, now the irritant cannot change its coordinate because it cannot form a segment with itself. Then the cycle starts anew until the irritation becomes zero, i.e. infinitely, until point A is at point B.
Irritation and excitation correspond to the work being done, but this is just a measure of the work being done. The correspondence may be different (according to the rules of the conversion of quantities, it can be any function, that converts coordinates), but there is some minimum. We understand, that the total length of a straight line segment in mathematical and physical reality can (and will) do not match. But if the spaces correspond to each other (are associated with each other), then their coordinates correspond to each other. In other words, coordinate (x) refers to coordinate (x') in the same way, as coordinate (k) refers to coordinate (k'). So, based on the changes in coordinates, we observe, we can calculate the changes in coordinates in mathematical reality. But for the human definition relative of zero, everything looks a little different. If the value increases, then this is an increase in the coordinate (s' = s + n), where (n) corresponds to the quantity of excitation (but not necessarily equal to it). From the distilled analytical geometry, we can calculate, that (n = k – k'), so the increment of the coordinate will be calculated as (s' = s + (k – k')).
When moving in the other direction, the value decreases (s' = s – n), where (n) also corresponds to the quantity of excitation (but not necessarily equal to it). From the distilled analytical geometry, we can calculate, that (n = k – k'), so the increment of the coordinate will be calculated as (s' = s – (k – k')). The difference is only in the sign, increase or decrease the value by a certain magnitude, which is calculated in mathematical space. We can read the coordinate differently, by subtracting the value (k') from the final position. To increase the coordinates (s' = h – k'), to decrease the coordinates (s' = h + k').
Irritation from one space to another is not carried out immediately and not completely, but in the form of portions of excitation. This is like filling a bathtub with water, which also does not happen immediately. We can imagine this as a certain velocity, at which a point moves from one pole to the other. The higher the velocity, the faster it will reach the pole, and the greater the distance traveled per unit of time.
Quantity of irritation' = quantity of irritation / excitability
Excitability is a constant value during excitation. It represents a property (ability) a living being (and not only) to conduct excitation. Geometrically and mathematically, it represents a certain magnitude and coefficient. This means, that the length of the straight line segment is divided by a certain magnitude of excitability, the result is divided by this magnitude again, again and again. Since as a result there will always be some digit, that can be divided again, conducting excitation can be considered an infinite process, because there will always be a distance between the points, that is not equal to zero. Excitability sets not only the initial velocity (which portion of excitation will go to the associated space in the first iteration), but also the subsequent decrease in portions of excitation. The higher the excitability, the (conditionally) faster the onset of the reaction, the lower the excitability, the longer the onset of the reaction. But the magnitude of excitability can never be equal to one or less, in this case the quantity of irritation will begin to accumulate, instead of decreasing the coordinate, its increase will occur, and instead of the onset of the reaction, rapid paralysis will occur, because the reaction cannot be performed in the opposite direction (and generally be less, than zero). We are primarily interested in the coordinate and its calculation.
If the excitability value is constant, then the ratio of the lengths of the straight segments should be equal to each other. If so, then we can calculate the remainder of the irritation after each iteration of consciousness, which means taking the coordinate (x) of point A in the mathematical space of irritation, which can then be converted to the coordinate (k) of point A in the physical space of values (the opposite is also true).
Quantity of irritation' (c) = (quantity of irritation – quantity of excitation) ^ c / (quantity of irritation ^ (c – 1))
The variable (c) is the sequence number of the definition call. Everything else is the initial conditions, knowing which we can know and the further quantity in some iteration. After a few iterations, the quantity of irritation will begin to be a microscopic magnitude, but even it can be calculated. As a result, it is not necessary for a living being to measure the distance between itself and point B in each iteration, because this distance can be calculated in each iteration. But a living being must measure the distance at least once for the very first iteration in order to set these initial conditions. It does exactly that, taking the initial conditions through a control and measuring device (sensory organ), all further definitions are used only to make sure, that point B is stationary in physical reality, i.e. that the initial conditions have not changed, and it is possible to carry out the excitation further. Therefore, a living being does not need to move in the space of definitions in order to change the definition, and it does not move there, transferring movement to the associated space through portions of excitation. Portions of excitation also change in the direction of decrease. We understand, that the sum of the portions of excitation will be equal to the entire path (quantity of irritation), but there is time and a difference in values between the portions, so it will never be equal to the entire path. The previous ratio returned the rest of the irritation after each iteration. Knowing the length of the segment and the remainder, we can calculate the quantity of excitation in each call through arithmetic, but we can do it differently. If we assume, that the segments of excitation correlate as well as the segments of irritation (which is not entirely correct, but still), then.
Quantity of excitation' (c) = quantity of excitation * (quantity of irritation – quantity of excitation) ^ (c) / quantity of irritation ^ (c)
In the first ratio, the initial conditions were set by the external environment. The greater the definition, returned by the control and measuring device, the greater the irritation and the magnitude of the reaction were set. Knowing the initial data, it is possible to calculate the magnitude of the final reaction (but at least one iteration is needed to calculate the change in irritation). In the second case, we need one iteration, which will return the quantity of excitation, to calculate the time (quantity of calls), after which the full reaction will occur (the value will acquire a new magnitude). Because we do not know the magnitude of excitability, it is defined by the turnout order (observations and experiments on a living being). But if we know the magnitude of excitability, we can calculate the final reaction, and the duration of its onset, even before the interaction.
Quantity of irritation' (c) = quantity of irritation / excitability ^ (c)
This is to calculate the remnants of irritation. And to calculate the excitation residues.
Quantity of excitation' (c) = quantity of irritation / resistance * excitability ^ (c)
We have a new coefficient, that reflects the resistance to excitation (this is an analogue of excitability). In addition to the pragmatic necessity, there is analytical geometry and human culture. If we imagine irritation as a straight line segment, that we divide by a certain digit (magnitude of excitability), the result is again by this digit, over and over again, then as a result we get the coordinate of point A relative to point B, which we take as the origin. The coordinate (magnitude) is getting smaller, the point is getting closer and closer, the distance is shrinking. But point A has a previous position, relative to which point A has some coordinate, this is the magnitude of the excitation of the point. This coordinate is obtained, if we divide a straight line segment by some other digit (resistance). The same point A in the present will have two coordinates — relative to point B (this is the distance AB between, and the magnitude of the new portion of irritation) and relative to itself in the past (this is the distance AA' between, and the magnitude of the excitation portion). We can flip, point B and point A in the past will get coordinates relative to point A' in the present, but the original length of the segment AB will be unchanged.
The quantity of excitation is the coordinate of a point A' relative to one end, and the quantity of irritation' is the coordinate of a point A' relative to the other end. Since there is only one straight line, we can talk about relation. The coordinates will not be equal, but they are the same point A', and the same line segment AB.
Quantity of irritation' = quantity of irritation / excitability
Quantity of excitation = quantity of irritation / resistance
Since this asymmetry will be replicated further to the right, the ratio of positions will not change, only the lengths of the segments will change. If so, then each quantity of excitation will be a straight line segment, which is obtained as a result of the next division of the remnants of irritation (quantity of irritation' (c)) by a certain magnitude of resistance. If we know the proportions, then any interaction can be calculated even before the interaction. Any quantity of irritation is a feeling, and excitation is a tissue response to irritation, including muscle tension is a response to nervous tension. If we scared a living being, then at what velocity will it tear away from us in the first iteration? Let's digress from the physical parameters, that the velocity of movement will be set by muscle tension, that a living being has mass, there is inertia, velocity needs to be gained, etc. If in its pure form, then the velocity will be proportional to the quantity of excitation, the quantity of excitation is inversely proportional to the resistance to irritation, and the quantity of irritation is set by the difference in values. In order for a living being to rush away from us with maximum velocity in horror, it must be a low resistance or a high difference in values. And if we know the initial conditions in advance (the magnitude of the difference in values, resistance, etc.), then we can calculate the position of a living being in physical three-dimensional space, even before it began to run away from us. By the way, this is, what we do in our lives, the closer we are to an animal, the faster it will run away from us, when it sees us, so we can predict the future position of the animal even before interaction. But predicting and accurately calculating are very different things.
In psychology, there is no such thing as the quantity of time, there are calls of definition by consciousness, between which there are time intervals. If we imagine a straight line segment, reflecting the quantity of time (in units of measurement, for example, in seconds), then the more points on it (definition calls), the smaller the gaps between the points. The length of such segments is also measured in units of time (for example, in seconds), these are quanta of consciousness.
Definition call (seconds) = quantity of time (seconds) / quantity of calls
The point changes its value in one full call (irritation and excitation), so there is some distance (difference in values), that the point has passed in one definition call. Which should be considered its average velocity in the space of values.
Quantity of excitation = quantity of irritation / quantity of calls
The velocity is measured by us relative to the point itself in the past. Accordingly, this is the quantity, by which the position has changed in one call. If the time for one call is always constant, then there is an effect, that the difference in values (positions) is more or less for the same time, and this is called acceleration or deceleration.
Any point, that is at rest for an external observer, has some movement for an internal observer. This is an almost infinite deceleration, which has an almost infinite quantity of calls, where the difference between the past and the future is infinitely small, but not zero. Before the interaction begins, the point must have an asymmetry, albeit infinitesimally small, but not equal to zero, because the symmetry of the past and the future in psychology is not possible in principle. This is the excitation, that remains from the previous interaction. Even if it is infinitely small, it still has a direction. From the other end the situation is similar.
Quantity of irritation' = quantity of irritation / quantity of calls.
Whatever the number of calls, as a result, there will be a certain quantity of irritation' (the distance between the points), that is not equal to zero. And now we can return to the question of the initial impulse in psychology (it is the key one), what exactly happens during interaction. The irritant adds a certain quantity of irritation and excitation to the asymmetry, that a living being already has in every act of consciousness relative to itself in the past. Figuratively, we could compare the initial push with potential energy, and the response excitation with kinetic energy. The mathematical point seems to fall on the irritant, but it cannot fall in any way, because it falls slower and slower with each call to the definition.
Each call of definition by consciousness is a certain quantity of time in units of time measurement, through which the magnitude of the definition and one's own position change. Since it changes constantly, it is easier to take some time intervals and calculate the difference in values at the ends. If take a lot of such segments and compare, then can come to some generalization, which is called the frequency of consciousness in psychology. This is the quantity of calls per unit of time (for example, per second).
Frequency of consciousness (psychological) = quantity of calls / quantity of time (seconds)
The quantity of calls doesn't make any sense, it's just the magnitude of recurring events, time makes sense to measure. For example, if the frequency of consciousness is two events per second, then this is the quantity of events per unit of measurement, how many times the definition was called in one second. But we remember, that between calls there is also a certain quantity of time, required for one appeal. The frequency and time for a call differ in, that the numerator and denominator are in different order. In the first case, we are interested in how much time there is for one call (seconds per call), in the second how many calls there are for one second (calls per second). It is convenient to measure the frequency in the quantity of calls per second, this is usually how velocity is measured. Including because of the specifics of psychology, if there is a velocity, then there is a change in velocity (acceleration or deceleration), in psychology it is an acceleration or deceleration of the frequency of consciousness. Normally, the frequency of consciousness is a characteristic (property), the more often consciousness is called, the smarter a person is (a different quantity of calls also happen in animals, the more, the smarter it is). Pathology is considered to be a low frequency of consciousness (even lower, than that of a moron in the everyday and social sense, there are medical morons), when the reaction rate is inadequate to the norm. If physiological inhibition is still somehow considered a pathology, then psychological inhibition (a jerk in the everyday and social sense) it is not considered such, because it is unclear, who is considered the norm. Also in psychology, there are variants of acceleration or deceleration of the work of consciousness, both artificial (drugs need to eat less) and natural (saving calories) in nature. Since any reaction in the body occurs according to the same algorithm of inhibition of excitation, the frequency of consciousness is an infinite inhibition, including the definition calls themselves (the velocity of the definition calls of the second and other orders).
If we imagine some circle, that reflects us the full (one) period, then there will be two points on the circle, in which the cosine is equal to one and minus one. If we assume, that two points reflect the definition call, then we get two definitions for a circle, or one for a semicircle. It should be taken into account, that on the coordinate axis we will see positive and negative values, which are not present in psychology, but these are the features of our analytical geometry and cosines. It remains to calibrate the (x) axis so, that it reflects the time in seconds. A complete revolution has a length of (2 * p) on the scale (x), these are two calls in one cycle, provided, that a complete revolution occurs in two seconds or in (2p * x) on the axis (x). Accordingly, one call per second is (p * x). The resulting does not reflect the frequency itself, it brings the calibration of the (x) axis into line in such a way, that one division is equal to one second. Therefore, the result must be multiplied by the current frequency of events per second.
Cos ((p * x) * frequency of consciousness (psychological))
On the graph it looks like this.
Definitions can be called more, than once per second (the frequency will be greater, than one) or less, than once per second (less, than one). Each peak is a definition call, in the figure it fits in one second. The count also starts with calling the definition.
If calculating the quantity of irritation, excitation, the position (coordinates) of the point, the increase in coordinates and other things for some psychologist will seem too complicated, that is, a simpler and more understandable model of interaction with the irritant and reaction to the irritant through vibrations. Without an irritant, a mathematical point is indefinite, that is, it is at rest, when the past and the future are practically symmetrical. If we imagine it as the end of a pendulum, the position of which has some coordinate in the space of values, then this is some unchanging value. Such a value is the internal value of a point, it has a filling relative to absolute zero, which we (and any living being) do not see and do not feel, just because such a position is taken as the origin of coordinates.
Suppose, that a living being was affected by some kind of irritant. It can be anything, it was some kind of noise (control value) and need to turn head at some angle (controlled value), it was something scary (control value) and need to increase heart rate, adrenaline level in the blood or just shout loudly (controlled values), it's there was some walker at some distance in front of the car (control value) and need to add gas and increase the velocity of movement and rotation of the wheels so, that he does not leave alive (controlled values), someone broke a favorite vase (control value) and it's time to find the decent words for this someone (controlled value), etc. The irritant can be on the left or on the right, but wherever it is, its appearance will bring the point out of equilibrium. For our model, it is to pull the pendulum back a certain distance.
Each extreme position of the pendulum is a definition call. If the pendulum swings without encountering the resistance of the medium, then its oscillations will be endless. If we ignore the amplitude of the oscillations by collecting the positions of the points on the edges in one direction, then this is a pendulum hanging motionless at some angle, which means there is no reaction to irritation, although there is an irritant itself (the pendulum hangs at an angle). If the resistance of the medium is complete, then the pendulum will reach a new state of equilibrium in one oscillation, crashing into a new zero. This is a variant of an instant reaction, when a controlled parameter is assigned a control value for one act of consciousness (so that a living being dies faster). If it swings with resistance between the two options, then its fluctuations will be endless. With each iteration, the amplitude of the oscillation will fall in proportion to the magnitude of the resistance (the angle will decrease by some part of itself in the past), it will never become zero, because in the past there will be some angle other, then zero. But after a certain quantity of calls, the velocity will become so imperceptible from the initial one for an external observer, that it will be pointless to take it into account, the incoming difference in values is extinguished. This is usually called reducing the signal level (commands, instructions) to complete inaudibility and indistinguishability. If we mentally take those segments of the arc, that the pendulum has not reached, and put them in one direction, we will get a path from the initial point to the point of rest. These are portions of excitation, that we don't see. The pendulum conducts excitation into the environment. Without environmental resistance, it will swing forever. Such conduct is not directed, it is energy dissipation. In psychology, such conduct is directed, and it is aimed at changing the controlled parameter. At the same time, the interaction with the irritant is not energetic, but is constructed as energetic. The difference in the quantity of green can act as a control parameter, there is something greener than necessary. The quantity of green is not the quantity of energy (action) in the physical sense, but is the quantity of energy (action) in the psychological (technical) sense. The quantity of horror sets the magnitude of change in the heart rate of a living being, the quantity of something sets the magnitude of work the machine, etc.
For graphical support, an amplitude is added to the configured call frequency.
Quantity of irritation' (c) = (quantity of irritation / excitability ^ (c)) * (Cos ((p * x) * frequency of consciousness (psychological)))
This is a graph of irritation, the magnitude of which decreases with each the definition call. For example, the initial quantity of irritation is seven with an excitability of 1.75 and a frequency of consciousness of one call per second.
After ten seconds, everything will calm down, but the final (new) value — is separate. It will not be equal to zero, but the value, by which the irritation decreases, will approach zero. On the graph, the movement of the point to the new value, and the remainder of the distance to the new value. Similarly, for excitation, muscle tension will not be established at some new value immediately.
Quantity of excitation' (c) = (quantity of irritation / resistance * excitability ^ (c)) * (Cos ((p * x) * frequency of consciousness (psychological)))
For example, the initial quantity of excitation is three with an excitability of 2.3 and a frequency of consciousness of one call per second.
If there were remnants of irritation on the previous graph, then there are remnants of excitation on this one, how much more is left before the new symmetry value. Point will pass this way for a certain quantity of time and a certain quantity of calls.
What is it for? First of all, just need to know, because that's how we are (and any living being). Any irritant is a point on a straight line, the position of which is defined through the senses (a control and measuring device). But the distance between us and this point is a command (instruction) to perform some action. Scream, increase the heart rate, muscle tension, move to another place in a three-dimensional physical reality, etc. The command (instruction) has a magnitude, that sets a magnitude of the reaction to irritation. We can move this point into the reaction space and assign a new value to the controlled parameter. For example, to turn the head to a certain angle. But we understand, that if change the direction of the head position in a fraction of a second, then can break neck, so the turn happens smoothly. This is true for any other reaction, the heart begins to beat more often not immediately, but gradually, also gradually we move in space, and are not transported through a teleport, etc. Therefore, the command (instruction) is not to assign a value immediately, but to change the value with some velocity. But this is not enough, we need a mechanism, that will extinguish such a velocity at some new value. For example, the heart was beating at one frequency, and the irritant prescribes beating at another, and the heart rate should stop exactly at the prescribed value, otherwise the heart will beat faster and faster, until the living being dies.
Secondly, we don't know, how to make living beings yet, but every living being is a machine (a technical device). We know, how to make machines and control parameters, which means we can make a living being, even without protein, cells, DNA and other things. Imagine, that we have a cat, that we made ourselves, he runs at some velocity to a bowl of food. We understand, that near the bowl, its velocity should be zero, therefore, if there is a distance between the cat and the bowl (which the cat should be able to define), then for this distance it should slow down to zero. And not only that, the cat has calls to define the distance to the bowl, which occur with some frequency. If we do not have time to extinguish the velocity of the cat for a certain quantity of calls (for some time), then it will crash into the bowl, if we extinguish the velocity too early for the same time, then our cat will die of hunger before the bowl with food, because he did not run quite a bit (or a lot, depending on the curvature of the developer's hands). So what should be the magnitude of braking, if the cat runs at a velocity of one meter per second, and ten meters to the bowl? And what should be the magnitude of braking for the heart rate, if there is something terrible ten meters away? Cannot suffer, but score a simple algorithm for the cat, if it is near the bowl, then it's time to hit the brakes. But if we have an excavator weighing several tons instead of a cat, which in case of sudden braking will not stop immediately, then it will still crash into the bowl. And also need to move the cat to this bowl somehow, which means still control its velocity as a parameter, setting the acceleration value so, that it can gain velocity, and canceling this value, when the desired velocity is reached, otherwise the cat will accelerate for the rest of its life. But even this is not enough, the cat causes the definition of the distance to the bowl with a certain frequency, what should be the total quantity of calls to the definition of consciousness, so that the cat stops at the bowl? If the cat's consciousness causes a definition once an hour at the velocity of one meter per second, then how long will such a cat live? However, to create own living being, need to configure not only such parameters.
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