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Information and psychological technologies for the salvation of humanity in the 21st century.

Humanity faces and has faced for many years global challenges that it will have to

solve for its survival:

1) Problems of peace and war, violence in society

2) exhaustion of resources

3) pandemics, complex diseases

4) potential threats of natural, man-made, space and other catastrophes.

5) problems of social, financial and other inequalities.

6) other challenges

Why people have been practicing physical, military, psychological and other violence

against each other for centuries? This is the question that humanity has to answer in

order not to perish in wars and other violence.

People tend to compete with each other in different spheres: physical strength,

military strength, material enrichment, competition in ideas, other manifestations of

mind, sports, competition of statuses and others. The reason for people's desire to

compete in anything can be either human nature (dominance), and/or the presence of

information field, which stimulates people to compete with each other in different

spheres. Not only individuals, but also states, nations, and organizations play king of

the mountain.

To understand the reasons of people's behavior we should turn to their childhood. The

information field has a great influence on people's behavior and thinking. The

information field is created by mass media, bloggers, and people themselves.

In addition to the information field, children's consciousness is influenced by

teachers, nannies, parents, relatives, and children's environment. Communication is a

very important aspect. Few people know how to communicate properly. Often people

export aggression, arrogance, anger and other vices through communication. There is

no such subject as communication in schools and universities. One would think that it

is so simple that it does not need to be taught. Through communication people export

the game of king of the mountain: who is the smartest, strongest, richest, most

beautiful, most successful, healthiest and so on.

This is where one of the main problems of mankind is located. People play king of

the mountain in childhood, then they grow up and start to prove to each other again

who is the most important, strong, rich, successful. The scope of this phenomenon

increases to organizations, nations, states. The extreme form of expressing their

superiority is the use of physical and military force.

How can we make it so that to teach people to compete, including the use of

humiliation in relation to each other?

Parents, relatives, nannies, teachers should talk to children about it. Such a subject as

communication should appear. People can also create their own blogs and broadcast

the ideas of correct communication and thinking through them. What are these ideas?

It is necessary to communicate so that your interlocutor does not feel in something

worse than you. If you humiliate him morally or physically, he will also humiliate

you later or immediately in one way or another in one form or another. This is how

the endless cascades of revenge between people, organizations, nations, states,

different groups, between men and women are launched. It is necessary for children,

adults to explain in detail why it is not profitable for them to humiliate someone, even

if they think that they are stronger, richer, more status, belong to a larger and stronger

group.If someone's grandfather was very influential, it does not mean that the

grandson will not be a drug addict, for example. And it may be difficult to get close to

the grandfather, but his grandson will take revenge from those people whom he, for

example, declassified or tried to do it.

What is the phenomenon of shooters? If they are capable and mentally healthy, the

meaning of their revenge is that they take revenge on someone for themselves, their

environment, for their people, country, organization, idea, some values. So some

group in school, army, prison humiliates and beats someone, then the shooter takes

revenge. Is it profitable to humiliate someone? No.

It is effective and profitable to seek a platform for mutually beneficial cooperation. It

is effective and profitable to export benevolence, adequacy, competence, to be on an

equal footing with everyone and not to assert yourself at someone else's expense.

Then, in most cases, you will get the same response.

By exporting the right ideas of communication you can not only survive in school,

prison, army, in life, but also gain a large circle of contacts.

The same is true at the global level.The USA (we are talking about the current

government of the USA, the people and the government have different interests) is a

certain strong bully, who does not count with anyone, does not respect anyone, does

not do good for anyone, keeps all his vassals by military force and bribery of political

elites. Therefore, other countries begin to unite against the bully. The process of

humiliation can be expressed not only by words, but also by other actions. There was

once a case when the president of one country languished in a common corridor

waiting for the president of another country to call him. This is also humiliation.

Someone calls, they don't pick up the phone, then they don't call back. Some people

might see that as humiliation too. Or, let's say, people were invited to some event, but

one group sat in better seats, the other group may be offended by it. Or, for example,

a woman lines up men to do some actions in her favor. There are many such nuances.

Even not observing the nuances can lead to conflict or ignoring each other.

States also humiliate each other, try to control each other, use each other for their own

benefit. No one will like it. Conflicts start to form because of trifles on the moral

level, and all this can end in an endless war and a cascade of endless mutual revenge.

A person, organization, state can start a conflict thinking that nothing will happen for

it. But in fact it happens rarely, just sometimes people, organizations, states have no

possibility to rematch at once, and it will be postponed.

Recently, many people have written that there is little mobilization of Kiev citizens,

Muscovites, Petersburgers, representatives of the authorities. All these are attempts of

revenge of conditionally poor to take it from conditionally richer. If all Kiev citizens,

Muscovites, Petersburgers, representatives of power will be beggars, homeless,

unemployed, the question of their mobilization will be irrelevant for mass media and

private persons. After all, the question of mobilizing bums from train stations is not

interesting to anyone at all.Hence draw conclusions.

Such comparisons as rich/poor, smart/silly, strong/weak, lucky/loser should be

avoided if possible.If you use these words in communication, you are likely to make

enemies.It seems that I write elementary things, but it is not observed.It is necessary

to say that each person, nation, state has its own way, everyone is good in his own

way. There is no need to confront anyone with your comparisons. A wolf runs, a fish

swims, a bird flies, they do not find out among themselves who is stronger, more

correct, better, and not even think about it.

Another way to avoid violence and conflict is not to judge or compare anyone

publicly. Especially children. I remember in school we were friends, 6 people,

sometimes interfering with lessons. And our class supervisor didn't like it. And he

would go to every lesson and say six (meaning six people) stand up, we stood up and

he asked all the teachers how we behaved.

Then he quit. Let's look at this teacher's mistakes. He judged the students, at that time

children, publicly, he made a contrast between himself and a company of six people

and that company to the rest of the class and to the other teachers. He could call

everyone to his office or six people at once. He could have asked the teachers about

the behavior of the students at recess or at the end of the school day. Instead, he made

some kind of public show that no one would like. Not every child is ready to be

publicly ridiculed, judged, criticized. And neither are adults. And there are many

examples of this. People need to say we are a team, we do an important thing, one for

all and all for one, we will help each other. School grades, honor boards, public

announcement of salaries and other inequalities should be removed. So there will be

no team, everyone will be for himself, there will be a war of all against all, there will

be aggression.

In business, the best salespeople and traders should be removed from the table, as this

leads to unhealthy competition. I don't understand the concept of healthy competition

at all.

Is it where everyone loves each other and sincerely wish each other good luck? Well,

maybe mom and dad wish it. In other cases competition, opposition is negative for

people and these models of human interaction should be abandoned.

People's attention from the corridor of competition of all with all and war of all

against all, in one form or another, should be switched to creative, creative activity of

global scale.

Sources of social tension are relations: state-citizen, employer-employee, man-

woman. There is also a lot of tension in relations between states. Beneficiaries and

those who bear moral, financial, legal, physical and other damage are seen in these

relations. Also in these relations there are exploiters and exploited.These relations

contain potential violence in one form or another, including military violence (as the

final point of violence).There is a need for other forms of interaction between people,

nations, organizations, countries. The exploited will not simply change the system at

once, including by physical and military force. Some exploiters will be replaced by

others, they can change the forms of exploitation in order not to cause new protests. I

see the way out in changing the system of assessments and transition to the solution

of global problems.

People seek dominance in various local and global spheres because other people pay

attention to it, and recognize the value of someone dominating in a particular sphere.

Champions are given gold medals, women are lined up behind champions, and the

accounts of champions often grow. If society does not react to champions in any way,

then there will be no reason to become a champion. A champion appears somewhere,

he is the strongest, richest, handsome and so on. But no one appreciates these

qualities, someone ignores him, he does not benefit from his status and his status is

devalued. People will not strive to be rich and dominate someone if society does not

react back.Society can make any person, any nation, organization, state a champion

by its reaction or lack thereof.But society can also deprive anyone of titles.Money,

power, dominance are not values in themselves, these cults exist only due to the

reaction of society and the information field that provides these cults.To get society

out of the corridor of domination, violence, material and sexual preoccupation, it is

necessary to use the information field that provides these cults.

Society will move away from the corridor of logic where champions, dominance,

power, money and as a consequence competition, aggression, violence, war for these

resources, statuses are very important, to the corridor of logic where it is necessary to

create large, international teams of people to solve problems on a global scale. What

will it matter to you if your neighbor eats, travels more than you, if you are a member

of a team that will soon cure people of incurable diseases, or you are a member of a

team that resurrected dried up rivers, restored forests, or you are a member of a team

that created such a line of nutrition, thanks to which people stopped getting sick and

started living for a hundred years?

Participation in global projects and large teams makes all people in demand,

including pensioners, disabled, lonely people, orphans.Anyone can participate in the

salvation of mankind.All evaluation categories will become irrelevant: rich/poor,

strong/weak, beautiful/not beautiful.People will not compete and fight, will not honor

champions, power, money, but will be engaged in creativity and solving big


Let's summarize.

1) There is violence and war in society, in the world because there is competition

between everyone, there are comparative, evaluative categories between people,

nations, organizations, states. Perhaps the use of comparative-evaluative categories

by society in relation to individuals, nations, organizations, states is the biggest

systemic mistake, a fatal mistake of mankind.

2) Society gives a back reaction to competition, power, money, domination. A child

often stops spoiling himself if he does not get a back reaction.

3) Society by presence/absence of feedback can make old cults meaningless and give

meaning to new cults.

4) Society can't think about anything, so society's thoughts need to be shifted to

global issues.

5) To ensure their statuses, people, nations, organizations, states use moral, legal,

physical, military violence, among others. Such statuses should be devalued, deprived

of meaning by means of presence/absence of society's feedback and creation of a new

information field.

6) These statuses have evaluative and comparative categories. Such evaluative

comparisons as :

rich / poor

important / unimportant

strong / weak

beautiful / ugly

successful / unsuccessful

winners / losers


should be discontinued in all languages of the world and archived for safekeeping.

Such comparisons cause people, nations, organizations, states moral suffering,

aggression, provoke endless cascades of revenge of all against all, war of all against


7) It is necessary to spare people's egoism, people's own self-image, not to encroach

on these spheres. This can be achieved by refusing comparative-evaluation

judgments, assumptions, conclusions.

8) The number of views, likes, comments should be removed from the Internet. This

creates competition, which means aggression, suffering with all the events that


Children cry only because someone was given one more candy or less attention. The

child compares himself with another child and receives suffering, internal aggression.

Adults often behave like children, but they hide many of their feelings, their true

motives of thinking and behavior in order to fit into comparative-evaluative

categories of other people. As long as people do this, global problems are not solved.

9) modern cults (power, money, beauty, strength, dominance in different spheres)

exist not only through the presence/absence of the society's feedback, but also

through the information field, which through the media, movies, music, bloggers

broadcasts these cults and gives them meaning.

10) to solve global problems and save humanity we need new cults, a new

information society, and a reverse reaction of society, which will give them meaning.

New cults: ecology, health, world peace, recognition for each person, nation,

organization, state of its uniqueness, self-sufficiency, importance for solving global

problems, lack of competition and comparison.

11) competition and comparisons prevent the creation of large state-wide, nationwide

groups of people to solve global problems.

12) the reverse reaction of society is most clearly manifested in the sphere of

economy: society buys what destroys it (alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, food). If it will not

buy it, it will not produce it. Also with ideas. To get a job, workers queue up, agree to

work without a contract, wait for months for a paycheck, and are ready to recycle.

That is, employees themselves create a cult of work and employer. If we give up

queues for work, if employees create competition for themselves among several

employers, if they do not agree by default with any employer's proposals, if they

lobby for their own interests, the cult of work and employer will quickly disappear.

An employer without a team of good employees is of little value.

Or, for example, a part of men queue up for women and by default agree to any of

their conditions as long as women choose them. This is how the cult of women is

created. If we refuse to queue up for women, lobby for their interests too, create

competition for ourselves, the cult of women will quickly disappear, as well as

excessive potential, air value. But there's no time for that, it's an aside.

The main thing is to solve global problems. In a global society, new cults will take

people's attention, and old cults will not be able to exist without society's attention.

13)Not only specialists in this or that sphere can and should solve global problems.

Doctors, ecologists, economists, pedagogues and other specialists have not been able

to solve all the problems they face. They need reinforcement in the form of millions

of minds that will solve problems together with them.Many inventors were initially

ordinary people, then invented something useful for mankind.The more millions of

people's minds will solve global problems, the faster and better they can be solved in

favor of mankind.

14) Globalists and green peeps are in politics. This article is not about them.

Globalists are a minority who want to rule the world for their own purposes, for their

own benefit, to the detriment of the majority. The whole world works for the

globalists. Inflation is what the banks feed on, and the globalists are behind the banks.

15) You will either form a new information field in which the highest values will be

peace, health, longevity, ecology, solution of global problems, family values,

mutually beneficial cooperation, or you will live in an information field that provides:

poisonous substances into your internal organs, violence, competition, rivalry,

suffering, war, water shortage, price growth, serving other people's interests and

participating in other people's competitions to the detriment of your health, life, life

expectancy, and quality of life.

16) tools for creating a new information field: chat rooms, conferences on a global

scale, blogging in Telegram, Vkontakte, YouTube, Rutube, Yandex Dzen, Instagram,

other platforms, communication with people around you. There is no need to rush and

show aggression to the old information field. All those who provide the old

information field are potential allies and partners in the creation of a new field.

You can think of other tools to create a new information field.

You can give and not give feedback, talk and not talk about something, think and not

think about something, buy and not buy something, strive and not strive for

something. All this matters for the information field.

17) People cannot be separated and pushed together if they are in large, interstate,

interethnic, interracial, interreligious, intersex groups, which solve problems that are

important for each individual member of the group and for humanity as a whole. Try

to strangle by laws, harassment, information attack, violence the group that solves the

issues of curing mankind from all diseases, and perhaps tomorrow you or your

relatives will fall ill with this disease.

Try to strangle a group that cleans river beds, puts purification facilities at

enterprises, plants forests, conducts informational work with population,

representatives of industry and agriculture for the purpose of rational water use, and

maybe tomorrow there will be no water in your tap. Try to push someone in military

conflicts and maybe tomorrow you will see an atomic mushroom in the window of

your house.

Epilogue. Dear friends all over the world, see you in the new world of goodness,

love, joy, longevity, creativity, creation, clean air, clean water, ecologically clean

food, many millions of hectares of forests)!