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Raining cats and dogs

Оппенгеймер / Oppenheimer (2023)

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Сегодня смотрим фильм-триумфатор Оскара 2024. Фильм долгий и сложный для просмотра. Язык в фильме не очень сложный, местами достаточно официальный. Также радует тот факт, что нет сложных физических терминов, характерных для научной литературы и не очень пригодных в повседневном использовании.


1. Derogatory - showing a critical attitude and lack of respect for somebody (пренебрежительный, оскорбительный)

Examples: She indicated by her tone that this was only her private opinion and in no way derogatory of mayor.

2. Indictment (of/on somebody/something) - a sign that a system, society, etc. is very bad or very wrong (обвинение, обвинительный приговор)

Examples: The poverty in our cities is a damning indictment of modern society.

3. Beaker - (British English) a cup, usually made of plastic and often without a handle, used for drinking from or a glass cup with straight sides and a lip, used in chemistry, for example for measuring liquids (стакан, пробирка)

Examples: This glass beaker containing copper sulphate solution.

4. Сome/spring to mind - if something comes/springs to mind, you suddenly remember or think of it – (приходить на ум)

Examples: Why does nothing immediately spring to mind?

I'm sure someone can help you, but no one immediately springs to mind.

5. Pine for somebody/something- to want or miss somebody/something very much (скучать)

Examples: She was pining for the mountains of her native country.

6. Furnace - a space surrounded on all sides by walls and a roof for heating metal or glass to very high temperatures (топка, печь)

Examples: The ash produced after the combustion of coal is taken out of the boiler furnace and then properly disposed

7. Turgid - boring, complicated and difficult to understand (напыщенный, скучный, помпезный)

Examples: The final communiqué is a very voluminous document filled with turgid words and phrases that have little practical meaning.

8. Toe the party line– to say or do what somebody in authority tells you to say or do, even if you do not share the same opinions, etc. (придерживаться партийной линии)

Examples: One or two of them refused to toe the party line.

9. Upstage somebody - to say or do something that makes people notice you more than the person that they should be interested in (затмить)

Examples: She was furious at being upstaged by her younger sister.

10. Reductive - that tries to explain something complicated by considering it as a combination of simple parts (редуктивный)

Examples: Not everything could be included in the book, and the reference was reductive.

11. Alienate - to make somebody less friendly towards you (оттолкнуть, отчуждать)

Examples: Such notifications frustrate and likely alienate your audience.

12. Herd - to move or make somebody/something move in a particular direction (загнать, пасти, стадо)

Examples: They were herded together into trucks and driven away.

13. Rabid - (disapproving) (of a type of person) having very strong feelings about something and acting in an unacceptable way (яростный, бешеный)

Examples: Another article said rabid squirrels were terrorizing Florida.

14. Hound somebody out (of something) | hound somebody from something [usually passive] to force somebody to leave a job or a place, especially by making their life difficult and unpleasant

Examples: They were hounded out of the country.

15. Compartmentalization - the division of things or people into separate sections or groups (разделение, дробление)

Examples: The compartmentalization of patients according to who can and can't pay has been widely criticized.

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16. Implosion - the act of collapsing into the center (схлопывание)

Examples: The only way to use plutonium in a workable bomb was thus implosion - a far more difficult engineering task.

17. Deterrence - the fact of making somebody less likely to do something (сдерживание)

Examples: His view is that prison sentences must be long enough to satisfy the requirements both of retribution and deterrence.

18. Get sidetracked - to make somebody start to talk about or do something that is different from the main thing that they are supposed to be talking about or doing (отвлекаться)

Examples: We can't get sidetracked with public opinion.

I was supposed to be writing a letter but I'm afraid I got sidetracked.

19. Scupper - to cause somebody/something to fail (сорвать, погубить)

Examples: Their chances of winning were scuppered by injury.

20. Unambiguous - clear in meaning; that can only be understood in one way (недвусмысленный)

Examples: Both written and oral statements must be unambiguous.

21. Scattered - spread far apart over a wide area or over a long period of time (рассеянный)

Examples: Her family are scattered around the world.

22. Gallows humor - Grim ironical humor about a serious subject. The term dates from the late 1800s and alludes to joking about being taken to the gallows and hanged (черный юмор)

Examples: Gallows humor has long been a way for people to deal with tragedies, to give themselves some distance and relief from the horror.

23. Candor - the quality of saying what you think openly and honestly (откровенность, искренность)

Examples: Candor seems to be a trait he admires.

24. Hold/keep somebody/something at bay - to prevent an enemy from coming close or a problem from having a bad effect (подавлять)

Examples: Helen bit her lip to hold the tears at bay.

25. Martyr - a person who is killed because of their religious or political beliefs (мученик)

Examples: Putting him to death would only make him a martyr.

26. Pillory somebody - to criticize somebody strongly in public (пригвоздить к позорному столбу)

Examples: He was regularly pilloried by the press for his radical ideas.

27. Animus (against somebody/something) - a strong feeling of opposition, anger or hate

Examples: These peaceable traits are in great part alien to the methods and the animus of barbarian life.

28. Moral qualms - (about something) a feeling of doubt or worry about whether what you are doing is right (угрызения совести)

Examples: They broke the law without moral qualms.


1. Cock-and-bull story - a story that is unlikely to be true but is used as an explanation or excuse. The first recorded use of the phrase in English was in John Day's 1608 play Law-trickes or Who Would Have Thought It.

(неправдоподобная история, небылица)

Examples: His reply was some cock-and-bull story about having to give her a lift home.

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AES - Atomic Energy Commission

TNT – Trinitrotoluene

GAC - General Advisory Committee

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1. «God doesn't play dice.»

Одна из самых известных цитат Альберта Эйнштейна гласит: "Бог не играет в кости со вселенной". Смысл цитаты в том, чтобы выразить, насколько причудливой является квантовая механика, как теория. Хотя большая часть вселенной детерминирована и поддается измерению, квантовая механика утверждает, что за всем стоит мир мельчайших частиц, которым управляет полная случайность.

2. «And now I am become Death. The destroyer of worlds

Слова из Бхагавадгиты, которые Роберт Оппенгеймер якобы произнес по итогам "Тринити", первого в истории испытания ядерного устройства (оно так и называлось - Gadget, "Устройство"), проведённого 16 июля 1945 года в пустыне Аламогордо, штат Нью-Мексико.

3. Q Clearance

Это тип допуска, который используется в Министерстве энергетики и Комиссии по ядерному регулированию (NRC). Это высший уровень допуска, доступный в NRC. Допуск Q означает, что человеку разрешено просматривать строго конфиденциальные документы и другую информацию, связанную с ядерными исследованиями.