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This article contains brief description of text-books, manuals and glossaries required to review and maintain level of knowledge after completion of our training course by a translator.

Vlad Belousov, member of the Union of translators of Russia, author of text-books and training courses for oil and gas translators and interpreters.

In this article I would like to briefly tell you about ready and planned products, that we post at PETROTRAN portal. Generally these products provide informational support for students who attended our training course Oil and Gas English, however they are also available for all interested persons free of charge or on paid basis.

Electronic oil and gas glossary. I provided detailed description of this product in a separate article, therefore now I will tell you about it only briefly.

The first version of electronic oil and gas glossary V1.0 contains 10,000 vocabulary items, including 8,000 abbreviations and 2,000 terms. So far it is English-Russian version that is already posted at PETROTRAN portal with free access. The glossary provides accurate translation of the term, definition in Russian and English, illustration for the term, sound record for correct pronunciation of the term and definition.

And all that with a single click, without numerous reference links in Internet. Thus, you will translate it correctly, understand what it is, see how it looks like, and also listen to correct pronunciation. That means you will remember it for the future.

We plan to publish the second version of the glossary V2.0 which will include additional 10,000 terms, and also perform full translation of the glossary into Arabic, Spanish and Chinese with an opportunity to work in any pair of these languages.

Electronic book Oil and Gas in Pictures. This edition is designed both for budding translators who want to start work in the oil and gas industry, and for those who need to systematize their fragmentary knowledge.

This book is based on the material of well-known self-training manual for oil and gas industry translators, it is written in simple language adapted for non-professionals. Huge number of illustrations turns studying of complex material into entrancing and easy reading. Book volume is 440 pages, including 650 illustrations. Russian and English versions are available, it is also planned to perform translation into other oil and gas languages (Arabic, Spanish and Chinese). Published: 2022.

Audio book Let’s Talk Oil and Gas. For those, who do not have time for studying or reading, and only want to listen. It is an audio story about technical processes and key equipment used in the oil and gas industry, adapted for non-professionals. You can listen to the text at any time, for example, in transport, during long trips or on vacation.

You just need to download files to any sound player. This edition is designed for students, translators, non-core employees of oil and gas companies. Russian and English versions are available, but it is also planned to translate the book into other oil and gas languages (Arabic, Spanish and Chinese). Total audio duration: 8 hours and 40 minutes. Published: 2022.

Video Book Let’s Talk Oil and Gas. In principle, it is the same material as in the audio book, however it is provided in the form of video presentations. In other words this edition is for those, who like not just to listen, but also to watch.

The advantage of the video book is big number of illustrations, which contributes to better memorizing or review of studied material prepared for all 12 topics of the training course. You just need to download files to any video player. The book is available separately in Russian and English, but we also plan to translate it into other oil and gas languages (Arabic, Spanish and Chinese). Total video duration: 8 hours and 45 minutes. Published: 2023.

Printed training package Oil and Gas English. It is a text-book of professional oil and gas English built on the training course materials. It is suitable for studying with a trainer in a group, and also for independent learning of terminology.

The course is designed for 250 training hours, and includes over 2,200 oil and gas terms. The package consists of a text-book (in two volumes), keys to exercises and a CD (50 training hours)containing audio exercises in English. This training package is intended for employees in the oil and gas sector, translators and students. Published: 2022.

Printed oil and gas glossary. This package includes two volumes: English-Russian and Russian-English.

Each glossary volume contains about 1,000 terms and definitions, the most commonly used in the oil and gas industry. More than half of the terms are supported with illustrations and schemes. Ideally can be used as a reference book of oil and gas field translator. Published: 2010.

We continuously develop and issue new products. Currently we are working at audio and video courses Introduction into oil and gas industry. The audio course includes all materials of the audio book Let’s talk oil and gas, and also additionally contains audio exercises allowing not only listen to the provided information, but also reliably retain it in memory for further use in your work. The video course includes materials of the video book Let’s talk oil and gas, and also additionally contains video exercises.

These courses may significantly reduce time of translator’s training in the oil and gas area, because you can do exercises autonomously in any place suitable for you and at any time, for example, in transport, during long trips, or on vacation. You just need to download files to any audio or video player. We plan to provide these courses in Russian, English and other languages mentioned above.

Journal PETROTRAN. We began to publish this journal in 2021 in electronic format in Russian and English. First of all, it was designed for technical translators working in the oil and gas area.

Materials of the journal include articles on general problems of the translation industry, interviews with the best translators and interesting people, information on leading translation organizations from different countries. Permanent sections of the journal include training materials associated with introduction into the oil and gas industry and terminology, extracts from fiction books on work of translators in fields, oil and gas industry news, interesting and educational information.

This is a brief review of our training materials currently offered at the web-site www.petrotran.ru. We will continue to publish information on release of our new products.