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Seinfeld 1 season #Seinfeld #Seinfeld1Season
S1.E2 ∙ The Stakeout
1. Fumble - to use your hands in a way that is not smooth or steady or careful when you are doing something or looking for something (шарить, возиться) Examples: She was fumbling around in the dark looking for the light switch.
2. Stick up for somebody/yourself/something [no passive] (informal) to support or defend somebody/yourself/something (постоять за, заступиться)
Examples: Stick up for what you believe.
She taught her children to stick up for themselves at school.
3. Fornicator (formal, disapproving) - a person who has intimate relationship with somebody they are not married to (блудник, прелюбодей)
Examples: We hear about you that you are a fornicator.
The happiness of full-blooded family life becomes unattainable for the fornicator.
4. To mock - to laugh at somebody/something in an unkind way, especially by copying what they say or do (насмехаться)
Examples: He's always mocking my French accent.
5. Take over - to begin to have control of or responsibility for something, especially in place of somebody else (завладеть, захватить)
Examples: However, sometimes their natural instincts will take over.
6. Stake something out - to clearly mark the limits of something that you claim is yours (застолбить)
Examples: Try to stake out a place where you'll be the only salon for a few blocks.
7. Dope - a drug that is used illegally for pleasure or person who takes it (дурь, торчок)
Examples: My little brother just got in prison for dealing dope.
8. Stickler (for something) - a person who thinks that a particular quality or type of behavior is very important and expects other people to think and behave in the same way (педант, щепетильный человек)
Examples: I'm sure he was a stickler and very difficult to live with.
9. Stake-out - a situation in which police watch a building secretly to find evidence of illegal activities (в засаде, на дежурстве)
Examples: Actually, I'm on stake-out tonight.