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Практика #15

Greetings, fellow learners!

Exercise 1. Сделайте оговорку / уточнение как в примере ниже, используя слова и фразы в скобках и дополняя предложение необходимыми предлогами и формами глагола.

Example: They live not far from the “Crown”shopping center. ( 16th street, know, the one) ===> The live not far fro the “Crown” shopping center. You know,the one on the 16th street.

1) The train leaves at 7. ( to be accurate, 7:10)

2) Yes, I said that he's a bad loser! ( mean, be always unlucky)

3) Today is the 1st of June. You have until the 1st of July to move out. ( that is to say, month)

4) His visit was a big surprise! ( Not that, glad to see him, but, very busy, that day

5)The English grammar is not very difficult. ( there is, some, confusing points, though)

Exercise 2. Переведите на английский.

1) — Мне не нравится его отношение. — Мне тоже. 2) Хотя до экзамена был целый месяц, Ванесса не могла перестать думать о нем и волноваться. 3) Будем надеяться, что стремление политиков к миру окажется сильнее амбиций, и война скоро закончится. 4) Сходите к профессору, извинитесь — делов-то! 5) Большинство критиков нашли фильм банальной, сентиментальной ерундой. 6) Если у вас нет близкого друга, кому можно излить душу, сходите к психотерапевту.

Exercise 3. Подберите идиомы к соответствующим им ситуациям на изображениях ниже.

A. “You're just a toilet mouth, Johnny!”

B. “I'm in the driver's seat now”

C. “You can find anything but the kitchen sink in this place. ”

D. “Look, the prices are going through the roof! It's an outrage!”

E. “Oh, Gosh! Mom's hitting the ceiling again!”










Ответы к упражнениям

Упражнение 1.

1) The train leaves at 7. To be accurate, at 7:10

2) Yes, I said that he's a bad loser! I mean, he's always unlucky.

3) Today is the 1st of June. You have until the 1st of July to move out. That is to say, you have a month.

4) His visit was a big surprise! Not that I wasn't glad to see him, but I was very busy that day.

5) The English grammar is not very difficult. There are some confusing points, though ( или “The English grammar is not very difficult, though there are some confusing points”).

Упражнение 2.

1) “I don't like his attitude.” “Neither do I.” 2) Although it was a whole month before the exam, Vanessa couldn't help thinking about it and being worried. 3) Let's hope that politicians' desire for peace will overcome their ambitions so that the war is over soon. 4) Go to the professor, apologize, and be done! 5) Most critics found the film banal and namby-pamby nonsense. 6) If you do not have a close friend to let everything out, go to a psychotherapist.

Упражнение 3.

1-B; 2-C, 3-A, 4-E, 5-D

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