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Крутые английские идиомы для кайфового общения - Part 1

What are sadness and happiness for you? For me, happiness is something that every person should strive for. What does verb+prep 'strive for' mean? It means "стремиться к". What do I strive for? If I were asked the question five years ago, I would say something about money and being successful at work. But now that I have changed my priorities to being a creative person, my personal and main goal is to be creative at work. It brings me joy and pleasure (приносит мне радость и удовольствие). I'm thrilled to bits (взволнована) to tell you about my purchase last week. I bought some stickers with cats and dogs, funny ones. I like cats and dogs, although I don't have any. I used to be out of sorts about the fact in my childhood. If I had had a cat or a kitten in my childhood, I would have been on the top of the world. But no. I didn't have such a great opportunity. I had many friends and buddies who were fond of cats, dogs, and different pets. I'm sure they were on cloud nine (на седьмом небе) because they had them. I was really jealous.

My parents used to teach me a life lesson when I was studying at school. They used to tell me not to pay attention to marks, not to be angry about school subjects and marks, about classmates, and about teachers. I used to go through (проходить через) my study years (at school and university) with this kind of lesson. I can remember my mother and father being in seventh heaven (на седьмом небе от счастья) when it came to good and excellent marks. I wasn't a good student. especially, I was really bad at math and science subjects. I found a real kick out (настоящий кайф) of studying Russian, and I was trying my best to get excellent marks, but I actually didn't. I liked writing in Russian; my teacher of Russian used to praise me for having really comprehensible and nice handwriting. I was walking on air (ликовала) while I was being praised. I can remember a situation when I got an excellent mark. I was the one who got it. I was jumping for joy (прыгать от радости). It made my day (сделало мой день лучше) that time. Everyone in my classroom was really jealous of the fact that I had done it.

There were also times when I hated school and my classmates. I used to be neutral toward school days in most cases, but there were really shocking situations that made me down in the dumps (быть в унынии). My parents did their best to encourage me, saying, 'It's not the end of the world'.

I used to be very overwhelmed with all the situations that have happened and continue to happen in the world. I came across a guy who used to say a phrase like this: 'Just grin and bear it' (смириться). I remember acting a misery guts (нытик) with him and telling him about my worries, etc. Thanks for his patience and understanding. He was one year younger than me, and he was wise. Unfortunately, we don't talk anymore.

I have finished talking about my feelings—sad ones and happy ones. In the past and now. I hope you are well.

источник: яндекс картинки