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Irritability. Orientation.

Картинка взята отсюда: https://www.medschoolcoach.com/reflex-arcs-mcat-biology/
Картинка взята отсюда: https://www.medschoolcoach.com/reflex-arcs-mcat-biology/

Organisms and the environment are closely interconnected. Changes in the environment influence the biosphere. The reaction of the organism to the changes in the environment is called irritability or sensibility.

Multicellular organisms have a nervous and endocrine system which coordinates the connection of the organism with the environment. Nervous cells groups together to form the nervous system. A reflex is the response impulse to irritation. Reflexes can be instinctive (basic) and trained. Instinctive reflexes are passed from parents to children. Trained reflexes are reactions which organisms get from their life experience.

Earthworms, insects have a complex nervous system which consists of nervous nodes with nerves. The earthworm has a rudimentary brain which coordinates its activity. The brain sends signals via 2 nerve cords, in response the muscle contracts.

The vertebrates have a complex nervous system in the dorsal part. The central nervous system (CNS) consists of the brain, the spinal cord and nerve cords (there are 25 billions neurons). A nervous impulse is the irritation spread along the nerve cord. The spinal cord is in the backbone. The brain is in the skull. Cerebellum, the largest hindbrain region, is a part of the brain which is responsible for orientation of the body in space and mobility.

An instinct is an inborn complex of specific reactions to the environment. Instincts are more complex than reflexes.

The human brain weighs 1,330 grams. Mammals have two cerebral hemispheres covered with the crust. The crust has a form of convolutions. Memory, mentality, manual work and consciousness depend on the crust which consists of billions of nervous cells.

The endocrine system controls the work of the body. The endocrine glands secrete hormones which are responsible for chemical reactions in the body. Adrenaline and insulin are hormones.

The thyroid gland is very important for humans. It influences the growth and development of the organism.

Hypophysis is a small gland in the brain. It secretes hormones which influence metabolism and growth.


The environment – окруж. среда

To interconnect – связывать между собой

To influence – влиять

Irritability – раздражимость

Sensibility – чувствительность

To coordinate – координировать

Connection – связь

A response – ответ

An instinctive reflex – безусловный рефлекс

A trained reflex – условный рефлекс

To pass from … to … – передавать от… к…

Life experience – жизненный опыт

An earthworm – дождевой червь

A nervous node – нервный узел

A rudimentary brain – зачаточный мозг

Activity – деятельность

Via – посредством

To contract – сокращаться

A vertebrate – позвоночное животное

Dorsal – спинной

The spinal cord – спинной мозг

A neuron – нейрон

A nervous impulse – нервный импульс

To spread – распространяться

A backbone – позвоночник

A skull – череп

Cerebellum – мозжечок

Hindbrain – задний мозг

To be responsible for – быть ответственным за

Space – пространство

Mobility – движение

Forebrain – передний мозг

Midbrain – средний мозг

Inborn – врожденный

Specific – определенный

Complex – сложный

To weigh – взвешивать

A cerebral hemisphere – полушарие головного мозга

To cover – покрывать

A crust – кора

A convolution – извилина

Memory – память

Mentality – мышление

Manual work – ручной труд

Consciousness - сознание

To depend on – зависеть от

The endocrine gland – железа внутренней секреции

To secrete – выделять

The thyroid – щитовидная железа

Development – развитие

Growth – рост

Hypophysis – гипофиз

A gland – железа

Metabolism – обмен веществ