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The white-flammable stone Alatyr was revealed at the beginning of time. He was raised from the bottom of the Milky Ocean by the World Duck. Alatyr was very small, because the Duck wanted to hide it in her beak.

But Svarog uttered the magic Word, and the stone began to grow. The duck could not hold it and dropped it. Where the white-combustible stone Alatyr fell, the Alatyr mountain rose.

The white-flammable stone Alatyr is a sacred stone, the focus of the Knowledge of the Vedas, the mediator between man and God. It is both “small and very cold”, and “great as a mountain”. Both light and heavy. It is unknowable: “and no one could know that stone, and no one could lift it from the earth.”

When Svarog hit Alatyr with his magic hammer, gods were born from the sparks. On Alatyr, the temple of the Most High was built by the half-horse Kitovras. Therefore, Alatyr is also an altar, a stone-altar to the Almighty. On it, the Almighty Himself sacrifices Himself and Alatyr turns into stone.

According to ancient legends, Alatyr fell from the sky and the Laws of Svarog were carved on it. So Alatyr connected the worlds - the mountainous, heavenly, and manifest, valley. The book of the Vedas, which fell from the sky, and the magical bird Gamayun also served as an intermediary between the worlds. Both the Book and the Bird are also Alatyr.

In the earthly world, Alatyr is revealed by Mount Elbrus. This mountain was also called - Bel-Alabyr, White Mountain, Belitsa. The White River flows from Elbrus-Alatyr. In ancient times, the White City was near Elbrus, the Slavic tribe of Belogors lived here. Alatyr is associated with the heavenly world, Iriy, Belovodie, - that is, with paradise, through which milk rivers flow. Alatyr is a white stone.

The river Baksan flows from Elbrus. Until the 4th century AD it was called the river Altud, or Alatyrka. These names contain the root "alt", which means "gold" (hence - "altyn"). Therefore, Alatyr is also a magic stone, the touch of which turns everything into gold. This is the Golden Mountain, Mount Zlato-Gorki and Svyatogora. So, Alatyr is the Holy Mountain.

There is also a stone Alatyr in the Urals on the Iry mountains, from where the sacred Ra-river originates. And at its mouth on the island of Buyan there is also a stone Alatyr, which heals from diseases and gives immortality. The Altai Mountains were also called Alatyr-mountains, the Golden Island of the Sun in the Northern Ocean was also called Alatyr-Island.

Alatyr is not only a mountain or a stone - it is the sacred center of the World. It is triune, therefore it means the path of Rule between Yavu and Naviu, between the valley and the mountain worlds. It is two-in-one - both small and large, both light and heavy. He is one, because all worlds are united in him. He is unknowable, like Rule. This is the original stone.