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The white-flammable stone Alatyr was revealed at the beginning of time. He was raised from the bottom of the Milky Ocean by the World Duck. Alatyr was very small, because the Duck wanted to hide it in her beak. But Svarog uttered the magic Word, and the stone began to grow. The duck could not hold it and dropped it. Where the white-combustible stone Alatyr fell, the Alatyr mountain rose. The white-flammable stone Alatyr is a sacred stone, the focus of the Knowledge of the Vedas, the mediator between man and God. It is both “small and very cold”, and “great as a mountain”. Both light and heavy. It is unknowable: “and no one could know that stone, and no one could lift it from the earth...
1 год назад
Barma, Tarusa and Chur Myths of the ancient Slavs переведите текст сами узнаете о чем он
Churila, who lived in Svarga, was so handsome that he drove all the celestials crazy. Yes, and he himself fell in love, and not to an unmarried woman - to the wife of the god Barma Tarusa himself. “I’ve had a misfortune,” Churila sang, “from the sweetheart of the red maiden, from the young Tarusushka ... Is it a pity for you, my maiden, I suffer with my heart all the time, don’t I sleep on a dark night from you ... And Tarusushka answered like this: - You go, white powder, at the evening, at the late dawn! You go at the dawn of the morning! Bring in all the stitches - Dorozhenki, hide from Barma the god the traces along which Churilushka walked ...
1 год назад