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Victor Parrot was born one cold, stormy night in the hospital.
The weather was bleak and the night was pitch-black. The hospital left much to be desired, the room was tiny and filthy, the odour was disgusting.
When you look at the walls, you merely be scared stiff, they are of yellow nauseous color. I think they have never been washed. The patients were heavily groaning and the ambience of unfortunate reigned everywhere.
The midwife was polite though and she swiftly helped the mother to deliver the baby at ease.
This little pinkish lump of flesh was squeaking loudly. It seemed he had already hated this place.
According to the autobiographical records of Mr Parrot, he wrote that unfortunately, his mum had died in childbirth. Her weak heart couldn’t bear the tension and she had popped her clogs. Such a poor lady! Helen could miscarry but blessing in disguise everything was all right.
The doctor said sternly:
“It’s totally for the best, she couldn’t bring up the child on her own, the whole family was mourning her tragedy”.
In fact, she was a widow, her spouse had recently died and the babyborn became an orphan.
“We shouldn’t allow him to go down the wrong path”, — his aunt said vigorously, — “He’s the McFly’s and we won’t let him down for the sake of his honest mother, Helen, God rest her innocent soul!
Aunt Ella was going to send him to the most privileged boarder school when Victor became older.
“That’s my choice and I will sign in my will officially.
Unfortunately, her benevolent nature was destroyed by the abrupt death of hers. It was a big shock for every McFly’s.
It seems that only death follows everyone in the family , so the life of the little kid was on the thin ice.
Meanwhile, Victor’s childhood was full of happy days. The court gave the custody to his grandad and brother of his deceased father to take after the baby.
Victor was growing as a mischievous boy who liked to frolic and listen to his grandad’s stories. Victor looked up to John and couldn’t go off to bed without one or two stories made up by the elder wise man whose face was covered with wrinkles.
John’s gray hair was fluffy and curly therefore he looked like a friendly Santa Claus ready to play tricks and crack jocks. Even when Victor was lying in the cot, John whispered little tuneful songs and told stories about noble knives.
Victor was very independent and conscious despite his young age. He quickly broke the habit of going number one and two, he didn’t want to burden his close relatives.
He went to the child day care centre when he was three and made lots of new friends there. He was a good laugh and he was very outgoing and energetic. Victor liked to be the centre of attention.
While he was growing up, the lad was becoming more into literate and books.
This hobby was number one priority for him, because at home he had a big library and Victor couldn’t stop reading new books out load to his grandad to boast how skillful he was. Victor was an industrious boy wearing a sleeve on his heart.
When the boy was 7, he went to the boarding school as his aunt wanted it.
It was a great place for him to develop and evolve his skills. Teachers told about his talent and in every way literature teacher tried to inspire Victor by different authors and books genres. He evens joins the book club for little bibliophiles where they read and analyse characters and their deeds.
When Victor turned 18, he went to the Cambridge University. His merits and excellent marks were noticed and the university management allocated Victor to the Literature Major.
Thanks to support of his family he could finish the university and got the degree.
After that he tied the knot. His first love was Julia. Their wedding was lush and magnificent.
The invitation letters had been sent to more than 2000 guests, the couple even appeared on the cover of the magazine Vogue because Julia was a famous model and influencer.
Victor, the groom, was a gallant virile man looking handsome at the viewer from the wedding’s photos.
They arranged the wedding’s reception near the Ocean in Spain.
They traveled a lot and during the honeymoon the young spouses visited more than 5 countries.
The marriage was a very prolific time for both of them. Victor was inspired by brand-new plots. Julia took part in new photo sessions. They both made the most of their deal.
Was it a happy marriage? Who knows.
Actually they had a baby, James. Julia got pregnant out of blue. The young family wasn’t ready for that. It was the hardest time for them. Julia didn’t want the baby. She offered to have an abortion but Victor heavily protested. Their marriage was tearing apart, and after the baby birth they got divorced.
Mass media came to the conclusion it was a very beneficial contract.
While studying Victor changed his last name and took up writing stories and novels. It wasn’t his hobby, it was his passion.
Some times later he started to reap the results and made the fortune.
Victor was a go-getter and never missed the chance to promote his career and write unusual and amazing stories for kids.
“My first fables were inspired by my grandad. He is a big role model for me”, — Victor said in one of his numerous interviews.
When he was about 23, overnight success came for him. The novel “On the edge” became a bestseller on the States. It was viral around the world.
Victor Parrot’s stories hit all book charts and became popular everywhere. Some of them were put in the screen and raised millions of dollars.
Victor died a man, aged 95, with a smile on his face. Over hundred mourners came to his funeral. The coffin was wooden, the ceremony was simple. He buried in the family tomb.
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