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5 идиом + карточки для запоминания

1. To be as cool as a cucumber - быть спокойным, как удав; быть хладнокровным.


I thought I would be nervous, but I was cool as a cucumber.

2. To buy a lemon - совершить неудачную покупку


My new dishwasher broke down yesterday. I think I bought a lemon.

3. Chew the fat - болтать, трепаться, сплетничать


When we arrive, there will be plenty of time to chew the fat.

4. To be full of beans - энергичный, в приподнятом настроении


He is full of beans and always a thoughtful listener.

5. To go pear-shaped - не заладиться, пойти наперекосяк


And if things go pear-shaped, we'll lose the contract.

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