Большинство переводчиков стопудово видели это выражение, но в в русско-английских переводах я вижу его редко, поэтому решил подсветить отдельно, тем более, что он довольно компактный.
Смотрим примерчики:
• As a general rule in ML, if the cross-validated accuracy is higher than you’d have expected, CHANCES ARE your model is cheating somewhere.
• Functions start throwing new errors or stop throwing several errors altogether, and CHANCES ARE you may miss an error or two over time.
• CHANCES ARE that you might have some types in your projects that can gain extra functionality by adhering to Collection.
• If you use SwiftLint with multiple team members, CHANCES ARE that one team member could have a different version of SwiftLint installed, especially when SwiftLint gets upgraded over time.
• If your HCP says that you do not need an antibiotic, CHANCES ARE you do not.
• If the fluid is bright, then CHANCES ARE you are looking at a T2-weighted image
• If a person can eat scrambled eggs without an allergic reaction, then the CHANCES ARE LOW that the person has an egg allergy.
• If one parent is heterozygous for HbS and another for C or beta thalassemia, 25% CHANCES ARE that the child will be a double heterozygote
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