Мы привыкли видеть эту фразу в каких-нибудь бизнесовых или финансовых контекстах.
Однако она употребляется значительно шире — зачастую сильно далеко вообще от финансового смысла, например, вместо as a result или an outcome is.
Профит в том, что вариант с result выглядит избито, а с bottom line — нативнее.
Смотрим примерчики:
✒️ IT
• You can find more information about team-level management in Chapter 6. BOTTOM LINE, you should scope your risk matrices as makes sense for your organization.
• When Windows Hello biometric authentication is set up, any activity that would require a password can be unlocked using a fingerprint or facial recognition on an enrolled device. THE BOTTOM LINE? Attackers who steal a cache of user names and passwords are out of luck.
• You may be wondering how much of the preceding information is of practical significance. After all, the BOTTOM LINE would appear to be that the CLR ensures that heap blocks are kept around for as long as they are reachable...
• For example, calling ZwCreateFile sets the previous caller to KernelMode and then calls NtCreateFile, causing NtCreateFile to bypass some security and buffer checks that would otherwise be performed. The BOTTOM LINE is that kernel drivers should call the Zw functions unless there is a compelling reason to do otherwise.
✒️ MED
• Even though potential screening tools such as ultrasonography and serum markers are available, no screening modality has been demonstrated to be effective at reducing ovarian cancer mortality, which is the BOTTOM LINE for cancer screening.
• The BOTTOM LINE is that treating ventricular ectopy with antiarrhythmic drugs has not been associated with an improved clinical outcome, despite the fact that numerous clinical trials have been conducted to examine this question.
• However, the BOTTOM LINE is that in the patient you are seeing it is difficult to know whether the PFO is an incidental finding or causally related to stroke.
• The BOTTOM LINE is, it is far better to have a scan performed properly on a low-tech piece of equipment by a knowledgeable and well-trained operator than to have a poorly performed scan on the latest high-tech machine.
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