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📌 неприемлемо ... > prohibitively ...

Первое, что приходит на ум, когда мы пытаемся сконструировать фразу, что что-то там неприемлемо долго-дорого-велико — unacceptably.

Однако, это слово слишком формальное, и более нейтральный (=частотный) вариант будет — PROHIBITIVELY (чаще всего используется в сочетании с expensive = cost-prohibitive, но далеко не всегда). Мультитран дает единственный вариант перевода этого слова как "чрезмерно", но на мой взгляд это слишком узкая трактовка.

В медицинских текстах, с учетом их формальности, эта разница менее выражена, но даже там PROHIBITIVELY используется чаще.

Смотрим примеры.

✒️ IT

• A full mesh provides a great deal of redundancy but because it can be PROHIBITIVELY EXPENSIVE to implement, it usually is reserved for network backbones.

• Many computations that are PROHIBITIVELY HARD for any other case are easy for the normal distribution.

• Even efficient supervised algorithms are PROHIBITIVELY SLOW, requiring many training trials and large amounts of the kind of training data that is labeled with either an appropriate output or reinforcement.

• Unfortunately, Monte Carlo sampling is a PROHIBITIVELY TIME-CONSUMING way to search for good hidden layer features.

• If you need to rebuild terabyte-sized datasets in a single instance of a highly indexed, disk-resident database, this load time could well be PROHIBITIVELY LONG.

✒️ MED

Severely debilitated patients with stage IV symptoms in general have a PROHIBITIVELY HIGH risk.

• In particular, those with long-standing renal failure have a PROHIBITIVELY HIGH morbidity and mortality after VAD insertion because of difficulties in fluid management and the infectious risks of long-term dialysis access.

• Valve failure is PROHIBITIVELY RAPID in children and in adults under 35-40 years of age.

Physicians working in busy EDs with time and space constraints find these guidelines PROHIBITIVELY CONSERVATIVE and difficult to adhere to.

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