Компания Square Enix представила полный трек-лист ритм-игры Theatrhythm Final Bar Line. 385 треков ожидают игроков в базовой версии и ещё больше в сезонных пропусках. Кроме того, Square Enix раскроет содержимое ещё нескольких сезонников в ближайшие месяцы. Игра поступит в продажу 16 февраля следующего года на Nintendo Switch и PlayStation 4.
Итак, вот он, внушительный список композиций для игры Theatrhythm Final Bar Line (EMS — Event Music Stage, FMS — Field Music Stage, BMS — Battle Music Stage) :
Final Fantasy
- Airship (FMS)
- Battle (BMS)
- Castle Cornelia (FMS)
- Final Battle (BMS)
- Main Theme of Final Fantasy (FMS)
- Matoya’s Cave (FMS)
- Mini Boss Battle (BMS)
- Mt. Gulg (FMS)
- Opening Theme (EMS, FMS)
- Sunken Shrine (FMS)
Final Fantasy II
- Battle 1 (BMS)
- Battle Them B (BMS)
- Battle Theme A (BMS)
- Chocobo Theme (FMS)
- Dungeon (FMS)
- Finale (FMS)
- Main Theme of Final Fantasy II (FMS)
- The Imperial Army (FMS)
- The Rebel Army (EMS, BMS)
- Tower of the Magi (FMS)
- Town (FMS)
Final Fantasy III
- Aria, the Maiden of Water (EMS, FMS)
- Battle 1 (BMS)
- Battle 2 (BMS)
- Crystal Cave (FMS)
- Crystal Tower (FMS)
- Dark Crystal (FMS)
- Doga and Unei (FMS)
- Eternal Wind (FMS)
- Final Battle (BMS)
- Forbidden Land Eureka (FMS)
- Megalopolis Saronia (FMS)
- The Boundless Ocean (FMS)
- The Invincible (FMS)
Final Fantasy IV
- Airship (FMS)
- Another Moon (FMS)
- Battle 1 (BMS)
- Battle 2 (BMS)
- Battle with the Four Fiends (BMS)
- Final Fantasy IV Main Theme (FMS)
- Lunar Whale (FMS)
- The Final Battle (BMS)
- The Red Wings (FMS)
- Theme of Love (EMS)
- Theme of Love (FMS)
- Tower of Zot (FMS)
- Trojan Beauty (FMS)
- Within the Giant (FMS)
Final Fantasy V
- A New World (FMS)
- Battle 2 (BMS)
- Clash on the Big Bridge (BMS)
- FInal Fantasy V Main Theme (BMS)
- Four Hearts (FMS)
- Harvest (FMS)
- Home, Sweet Home (EMS, FMS)
- In Search of Light (FMS)
- Library of the Ancients (FMS)
- Mambo de Chocobo (FMS)
- The Airship (FMS)
- The Dawn Warriors (BMS)
- The Decisive Battle (BMS)
- The Final Battle (BMS)
- To the North Mountain (FMS)
Final Fantasy VI
- Battle (BMS)
- Battle to the Death (BMS)
- Celes’s Theme (EMS, FMS)
- Dancing Mad (BMS)
- Edgar and Sabin’s Theme (FMS)
- Grand Finale (BMS)
- Last Dungeon (FMS)
- Locke’s Theme (BMS)
- Protect the Esper! (BMS)
- Searching for Friends (FMS)
- Terra’s Theme (FMS)
- The Airship Blackjack (FMS)
- The Decisive Battle (BMS)
Final Fantasy VII
- Aerith’s Theme (EMS)
- Birth of a God (BMS)
- Cosmo Canyon (BMS)
- Crazy Motorcycle (FMS)
- Fight On! (BMS)
- Gold Saucer (FMS)
- Highwind Takes to the Skies (FMS)
- J-E-N-O-V-A (BMS)
- Judgment Day (FMS)
- Let the Battles Begin! (BMS)
- Main Theme of FInal Fantasy VII (FMS)
- One-Winged Angel (BMS)
- Opening ~ Bombing Mission (BMS)
- Rufus’s Welcoming Ceremony (FMS)
Final Fantasy VII Advent Children
- Advent: One-Winged Angel (EMS, BMS)
- Aerith’s Theme ~ Piano Version (FMS)
- Battle in the Forgotten City (BMS)
- Beyond the Wasteland (BMS)
- Cloud Smiles (FMS)
- Divinity II (BMS)
- J-E-N-O-V-A ~ FF7 AC Version (BMS)
- Those Who Fight ~ Piano Version (BMS)
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
- Encounter (BMS)
- Flower Blooming in the Slums ~ Aerith’s Theme (FMS)
- The Price of Freedom (BMS)
- Theme of Crisis Core ~ Succession (EMS)
- Timely Ambush ~ Let the Battles Begin (FMS)
Last Order: FInal Fantasy VII
- Last Order (BMS)
Final Fantasy VII Remake
- Bombing Mission (BMS)
- Collapsed Expressway (FMS)
- High Five (BMS)
- Hollow (EMS)
- J-E-N-O-V-A ~ Quickening (BMS)
- Let the Battles Begin ~ Ex-SOLDIER (BMS)
- Main Theme of FF7 ~ Sector 7 Undercity (FMS)
- Midgar Expressway (FMS)
- One-Winged Angel Rebirth (BMS)
- The Airbuster (BMS)
- Tifa’s Theme ~ Seventh Heaven (FMS)
Final Fantasy VIII
- Balamb Garden (FMS)
- Blue Fields (FMS)
- Don’t Be Afraid (BMS)
- Ending Theme of FF8 (FMS)
- Find Your Way (FMS)
- Fisherman’s Horizon (FMS)
- Force Your Way (BMS)
- Liberi Fatali (BMS)
- Love Grows (FMS)
- Maybe I’m a Lion (BMS)
- Premonition (BMS)
- Shuffle or Boogie (BMS)
- The Castle (FMS)
- The Extreme (BMS)
- The Man with the Machine Gun (BMS)
- The Oath (FMS)
- Waltz for the Moon (EMS, FMS)
Final Fantasy IX
- A Place to Call Home (FMS)
- Aboard the Hilda Garde (FMS)
- Battle 1 (BMS)
- Battle 2 (BMS)
- Behind the Door (EMS)
- Behind the Door (FMS)
- Dark City Treno (FMS)
- Festival of the Hunt (BMS)
- Ipsen’s Castle (FMS)
- Iifa, the Ancient Tree of Life (FMS)
- Over the Hill (FMS)
- Rose of May (FMS)
- Something to Protect ~ Beatrix’s Theme (BMS)
- Sword of Fury (BMS)
- The Darkness of Eternity (BMS)
- The Final Battle (BMS)
- Vamo’alla Flamenco (BMS)
- Vivi’s Theme (FMS)
- You’re Not Alone! (FMS)
Final Fantasy X и X-2
- 1000 Words ~ FFX-2 Mix (EMS)
- A Contest of Aeons (BMS)
- A Fleeting Dream (FMS)
- Assault (BMS)
- Battle Theme (BMS)
- Blitz-Off! (BMS)
- Challenge (BMS)
- Demise (BMS)
- Fight with Seymour (BMS)
- Final Battle (BMS)
- Launch (FMS)
- Let Me Blow You a Kiss (BMS)
- Mi’ihen Highroad (FMS)
- Movement in Green (FMS)
- Otherworld (BMS)
- Servants of the Mountain (FMS)
- Spira Unplugged (FMS)
- Suteki da ne (EMS, FMS)
- The Farplane Abyss (FMS)
- Thunder Plains (FMS)
- Under Bevelle (FMS)
- Via Purifico (FMS)
- We’re the Gullwings! (FMS)
- YuRiPa, Fight! No. 1 (BMS)
Final Fantasy XI
- A New Horizon ~ Tavnazian Archipelago (BMS)
- Awakening (BMS)
- Battle Theme (BMS)
- FF11 Opening Theme (EMS, BMS)
- Fighter of the Crystal (BMS)
- Gustaberg (FMS)
- Heavens Tower (FMS)
- Iron Colossus (BMS)
- Melodies Errant (BMS)
- Ragnarok (BMS)
- Recollection (FMS)
- Ronfure (FMS)
- Sarutabaruta (FMS)
- Selbina (FMS)
- Shinryu (BMS)
- The Sanctuary of Zi’Tah (FMS)
- Tough Battle #2 (BMS)
- Vana’diel March (FMS)
- Voyager (FMS)
Final Fantasy XII
- Battle with an Esper (BMS)
- Boss Battle (BMS)
- Ending Movie (BMS)
- Final Fantasy ~ FF12 Version (BMS)
- Flash of Steel (BMS)
- Giza Plains (FMS)
- Heart of a Child (FMS)
- Life and Death (BMS)
- Phon Coast (FMS)
- Streets of Rabanastre (FMS)
- Struggle for Freedom (BMS)
- The Archadian Empire (EMS, FMS)
- The Dalmasca Estersand (FMS)
- The Mosphoran Highwaste (FMS)
Final Fantasy XIII
- Blinded by Light (BMS)
- Defiers of Fate (EMS, BMS)
- Desperate Struggle (BMS)
- Dust to Dust (BMS)
- Eden Under Siege (BMS)
- Fighting Fate (BMS)
- March of the Dreadnoughts (FMS)
- Nascent Requiem (BMS)
- Saber’s Edge (BMS)
- The Archylte Steppe (FMS)
- The Gapra Whitewood (FMS)
- The Sunleth Waterscape (FMS)
- Will to Fight (BMS)
Final Fantasy XIII-2
- Crazy Chocobo (FMS)
- Eclipse (FMS)
- Etro’s Champion (BMS)
- Full Speed Ahead (BMS)
- Groovy Chocobo (FMS)
- Heart of Chaos (BMS)
- Historia Crux (FMS)
- Last Hunter (BMS)
- Noel’s Theme ~ Final Journey (FMS)
- Paradigm Shift (BMS)
- Plains of Eternity (FMS)
- Warrior Goddess (EMS)
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
- Chaos (BMS)
- Crimson Blitz (BMS)
- Lightning Returns (BMS)
- Savior of Souls (EMS, BMS)
- The Dead Dunes (FMS)
- The Glittering City of Yusnaan (FMS)
Final Fantasy XIV
- A Light in the Storm (FMS)
- A Long Fall (BMS)
- Answers (EMS)
- Engage (FMS)
- Exponential Entropy (BMS)
- Fallen Angel (BMS)
- Good King Moggle Mog XII (BMS)
- Hard to Miss (BMS)
- Heroes (BMS)
- Ink Long Dry (FMS)
- Locus (BMS)
- Metal ~ Brute Justice Mode (BMS)
- Moebius (BMS)
- Nemesis (BMS)
- Oblivion (BMS)
- Ominous Prognisticks (BMS)
- On Westerly Winds (FMS)
- Primal Judgment (BMS)
- Promises to Keep (BMS)
- Rise (BMS)
- Serenity (FMS)
- Sunrise (BMS)
- The Land Breathes (BMS)
- The Worm’s Tail (BMS)
- Through the Maelstrom (BMS)
- To the Sun (FMS)
- Torn from the Heavens (BMS)
- Triumph (BMS)
- Ultima (BMS)
- Under the Weight (BMS)
- Wayward Daughter (BMS)
- What Angel Wakes Me (BMS)
- Who Brings Shadow (BMS)
Final Fantasy XV
- Apocalypsis Noctis – (EMS)
- Apocalypsis Noctis ~ Uncovered Trailer Version (BMS)
- Dance of the Silver & Red – Episode Ardyn (BMS)
- Episode Ignis Main Theme (FMS)
- Flying R (FMS)
- Hellfire (BMS)
- Home Sweet Home ~ Theme of Episode Prompto (FMS)
- Invidia (BMS)
- Magna Insomnia (BMS)
- Main Theme from FInal Fantasy (FMS)
- Noctis (FMS)
- Omnis Lacrima (BMS)
- Shield of the King ~ Theme of Episode Gladiolus (FMS)
- Somnus (FMS)
- Stand Your Ground (BMS)
- The Fight is On! (BMS)
- Up for the Challenge (BMS)
- Valse di Fantastica (FMS)
- Veiled in Black (BMS)
Final Fantasy Tactics
- Antipyretic (BMS)
- Apoplexy (BMS)
- Battle on the Bridge (BMS)
- Bland Logo ~ Title Back (EMS)
- Ovelia’s Theme (FMS)
- Prologue Movie (FMS)
- Trisection (BMS)
- Ultima’s Transformation (BMS)
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
- Battle 1 (BMS)
- Battle 1 (BMS)
- Battle 3 (BMS)
- Hill of Destiny (BMS)
- Last Castle (FMS)
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
- Across the Divide (FMS)
- Monster Ronde (BMS)
- Moonless Starry Night (EMS)
- Promised Grace (FMS)
- Today Comes to be Tomorrow (FMS)
- United, Manifested (BMS)
- Woebegone Creature (BMS)
Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers
- This is the End for You! (BMS)
Final Fantasy Type-0
- Soar (FMS)
- Tempus Finis (FMS)
- The Beginning of the End (EMS, BMS)
- The Earth Under Our Feet (FMS)
- Vermillion Fire (BMS)
- War: The White Weapon (BMS)
- War: Warrior Wortha Thousand (BMS)
Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light
- Battle with Monsters (BMS)
- The 4 Heroes of Light Main Theme (FMS)
World of Final Fantasy
- World of Battle (BMS)
Mobius Final Fantasy
- Bloodthirst (BMS)
- Dancing Edge (BMS)
- Femme Fatale (BMS)
- Magic Madness (BMS)
- Warrior of Light ~ Mobius Final Fantasy (BMS)
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin
- Battle: Chaos Advent (BMS)
- Battle: False Night (BMS)
- Jack’s Theme (BMS)
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo’s Dungeon
- Pop-Up Duel (BMS)
- Raffaello Battle (BMS)
- Theme of Dungeon Hero X (BMS)
Dissidia Final Fantasy
- Battle 1 Arrange ~ from FF9 (BMS)
- Dissidia Final Fantasy Final Trailer (BMS)
- Dissidia ~ Ending (BMS)
- Keeping the Peace (FMS)
- The Decisive Battle Arrange ~ From FF6 (BMS)
- The Troops’ Advance (BMS)
Dissidia 012 Duodecim
- Cantata Mortis (BMS)
- Canto Mortis ~ An Undocumented Battle (FMS)
- Dissidia 012 Duodecim Final Trailer (BMS)
- Gate to the Rift (FMS)
- Lux Concordiae (EMS)
Dissidia Final Fantasy Arcade
- Antipyretic Arrange ~ from FF Tactics (BMS)
- Dancing Mad Arrange ~ from FF6 (BMS)
- Eternal Wind Arrange ~ from FF3 (BMS)
- God in Fire (BMS)
- Massive Explosion (BMS)
- Ominous pronisticks Arrange ~ from FF14 (BMS)
- The Beginning of the End Arrange ~ from FF Type-0 (BMS)
- The Rebel Army Arrange ~ from FF2 (BMS)
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
- Dare to Defy (BMS)
Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia
- Spark (BMS)
Final Fantasy Record Keeper
- Battle at the Big Bridge FFRK Arrange 2 ~ from FF5 (BMS)
- Blinded by Light FFRK Arrange ~ from FF13 (BMS)
- Chaos Shrine FFRK Arrange ~ from FF1 (BMS)
- Crazy Motorcycle FFRK Arrange ~ from FF7 (BMS)
- Stand Your Ground FFRK Arrange ~ from FF15 (BMS)
- The Decisive Battle FFRK Arrange ~ from FF6 (BMS)
- The Man with the Machine Gun FFRK Arrange ~ from FF8 (BMS)
- Utakata FFRK Arrange ~ from FF Type-0 (BMS)
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy
- Battle at the Big Bridge TFF Menu Vers. ~ from FF5 (BMS)
- Chaos Shrine TFF Menu Vers. ~ from FF1 (BMS)
- Return of the Warrior TFF Menu Vers. ~ from FF3 (BMS)
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call
- Attack Team TFFCC Menu Vers. from FFT (BMS)
- TFF Curtain Call Special Arrange Medley (EMS)
- TFF Curtain Call Special Arrange Medley Long Vers. (BMS)
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy All-Star Carnival
- Ahead on our Way TFFAC Vers. ~ from FF5 (BMS)
- Battle at the Big Bridge TFFAC Vers. ~ from FF5 (BMS)
- Fight With Seymour TFFAC Vers. ~ from FF10
- J-E-N-O-V-A TFFAC Vers. ~ from FF7
- Locke’s Theme TFFAC Vers. ~ from FF6 (BMS)
- Matoya’s Cave TFFAC Vers. ~ from FF1 (FMS)
- Prelude TFFAC Menu Vers. ~ from FF1 (FMS)
- Special Arrange Medley TFFAC Vers. (BMS)
- The Red Wings TFFAC Vers. ~ from FF4 (FMS)
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Final Bar Line
- FF7 Special Arrange Medley (BMS)
- Final Bar Line Special Battle Arrange Medley (BMS)
Final Fantasy Tribute – Thanks –
- Opening Theme (BMS)
Bra*Bra Final Fantasy Brass de Bravo 1 & 2
- Battle at the Big Bridge (BMS)
- FF Medley (FMS)
- FF Moogles’ Theme (FMS)
- Mambo de Chocobo (FMS)
Эксклюзивные треки цифрового делюкс-издания:
- FF1 Battle Scene 2 ~ Modulation FF Arrangement (BMS)
- FF3 Zephyr Memories ~ Legend of the Eternal Wind (FMS)
- FF3 Sailing Enterprise The Invincible ~ SQ Chips Vers. (FMS)
- FF5 Clash on the Big Bridge ~ The Black Mages Vers. (BMS)
- FF5 Clash on the Big Bridge ~ Modulation FF Arrangement (BMS)
- FF6 Decisive Battle ~ Acoustic Arrangements Vers. (BMS)
- FF7 Cosmo Canyon ~ Collabo Arrange (FMS)
- FF7 Aerith’s Theme ~ Collabo Arrange
- FF8 Eyes on Me (FMS)
- FF9 You’re Not ALone ~ Battle SQ Vers.
- FF9 Melodies of Life (FMS)
- FF10 To Zanarkand (FMS)
- FF10 The Skies Above ~ The Black Mages Vers. (BMS)
- FF10-2 Eternity ~ Memory of Lightwaves (FMS)
- FF11 Distant Worlds (FMS)
- FF11 Fighters of the Crystal ~ The Star Onions Vers.
- FF12 Kiss Me Goodbye (FMS)
- FF13 Hope ~ Symphonic Poem Vers.
- FF13 Eternal Love (FMS)
- FF13 Blinded By Light ~ SE Jazz Vers.
- Crystal Chronicles Kaze no ne (FMS)
- FF14 Heavensward Rise ~ The Primals (BMS)
- FF14 Shadowbringers A Long Fall ~ Scions & Sinners Arrangement Vers.
Season Pass 1:
SaGa Volume 1 (16 февраля 2023)
- Enraged Battle (FF Legend)
- Struggle to the Death (FF Legend 2)
- The Conflict (Romancing SaGa)
- Horrible SHadow (Romancing SaGa)
- Beat Them Up! (Romancing SaGa)
- Coup de Grace (Romancing SaGa)
- Ardent Rhythm/Passionate Rhythm (Romancing SaGa ~ Minstrel Song)
Live A Live (1 марта 2023)
- Megalomania
- Live A Live
- Birds Fly, Fish Swim
- Go! Go! Steel Titan!
The World Ends With You (15 марта 2023)
- World is Yours (Neo TWEWY)
- Your Ocean (Neo TWEWY)
- Breaking Free (Neo TWEWY)
- Twister (TWEWY)
- Calling (TWEWY)
- Someday (TWEWY)
Nier Automata (29 марта 2023)
- Dependent Weakling
- Weight of the World
- Amusement Park
- A Beautiful Song
- Emil’s Shop
SaGa Volume 2 (12 апреля 2023)
- The Celestial Protectors (SaGa Scarlet Grace: Ambition)
- Battle 4 (SaGa Frontier)
- Alone (SaGa Frontier)
- Battle 5 (SaGa Frontier)
- Last Battle ~ T260G (SaGa Frontier)
- Feldschlacht III (SaGa Frontier 2)
- Misgestalt (SaGa Frontier 2)
- Battle Theme 1 (Unlimited SaGa)
Season Pass 2:
NieR Gestalt/Replicant (26 апреля 2023)
- Fleeting Worlds/Outsider
- Song of the Ancients – Fate
- Hill of Radiant Winds
- Kaine/Salvation
- Song of the Ancients/Devola
- Shadowlord
Chrono Trigger и Cross Volume 1 (17 мая 2023)
- Wings that Cross Time (Chrono Trigger)
- Chrono Trigger (Chrono Trigger)
- Boss Battle 2 (Chrono Trigger)
- Battle with Magus (Chrono Trigger)
- Corridors of Time (Chrono Trigger)
- Radical Dreamers – Le Tresor Interdit (Chrono Cross)
Chrono Trigger и Cross Volume 2 (7 июня 2023)
- Robo’s Theme (Chrono Trigger)
- Wind Scene (Chrono Trigger)
- Frog’s Theme (Chrono Trigger)
- World Revolution (Chrono Trigger)
- To Far Away Times (Chrono Trigger)
- Scars of Time (Chrono Chross)
Mana Volume 1 (28 июня 2023)
- Nuclear Fusion (Trials of Mana)
- Sacrifice Part 3 (Trials of Mana)
- Swivel (Trials of Mana)
- Powell (Trials of Mana)
- Meridian Child (Trials of Mana)
- In Search of the Sword of Mana (Sword of Mana)
- Battle 2 (Sword of Mana)
Octopath Traveler (19 июня 2023)
- Battle at Journey’s End
- Primrose, the Dancer
- Daughter of the Dark God
- Main Theme
- Decisive Battle 2
Season Pass 3:
SaGa Volume 3 (9 августа 2023)
- Even Higher (Romancing SaGa re;universe)
- Title Screen (Romancing SaGa 2)
- Encounter with the Seven Heroes (Romancing SaGa 2)
- The Ultimate Confrontation (Romancing SaGa 2)
- Four Sinistrals Battle 1 (Romancing SaGa 3)
- Four Sinistrals Battle 2 (Romancing SaGa 3)
- The Ultimate Confrontation (Romancing SaGa 3)
Mana Volume 2 (30 августа 2023)
- Darkness Nova (Legend of Mana)
- Bejeweled City in Ruins (Legend of Mana)
- Hometown of Domina (Legend of Mana)
- Meridian Dance (Secret of Mana)
- nto the Thick of It (Secret of Mana)
- Danger (Secret of Mana)
Xenogears (20 сентября 2023)
- Blazing Knights
- Soaring
- Awakening