Еще одно весьма популярное выражение у нейтивов, и значительно менее популярное у русскоязычных переводчиков.
Переводчики обычно используют выражение типа "in the middle of" или "something like / a sort of".
Показываю на примерах, как изящно смотрится MIDWAY в разных смыслах:
✒️ ИТ
• With respect to structure, columnar is about MIDWAY BETWEEN relational and key-value.
• ... if a number is MIDWAY BETWEEN two integers, then the even integer is returned ...
• Imagine if a failure happens MIDWAY BETWEEN the database being updated and the notification being sent.
• The femoral pulse is located deep, below the inguinal ligament, approximately MIDWAY BETWEEN the symphysis pubis and iliac spine.
• Therapeutic cancer vaccines: at MIDWAY BETWEEN immunology and pharmacology.
• Thus, its effect on conduction velocity is MIDWAY BETWEEN drugs in Class IB and IC.
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