Одна из любимых фразочек ИТ-шных авторов — смысл вроде и так понятен: "За все нужно платить", "Чудес не бывает", "Бесплатный сыр — только в мышеловке".
В мультитране зачем-то дают длинный и неудобный вариант - "There is no such thing as a free lunch", в книгах пишут короче — просто "... no free lunch".
✒️ Примеры:
• Your code becomes easier to read because types also describe the intention behind the data. On the other hand, we all know that there is NO FREE LUNCH. What’s the catch here?
• This trade-off is the “NO FREE LUNCH” of machine learning because you’re able to sacrifice the fraction of instances that you classify correctly for more certainty that you’re correct, and vice versa, depending on your choice of the probability threshold parameter.
• Examining application content is NO FREE LUNCH. First, the packets may need to be assembled to restore the application content for examination. Second, ... .
• Just like a doctor, lawyer, or other professional, experts in the automotive arena will tell you that there is NO FREE LUNCH.
• Once again, the "NO FREE LUNCH" rule applies here since 5 GHz has a shorter range than the 2.4 GHz standards.
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