Пассив уместно оставлять в таких ситуациях:
1. Если подлежащее в пределах абзаца не меняется, то в некоторых предложениях этого абзаца вполне можно использовать пассив.
Supernovae deposit enormous amounts of energy into their surroundings. They play a key role in the heating of their host galaxies and in the enrichment of the interstellar medium with heavy elements that form the building blocks of life. They have been well studied at radio, X-ray, infrared, and optical wavelengths, yet the actual explosion mechanism is not well understood.
2. Если какой-то важный смысл нужно поместить в начало предложения.
The fundamental constant regulating all microscopic electronic phenomena, from atomic physics to quantum electrodynamics, is the fine-structure constant α. Experimentally, the current value α = 1/(137.03602 ± 0.00021) is one of the best determined numbers in physics. Theoretically, the reason why nature selects this particular numerical value has remained a mystery, and has provoked much interesting speculation. The speculations may be divided roughly into three general types.
3. Если важно само действие, а не тот, кто его совершал.
Samples were cooled on ice, returned to Arizona State University, and frozen until used.
По материалам книги: Writing Science in Plain English (Anne E. Greene)
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