What is ethics in general? Does a modern man need it? And does posthuman need ethics? Ethics is, one might say, a branch of philosophy. Whilst another branch of philosophy – ontology – deals with a very specific question – «who am I? (if there is any «I»)»? the subject of ethics is somewhat more difficult to determine. At first glance, ethics is trying to answer the question «how to live?». But this question seems incomplete. Probably, it should be expanded somewhat: «how to live right?». Or «how to live well?». Or maybe «how to live naturally?». Such additions repeatedly complicate the problem of even the subject of ethics, not to mention the ways to solve it, because «correctness», «goodness» and «naturalness» are almost metaphysical categories.
In modern Russian, the words "ethics" and "morality" are often used as more or less close in meaning. Only in the special meaning of the word "ethics", is there philosophical knowledge about morals, or morality. But the word "ethics" is also widely used in other meanings. For example, ethics may refer to the principles of the right way to live, or the behavior in which those principles are embodied. The word "ethics" may also refer to the rationalized side of morality-the rationale for norms, evaluations, sanctions, decisions, motives, etc., and even more broadly, the rationale for perceptions that express a broader normative and cultural content. The word "ethics" can also be used in relation to private behavioral practices, thus providing a basis for assessing their moral requirements. Ethics refers to this experience of moderation in human coexistence and to an awareness of the limits that must not be exceeded to make it possible. Naturally, the limit has not always been held in the same place, and the awareness has not remained unchanged throughout history.
I suppose that there is no a certain correct philosophical meaning of the word "ethics" and that there are misuses of the word that are resorted to by people who are not sufficiently familiar with philosophy. Among philosophers, too, one can find different understandings of the word, and they develop them conceptually and consistently. These differences are due both to the peculiarities of the language in which philosophers think and express their thoughts, and to their personal experience of reflecting on the practice of human relationships, human assimilation of culture, his self-assertion as a person and, therefore, a subject of morality.
It is important to note that there is no "manifesto" for the ethics that spells out all the changes that the 21st century dictates, so it is necessary to dive into discussions that will allow us to trace the general trends of contemporary ethics.
example 1. New reproductive technologies. Advances in modern biology and medicine have made it possible to ensure fertilization, preservation of the fetus and its nurturance, including with the help of a surrogate mother. Thanks to these technologies, many couples are able to give birth to a new life and find the happiness of parenthood. However, the new reproductive technologies have their own risks. For example, during "test-tube" fertilization, several eggs are inseminated and the embryos obtained at the stage of several cells are cytologically analyzed for malformations. The embryo that passes all the tests is transplanted into the uterus. The question is what to do with the rest - are they treated as germ cells or as human embryos? The question itself assumes that human embryos are not just "biological material," they may have certain rights, most notably the right to life, which must be secured by society. In all societies where such technologies are being used, and where they are already in use, there is a public debate about their legitimacy and ethical permissibility. Social disagreements that arise can be resolved by discursive-practical means. Depending on the ethical regime established in a particular society (liberal - democratic, authoritarian, communitarian or conservative - traditionalist1), different socio-ethical, political-legal methods may be appropriate.
example 2. The development of environmental ethics has been mediated by the emergence of a new worldview of values. In the new worldview, the human being is no longer seen as the only being whose interests should be privileged, who exclusively possesses intrinsic value or value in and of itself. Man is seen as a member of the broader community of living beings inhabiting planet Earth. The general theoretical problem of value has become relevant for environmental ethics because of the fundamental debates in environmental ethics about the worldview foundations of the relationship to nature, natural objects and natural beings (by "natural beings" we mean any living organism): whether they represent relative value, that is, whether they are valuable to someone else, such as to humans, or whether they represent value in and of themselves. The causes and challenges associated with environmental issues are multiple and complex. Efforts to fashion effective and sustainable solutions that neither repeat nor exacerbate the mistakes of the past would be aided by a clear understanding of the relevant ethical principles and a renewed appreciation of the interrelationships between humanity and the rest of the environment.
It is important to note here that, in general, the ethical problematization that forms the current context of both debate and research in applied ethics points to a potential demand for the project-oriented potential of applied ethics in the not-too-distant future.
In my opinion, ethics is more relevant today than ever. This is, without exaggeration, a matter of survival of our species and maybe the entire biosphere. How to live under conditions of an unprecedented increase in population density? How to feed this population? How to deal with the rapid oppression of the environment and its preservation? Probably, contemporaries of any epoch considered their time to be especially important, revolutionary. Also, i believe (probably naively) that the point of no return falls precisely at
the time of our active life, or on the period immediately following it. And just what humanity will now consider right, good, and natural will determine the fate of our amazing, magnificent, and unique Planet.