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Native-Like Fluency in English

5 levels of Clarity and how to practice each

How do you connect your ideas in English to achieve clarity, consistency, and flow? The full audio is available in the Community of Practice

I identify 5 levels of Clarity, and I need to master all of them to tell better stories and communicate with more clarity.


1. Precise wording. Instead of 10 similar words, I need one precise word for what I mean to say.

Instead of ❌"We had something with meat on grill"

I wanna say ✅"We had grilled chicken skewers".

2. Strong verbs and adjectives. See my previous posts with exercises to practice using better verbs.

Instead of ❌"I said to him that my boss had said we all need to be at the meeting",

I wanna rather say ✅"I repeated to him that the boss had reminded all of us to show up at the meeting" This is more precise and more clear.

3. Structure. I can't demonstrate this one in just one sentence. By "structure" I mean sentence structure (I posted examples of run-on sentences earlier), paragraph structure, the structure of answering important questions and delivering ideas (for example, job interview questions and business presentations). Join the space SPRINTs! in our Community to SEE how people work in structure. You wanna see it and try for yourself.

4. Connecting your ideas. That's what this post is about. Listen to the whole message and do the exercise in our Community of Practice. The post is Public.

5. Intonations. Probably, the most difficult level for non-native speakers. You need to understand the rhythm of English, the attitude, the chunks, the pauses , and the intentions... In the SPRINT! Clarity. Level #5. Intonations we learned the exercises to understand other people's intentions as well as communicate our own with clarity and kindness.

Practice telling stories in English out loud to see if you can connect your ideas. record yourself to give yourself feedback. Don't be afraid to iterate and record again. When you practice storytelling in English only in your head, you hinder your own progress because you aren't in touch with the reality.

The SPRINT! Clarity. Level #4. Connecting your ideas and the SPRINT! Clarity. Level #5. Intonations took place in May 2022, but you still can work on your own, watch replays and get individual feedback. Join any of the SPRINTs! above or purchase all of them in one bundle.

If you already speak good English but your goal is Native-Like fluency, you’re welcome to join our Community of Practice and connect with other curious and daring learners. Unlock dozens of creative exercises that focus on developing cognitive skills in a foreign language and help you build a deliberate practice routine to attain better fluency. No credit card is required to begin. Start your free trial today

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