Esso is a small village in the northern part of Kamchatka, 520 km from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, on the banks of the Bystraya River.
This city is suitable for those people who like to trek among the wild. There are many hiking trails, Bystrinsky National Park, where you can ride horses and dog sleds. This quiet town with wooden cottages, known as “Kamchatka Switzerland”. You can enjoy the breathtaking view.
The main attraction of Esso is a huge outdoor pool right in the middle of the village, where water is supplied from hot springs. The village is surrounded by taiga. The city has a small but interesting Bear Museum. This animal is the owner of Kamchatka. There is a stuffed bear in the room. The bear as an animal is very respected here. There are also pictures of a bear's footprint, a lot of various products. There are books, albums, and even videos about bears that you can watch. In the ethnographic museum you can learn about the rituals and traditions of the people, see examples the art of Kamchatka masters. These products are made of bone, wood. Souvenirs are also sold here.
In winter, a lot of people come from the surrounding area, many events are held. Many travelers come for hiking and climbing - you can climb the extinct volcano Olengende (height 2 km), Alney - the top of the Sredinny Range (2600 m), admire the mountain lakes Ikar and Galyamiki, conquer Plosky Tolbachik (3682 m above sea level).
How to get to this astonishing place? This will be very problematic. Ticket prices change depending on the time of the year. Now there is a significant increase, the price can increase to 100,000 rubles, you should get to know it beforehand. From Moscow you can fly to Petropavlsk by plane for 9 hours (the fare will be 17,000 rubles), then get to Esso by bus for 10 hours with stops (3,000 rubles). Staying at the hotel will cost 2000 per night. You should also think about the cost of food and visits to museums.