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Native-Like Fluency in English

Are you living your life to the fullest? A TikTok reflection that I had to share

"I was on TikTok recently when I came across a video that criticized the repetitive nature of life. We all just “wake up, eat, go to school, come home, watch TV, do your homework, go to bed, and do it all again.” This, to the TikToker, is supposed to be a bad thing. Another TikToker named Lydia responded to this video by saying:

I see videos like these a lot on TikTok, of people criticizing the repetitive nature of life, perpetuating the fallacy that if you do the same thing every day you’re not living your ‘fullest life.’ And they fail to acknowledge that growth often requires repetition. There is such a paradox on TikTok where I’ll see a video like the one I just stitched of someone saying, “We’re trapped in a cycle, we do the same thing every day,” and the next video will be a crazy talented artist making an incredible piece of art. And the reality is that that artist only became an amazing artist because they did it every day. There’s a competing narrative that we only grow from short-term, exciting experiences like going to new places and doing wild things there. And I’ve had some incredible experiences in my travels, but when I look back on my life so far, I see that I define myself not by the time I did shrooms in the Dominican Republic with a random group of middle-aged Europeans, but by the periods of my life where I was doing the same thing every day. We should romanticize repetition in our life because repetition is a huge part of how we grow, so when we romanticize repetition, we ultimately romanticize who we become."

From someone's blog post