Vitamin A (retinol) - one of the most important vitamins for humans, belongs to the fat-soluble group.
Benefits of vitamin A: 1) Improves vision, namely photoreception, since retinol is necessary for the synthesis of visual pigment in the retina. 2) Essential for the formation of bone tissue. 3) It is necessary for the immune system, as it is responsible for increasing the barrier function of the mucous membranes, increasing the phagocytic activity of leukocytes and many other nonspecific factors. 4) It is necessary for the skin, namely, it restores the epithelial tissue, therefore vitamin A is included in the complex nutrition for almost all skin diseases. Vitamin A also accelerates skin regeneration in case of wounds and burns 5) It is necessary for spermatogenesis, therefore, in order to avoid problems with potency, men should definitely include foods rich in vitamin A.
Vitamin A-rich foods: carrots, pumpkin, green onions, parsley, apricots, apples, peppers, broccoli, spinach, melon, watermelon, fish oil, liver, butter, egg yolk, etc.
How should I eat foods rich in vitamin A ?! Since vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, fats are needed to assimilate it !!! Therefore, if you eat raw carrots, then you will not receive vitamin A in full, and if you prepare a salad of carrots with any fatty dressing, for example, sour cream, butter, then vitamin A will be absorbed completely.
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