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How to choose a weight control board?

Last year, the State Duma adopted a bill prescribing to equip all automatic weight control points with special displays. How to choose an LED weight control board? Thinking that this is just an LED display that can be connected to weighing equipment is a mistake. The weight display is significantly different from a conventional LED screen, moreover, for its correct operation, a specially developed software is required.

What is the difference between a weight control board and an outdoor LED screen?

  • Weight control boards must comply with the requirements of the standards. For example, the information on the display must be clearly distinguishable from a certain distance, which means that only LEDs with a brightness not lower than a certain indicator can be used for production.
  • To ensure high reliability of the scoreboard in DzhTi Lite, DIP modules or premium SMD modules are used. Standard SMD modules, from which most of the screens are assembled, do not work out in harsh road conditions, and their brightness is usually lower.
  • Fixation of the LED modules of the display is carried out with screws. The traditional for screens fastening on magnets for weighing boards is not suitable, since it cannot guarantee the reliability of fastening of individual elements.
  • To facilitate the maintenance of the equipment, we use technology that makes it easy to replace broken rooms, which is especially important, for example, in winter, when every minute on the aerial platform in frosty weather, this is not only a delay in traffic on the track, but also a risk for a specialist. performing repairs.
  • The set of equipment for weighing control panels includes a brightness sensor, protection against lightning during a thunderstorm, a voltage stabilizer to protect against sudden surges typical of remote routes, as well as boards that provide feedback for monitoring the status of the display.

Among other things, the most reliable power supplies (usually Meanwell) are used for the production of weighing boards, high quality cables and loops are selected, as well as external power and low-current connectors with plugs or Powercon.


What does the weight control board show?

The scoreboard of the weight control point can broadcast various information. There are 2 basic states of the scoreboard:

  • If there are no violations, a corresponding message is displayed on the scoreboard. Also, JIT Lite specialists can program the system so that other messages are displayed on the display. For example, warning information (worsening weather, ice, increased wind and other meteorological data), recommendations for speed limits, etc.
  • When registering a violation, a message about the type of violation (excess of the total weight or excess of the load on a separate axle for "long vehicles", or excess of the overall characteristics) is displayed on the board, as well as the license plate of the vehicle or information about its absence (if the camera failed to register the license plate)

Weight control board software

GT Light has its own programming department, whose specialists have already developed several ready-made solutions for weight control points. In addition, we are ready to create software according to an individual technical assignment for the implementation of certain functionality required by the customer.

The standard software system for a weighing point consists of 2 programs:

  • software part for the display of variable information, running on Linux (in automatic mode);
  • the software part for the administrator (operator) that receives data from the first program (runs on Windows).

Features of PROGRAM # 1

  • Receiving and analyzing data from weighing equipment for violations and displaying information on the display in the required format according to the algorithm specified by the customer.
  • Analysis of violations in several directions: total weight, load on each axle, dimensions, readability of the license plate, speed above the set minimum for correct weighing.
  • Recording events in a log file, as well as measurement results for a set number of days.
  • Feedback to program # 2 on received requests.
  • Broadcasting of programmed messages in the absence of violations.
  • Creation and sending to the operator of screenshots of the TPI state for operational control of its state.

Features of PROGRAM # 2

  • Simultaneous work under the control of several operators from several control computers.
  • Remote reading and display of the status of all TPIs in the system.
  • Starting and stopping the processing of files coming from the automated point of weight and size control.
  • Selects the parameters by which the regulatory compliance analysis is performed.
  • Setting the time for displaying information about violations.
  • Uploading files with measurement results for a certain period of time.

This is just a short list of features in basic mode. Each program is optimized for the particularities of the weighing point and the needs of the customer. It is possible to integrate the scoreboard with road weather stations and other equipment in the "Smart Road" system complex.

The software from GTLite for weight control points is adapted for all popular brands of weighing equipment.


More information about equipping weight control points and developing software for them on our website: www.gtlamp.ru. Also subscribe to our instagram account.