Good morning, мой читатель. Наверняка вы уже слышали о таких тестах на знание языка как IELTS. Я не хочу рассказывать из чего они состоят, как их сдавать. Этой информации полно на просторах интернета. С сегодняшнего дня я буду выкладывать примеры письменных работ, чтобы вы обогащали свой словарный запас, а главное, смогли сравнить свои работы и улучшить их. Начнем-с!
Пример ответа на вопрос теста от 24 июля 2021г.pi
Some people think that there should be a complete ban on all forms of advertising.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Вопрос звучал так: Некоторые думают, что должен быть полный запрет на все виды рекламы. В какой степени вы согласны или не согласны?
There are those who have suggested the possibility of totally banning all advertising. In my opinion, though this would seemingly improve society, the actual impact would be to imperil the global economy.
Supporters of a prohibition argue the injurious impact of advertising on human society and health. On the most superficial level, advertising is distracting. Individuals must strive to avoid ads on television, online, on billboards, and in magazines. All this can contribute to the anxiety and declining mental health that characterizes modern man. Beyond this, advertising has a pernicious impact on the how the world operates. Corporations and entire national economies are structured around an ideal of continual consumption that not only harms the environment but also transforms individuals into a means for a financial end.
Nonetheless, actually banning advertising would disrupt the global financial system. Nearly every nation and economy depends on advertising as the foundation of a capitalist system. Some of the largest companies in the world, including Facebook and Google, generate the vast majority of their revenue from targeted marketing and their dissolution would have ramifications across a range of industries. The implications could also become deeper. If individuals and companies no longer had the ability to advertise products and services, they would likely lose the motivation to innovate. Over time, this could result in stifling progress in major fields ranging from medicine and internet technology to entertainment and the sciences more generally.
In conclusion, despite the negative effects of advertising on human society, it is an important catalyst for growth in the modern world. Advertisements should be regulated but not eliminated entirely.
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